Monday, December 26, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn - Rules and Resolutions

New Moon in Capricorn happening just after midnight December 29.

Capricorn is the sign ruling structures and organization so it seems quite fitting that we make our New Year's resolutions when the Sun is here each year. The energy implies starting at the bottom and with care and perseverance, ultimately arriving at the absolute top! So don't be shy about recognizing your flaws and imperfections now, the more realistic you are at this time the more you will receive the help you need. And of course the more clear you are about your goals the more easily you will recognize the help being offered.

Capricorn rules the skeletal structure and sometimes to move forward we need to get down to the bare bones. This means clearing out the old before bringing in anything new. A good place to start is the refrigerator. Throw out everything you aren't going to eat by the end of the year. This may include tossing some half filled salad dressing bottles that could still be good for another 6 months but if you start questioning and second guessing whether to hang on to them a little bit longer you'll end up keeping everything and BE STUCK FOR ANOTHER YEAR! So be ruthless. You should always feed yourself the very best, the very freshest food you can manifest. The quality of food you eat sets the tone for the quality of everything else you attract, including love and money.

This is also the ideal time to get some body work done like a facial that deeply cleans the gunk out of your pores and a massage that awakens your chakras. You deserve it!

Uranus has been retrograde since June and will be turning direct in Aries on Thursday too. The planet of freedom and independence coming out in the open now resonates with all of us this January as the country strives to understand just what this new political scene will open up. Mr Trump's election has brought all the hidden "politically incorrect" sentiments out in the open making it suddenly acceptable to be homophobic, racist, and even violent. Uranus in the Me First sign Aries not only underscores his "America First!" rhetoric but also on an individual level will be supporting people to put their own interests above everyone elses. Will this result in an escalation in selfish policies that trample the less fortunate in our world? Or will it trigger enlightened self interest and will we awaken in time to recognize that it is in our individual best interest to create a world that works for us all?

Perhaps this combination of the New Moon in Capricorn and Uranus turning direct  will make January the month where we recognize our flaws, admit our idiosyncrasies and then work towards improvement for all.

At this same time we also have Mars continuing in Pisces. Although there have been various attempts to derail Trump's election such as appeals to the Electoral College to cast their votes for Clinton and various lawsuits aimed at undermining his business empire, over all the protests have been tame. The fighter planet Mars in the sleepy sign of Pisces just isn't energized to do battle. In our personal lives we may also experience a desire to "make love not war" this month.

All together the planetary line up supports quiet efficiency for the next 30 days. Make your list, simplify clutter, think for yourself and don't stress.

May the new year be filled with all good things for you and your family and if there are some dark skys may the stars light your way.

Be Awesome,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, December 19, 2016

Mars into Pisces: The Magic is in the Music.

People often get confused about what the Sun represents in a chart and what Mars represents. They do have similar functions. It's helpful to think of the Sun as meaning our core intention, the mother ship, while Mars represents the space shuttle that zips around the universe doing all the things our Sun intends. Thus the Sun describes the mission, the sign Mars is in tells how it will be accomplished. For example, if a person has the Sun in Aries their strong abiding purpose is to be the first to discover new frontiers but  how will they meet this goal? Mars shows the way. If a Sun in Aries person wants to be in the lead and if their Mars is also in Aries we then know they will reach success by leaping over every obstacle to reach the finish line first. But if their Mars is in stay-put Taurus they become drawn to careers where success comes from being able to out wait the competition - like buying property and waiting for it to appreciate. Mars in Virgo assists the Aries Sun by being sure work is done perfectly and so it's important the Aries chooses a realm of activity that rewards careful attention to detail. Otherwise Aries Sun/Virgo Mars types may slip into a habit of nit-picking and trying to win by showing where the other guy broke the rules. Knowing where Mars is in your birth chart gives a great boost to knowing what kind of work you are best suited for!

