Gemini is the month for meeting our spiritual twins:
Once upon a time a traveller came upon a beggar sitting on a rock on the out skirts of a town.
Rosada, EXT 2340
"Greetings, Grandfather!" The traveller began, "pray tell, what sort of a town is this and what kinds of people live here?"
Replied the old man, "First tell me a little about yourself, young fellow. What sort of town do you come from and what sort of people lived there?"
"Oh I'm leaving a perfectly awful place," said the traveller with a shudder. "The town was filled with drunkards and thieves."
"Ah," sighed the old soul, "This I was afraid of. Sadly I must tell you, you'll likely find the same sort living here."
The traveller went on into the town with a heavy heart and found that, alas, it was just as the old man said.
Not long after this, a second wayfarer came up the road and he too had a question.
"Hello Grandfather," cried the stranger. "Can you tell me what sort of town this is and what kinds of people live here?'
The old man answered as he had with the first, "Where are you coming from and what sort of people lived in that town?"
"I've just come from visiting a wonderful place," this fellow exclaimed. "The town was filled with helpful, loving souls, the best you've ever laid eyes on."
"Indeed," remarked the old man. "Well I'm happy to tell you that's just the sort of folks you'll meet here too!"
The young man smiled and went on into the town and sure enough those were exactly the sort of folks he met.
Moral of the story: June is the month to meet 'n' greet and repeat: "I always connect with the best people!"
June 3rd will the new moon will be in airy Gemini. This effervescent combination of the water and air makes sparkling champagne = June is the perfect time for delightful wit and flirtation. Exerting yourself to make social contacts and business appointments in a vivacious and animated way is totally appropriate (of course you can add a bit of tact and diplomacy ;-)
One catch:
This year the June moon will be ECLIPSING the sun. Emotions therefore may be overpowering calmer judgement, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're looking to let out your inner party animal. On the international scene however, arrogant rulers (the sun) who have out stayed their welcome may be forced off stage by public protests (the moon rules the masses). The bubbly could fizz over and go flat!
But for most of us commoners, this month of June is the time to shake things up a bit. Wear some color, speak out! Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, and now is the time to prove it. So few people now days are willing to exert themselves in an out going lively way. Dress up, make it a party! The Universe will thank you.
Along with the eclipse we also need to consider the placement of Uranus moving up to square Pluto. The issues they are bringing to the surface have to do with a growing conflict over change. Uranus - the planet of restlessness and dissatisfaction with the status quo - has entered Aries encouraging the desire to move beyond personal limits but Pluto the dark planet is stirring up fears about escaping from safe comfortable ruts. On a personal level this should alert you to CONSIDER WHERE PROJECTS NEED CHANGE OR MODIFICATION this month to produce a stable growth foundation.
Finally, Jupiter will be exiting Aries June 5th and wont be back here again for YEARS. Please take advantage of this opportune time to dream big, set forth boldly and energetically follow your passions.
And of course give me a call or shoot me an email. I will answer as many questions as I have time for here on this blog.
I always hear from the best people!
Rosada, EXT 2340