Knowing where Mars is overhead in the sky right now also helps because this lets us know how the energies are flowing in the moment  so we can match our pace with the flow. Is Mars moving in a fast sign? Slow? Zig-zagging all about? If we know the sign Mars is in we know if we need speed, patience or perfection to capture the gold. Last month we had Mars in Capricorn right up until election day. Mars in Capricorn has a tendency to want to build things like a family business and the winning candidate,  the one most in sync with this pattern, was Trump, who of course is famous for being a businessman. Furthermore his many children are in line to run his businesses while he is in office. So the collective unconscious represented by Mars in Capricorn seemed to favor a family business man and thus Trump captured the honor. Of course, Hillary could be said to have been running a family business too, because of her husband having previously held the office thus making politics their family business. Furthermore as Mars in Capricorn signifies results that come from long sustained effort, this planet positioned in Capricorn could have also helped Hillary because being elected would have meant achieving her lifelong goal. However, Mars was at the very last degree of Capricorn on election day suggested there would be no further growth for old businesses. The planet was moving on the day after the election into Aquarius to energize something completely different. So Hilary's old family business of running the country would not continue and Trump, the candidate representing the new, was elected..

 Now planets in Aquarius act up in ways that are frankly unpredictable. All you can know for certain is that when planets are in the sign of the water-bearer you best be ready to think for yourself and don't count on any of the old rules to hold true. That's certainly been the mood this last month with people refusing to accept the election results. Lots of independent thinking going on out there!

Interestingly, in the month since Trump was elected the news has been riveted on reporting all of his cabinet picks . Aquarius rules friends and advisors so focusing on who that group would be was a fitting manifestation of Mars in Aquarius.

 The cabinet picks have been mostly completed now and Mars moves on into Pisces, the sign ruling those left out of the group - societies victims and forgotten ones.  Finally the headlines of the day seem at last to be leaving their obcession with Trump and focusing on Christmas, the  holiday for being conscious of those in need, a truly Piscean occupation.

Mars in Pisces can manifest in a countless number of ways. The over all theme however is one of no longer being goal oriented as we were when Mars first entered Aries. Instead success comes from going with the flow - particularly flowing with Music.

How wonderful that just as we are being urged to become more conscious of music we enter the Christmas season - the time of year when caroling and bringing out the old favorite songs is what makes the holiday magic.

So please, play lots of music this week and maybe do a little singing yourself.
The force will be with you!

Ho x 3,
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mercury in Capricorn: Read Any Good Books Lately?

Mercury rules communication and Capricorn is the sign representing high achievement. What an auspicious time to get out The Good Book and re-read the greatest story ever told!:

The Birth of Christ according to Saint Luke.

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (Because he was of the house and lineage of David.)
To be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And so she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round them; and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you:
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known to us.
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph and the babe lying in the manger.
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child.
And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
- - - - -

Oh, I hope you enjoyed that!
Very nice line up of planets tonight. The Sun is in philosophical Sagittarius making an exact trine to Uranus in miracle making Aries. Say your prayers and dream big - this line up will bring a quick and positive response.
We can also look forward to Tuesday December 13 when a full Moon in Gemini and then a trine to Mars in Aquarius makes for a high energy afternoon and evening. If you've been slow to get into the Christmas spirit (not your fault - Saturn was conjuncting / squashing the Sun all last week) now's your chance to feel the vibe.

Mercury will be slowing down prior on Wednesday December 15 and turning retrograde next Monday, Dec.19.
Make an effort to at least get projects started before then or they may take forever to get completed!

Wishing you lots of holiday cheer and perfect parking places!


Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, December 5, 2016

Venus Into Aquarius - Your Best Christmas Ever

Venus sweeps into Aquarius on Tuesday, December 7, where she will open up the love and money vibration to guarantee what ever we give will come back tenfold.
This is one of the best of all transits for group activities or gatherings with friends. You will feel friendly toward almost everyone, and they will be friendly in return. It's a grand time to have folks in for a party or to go out with a group. You will enjoy each others company immensely!

And the benefit is not limited to activities with friends. Any situation in which you deal with many people in a group setting is favored. For example. being a part of an audience at a Christmas program, a trip to the mall or even a business meeting will give Venus an opportunity to show  us, "Everyone is beautiful in their own way."

One of the more obvious signs that you are feeling the Venus in Aquarius vibe is that you find yourself wanting to do something to help on a larger scale. You will find opportunities to contribute to Good Causes catch you eye and there couldn't be a better time to volunteer. You will be able to recognize that we are indeed all one.

Relationships benefit from Venus in Aquarius by bringing us lovers who can also be our best friends. Many times in relationships we conceal our true identity - we pretend we love sushi or swear our partner's new haircut doesn't look ridiculous in order to avoid hurting feelings. Aquarius is the sign that demands truth and rules accidents so concealed realities tend to come out in the open in surprising and upsetting ways. Fortunately, with Venus here we can know it's safe to express ourselves and indeed many unexpected rewards come now from loving outside the box.

Venus will be in Aquarius through the first week of January so New Year's Eve parties will benefit too.

On a more somber note, the Sun will conjunct Saturn on Thursday, December 10.  As the Sun rules self expression and Saturn is all about what's real, if we haven't been taking good care of ourselves this line up could bring some harsh realities to light. It may manifest as something as simple as realizing we have to stick to our budget. Or Saturn may bring more profound insights making us unable to ignore difficult truths about jobs or love affairs that have gone on too long. The point is, when Saturn is involved we mustn't over do, we have to stop and bring things up to date. So expect some delays and meanwhile do what ever you can to fulfill old commitments. Saturn rules debts and he wont give anymore opportunities till the old promises are handled. Once you do, Sun conjunct Saturn can make you aware of some very real new opportunities.

Santa Claus is coming...

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Moon Squaring Neptune - Scandal Not Just a T.V. Show Anymore

The New Moon in Sagittarius coming up here on Tuesday, November 29, will be squaring the lies and deception planet and bringing out the worst of Neptune's energies through out the month. We can expect to hear a lot about the election and possibilities of voter fraud in the weeks ahead. Protect yourself by not indulging in gossip. Also as you may be doing Christmas shopping be extra careful to not be be schmooozed into spending more than you should. allow plenty of time to get where you need to go - Neptune can lead to missed directions and getting lost.

If you intend to send out Christmas cards, drop them in the mailbox next weekend (Saturday December 3 - 4) when the Moon will sextile the Sun and trine Jupiter. They will then be sure to be appreciated - but since we'll still be dealing with that confusing Neptune aspect check that you've got the addresses right and the correct amount of postage!

Holidays can be a stressful time for families as we're often thrown together with people we really don't like very much. One way this difficult Neptune aspect can help us is to remind us of the power of music (ruled by Neptune) to sooth rough edges and bring people together. Also having a group activity like a jigsaw puzzle can gather all the relatives around the table in a not-too-competitive way. Still if you are feeling anxious about the upcoming inevitable reunions it can be useful to consider where this anxiety is coming from:

If you don't get along with others, it is because on some level you are afraid of them. You somehow believe they can rob you of your own identity. Remind yourself that even if your relatives don't share your views you don't have to explain yourself or try to convert them. Better to fill your mouth with cranberry sauce than with unkind words!

The truth is that if you are having trouble getting along with others you haven't yet learned to get along with yourself. We are all too hard on ourselves and thus we assume others see the worst in us too. A good exercise is to take out a slip of paper and write down ten things you like about yourself. If you can't do this in less than five minutes you have to admit you are your own worst problem! Once you finally get your ten best attributes on paper start thinking about the people in your circle. Come up with ten positives for each of them too. This may really be a struggle but I promise you it will be worth it. Review this list frequently and by the time you actually have to see them you will be amazed at how much more pleasant the visit turns out to be.

Make the list, even if you have to make up a bunch of phony stuff to get to ten. After all, a little fantasy could be using Neptune's trickery in a good way ;-)

Checking it twice,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sharing The Secret - Now More Than Ever

If you are interested enough in astrology and the world of psychics to be reading this blog I am sure you have seen The Secret, but again if you are like me you probably haven't looked at it for awhile. I had an opportunity to watch it again this morning. Wowza. Really good stuff there and so valuable in these restless times. To anchor the ideas in my own mind I thought I'd review. So in no particular order here are some of the lessons from The Secret:

The Universe is made up of energy waves. The thoughts we think create a specific energy wave and this vibration connects us with the matching energy of the Universe and the world we are thinking about manifests in our outer lives. Thoughts become things. This is known as The Law of Attraction, the universal law meaning that what we focus our attention on manifests in our lives.

How and when these ideas will manifest is determined by the intensity, the emotional feeling tone, accompanying our thought. This explains why some thoughts briefly considered and then discarded never coalesce into a physical experience - we just weren't inspired enough to bring the dream to life. This also explains why somethings we know we passionately don't want DO appear. This is because The Law of Attraction is not about what we do or don't want, it's about manifesting our inner feeling and therefore it is very important that we do not think too much about people or situations we don't like.

Now some might say to ignore what you don't like is irresponsible, that we should acknowledge injustice for example and work to correct it. This is a misunderstanding of the law. It's not that we should be uninformed or tolerate decay but there is a fine line between being informed and obsessing. Have you ever played Scrabble and seen a space where you could play a word only it's the other fellow's turn and so you are hoping he wont grab your opportunity? Do you think to yourself, "Oh please don't see that triple word score spot"? Maybe, but more likely you intuitively will yourself not to think about it. You know it's there but you intuitively know that if you think about it your opponent will some how "pick up on your thoughts" so you try to make your mind go blank. This is you using the Law of Attraction.
Likewise, we can know an injustice exists but if we become inappropriately emotional about it - especially if we stop thinking and just start yelling - we are adding fuel to the fire and actually increasing the chances the problem will continue. 

The key lesson here than is to only focus on what you do want - what makes you happy - and not to think at all about what you don't want in your life.
Where attention goes - energy flows.

How does this effect us in our political life today? I think it explains the upset in the recent election. While Trump was widely ridiculed and even hated, the attention people gave him encouraged newspapers to write more and more stories about him, he ended up getting an estimated 2 billion dollars in free advertising and ultimately he's became president elect - even though he got 2 million less votes than Hillary! And speaking of Hillary, her problem, if we apply the rules of the LOA (Law of Attraction) was that she was not able to engender a groundswell of loving support - if she had then she would have won because love dissolves hate. Instead many of her supporters were voting for her only because they disliked her less than they hated Trump. Who knows, maybe she could have won if only she could have gotten people to hate her more! (Just kidding! Love you, Hillary!)

Another important message from The Secret is the power of having An Attitude of Gratitude.
Gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation is the highest vibration we can attuned to. By counting our blessings and seeking to find something to be grateful for in every situation we are strengthening our ability to maintain connection with our greatest good even when it appears things are falling apart. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we cannot imagine what we could possibly be grateful for. If you find yourself in such a space ask for guidance. Ask, "Why am I so blessed to be in this experience?" The thought alone will raise your vibration and you will start to see things from a new perspective.

Just realized how fitting it is to be writing about these ideas with our very special holiday coming up this week, the day we actually celebrate thankfulness!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Supermoon Sunday

There are a couple of significant happenings to be aware of this week: one is about completions and the other is about waking up and new beginnings.

Tonight, Sunday, November 13 we'll be having a full moon. The Full Moon is the time when the moon has reached it's peak and now starts to wane. It symbolizes completions. This month it will be what's known as a Supermoon. This happens when we have a full Moon that is at it's point of closest approach to the Earth. It appears bigger and brighter than the average Full Moon. and thus the completions it symbolizes seem even more intense.

The Moon rules the feelings so every Full Moon signifies a time of passions reaching a peak intensity too. Hospitals and jails get an unusual number of new clients as people seem to lose control of their impulses and the emotions take over.

As this Supermoon is in Taurus confronting the already passionate Sun in Scorpio it is no surprise the demonstrations of outrage over the election results are not decreasing but increasing. After the Full Moon our calmer angels may again prevail but we will never return to the oblivious slumber so many of us enjoyed in the years before Trump because....

Neptune, the planet ruling sleep and dreams is turning direct Saturday November 19. Neptune has been retrograde since last June, creating confusion and mixed signals on an inner level which I believe was responsible for so many pollsters and astrologers - myself included - misunderstanding their intuitive guidance and wrongly predicting a win for Hillary. Neptune blurred the meaning of winning the popular vote with winning the electoral college vote. Many of us felt intuitively Hillary was the more popular candidate and assumed this meant a win but the fuzzy logic of Neptune allowed the electoral collage to give the presidency to Trump. Now Neptune is turning direct on Saturday, November 19 meaning a wake up from its five month Pisces nap. This will help us stop denying the obvious and direct us to recognize how we have been manipulated and how we must now behave in order to make our dreams of peace and universal brotherhood come true.

The good news is that Neptune rules music - the most powerful unifier there is. Songs like We Shall Overcome led to the success of the Civil Rights Movement and songs of peace can unite our country once again.

Sing with your family this week. with your friends and neighbors, and by yourself.
Music heals.

Sing your heart out, that love may come back in,
Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, November 7, 2016

Presidential Election Astrology

Who will it be? Months back I was certain a third party candidate was going to rise up and defeat both the Republican and the Democratic nominees. This was because late on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, Mars will leave conservative Capricorn and  enter Aquarius. This sign switch suggested to me that not only would the current party in power - the Democrats - NOT retain control but also because Mars in Aquarius, the sign of the outsider and the unexpected, indicates a strong possibility of someone not affiliated with either party taking office. Now, however, with Bernie Sanders having dropped out of the race and Jill Stein not gaining significant support I am reviewing my original assumptions.

On the Donald Trump side it could be that although he is the candidate of the Republican party, because he has claimed to be an "outsider" unbeholden to Washington lobbyists his candidacy could fit with the Mars-Aquarius omen. Even though his chart for Tuesday and the next few months is challenged and difficult this doesn't necessarily indicate a loss. Indeed, the job of being president of the United States has proven to be incredibly stressful causing some of us astrologers to joke that the job is so terrible that the candidate with the most unfortunate chart should win!

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton could fulfill the outsider prophecy simply because she is female.

Further astrological clues as to who will become our next president are found in the position of the Moon and the planets Venus and Mercury.

The Moon is full at the end of the week, November 13 - 14. It will be a "supermoon" meaning it will appear to be huge and powerful as it will be the closest it has been to the earth in 60 years. This suggests female energy being strong - and thus I see it as another indication of a Clinton presidency.

On Friday, November 11, Venus leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. The wild stories, lies and accusations Trump is famous for will have been reigned in and there should be a shift to more dry, practical thinking. Again, a vote for Hillary.

Finally on Saturday Mercury who has been in Scorpio digging up all sorts of hidden muck about both candidates, will be entering Sagittarius ready to communicate worldwide cheerful and optimistic good news. As up until now we have heard that other countries look at The Donald with great uneasiness, this indication that there is going to be a feeling of international approval coming on is still more support for predicting a Hillary win.

So I am changing my prediction from "Outsider" to "Hilary Clinton."

We shall see,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween - The Ancient Celebration of The Stars

Halloween, coming up Monday, October 31, is a day set aside each year to recognize the dead are still very much alive and right here with us separated only by the thinnest vail. Children dress up in costumes of all description. We'll be seeing monsters, spooks and super stars, how ever do they choose? Perhaps they are channeling some past life?  The whole holiday encourages conversation about subjects usually tabu - death and reincarnation. It's a chance for us to talk to our kids about serious subjects in a light-hearted way and gives them a chance to bravely face fears and be rewarded with candy. At our house we invite the "Trick-or-Treaters" in and ask them to do a trick before they get a treat. It's great fun!
But it wasn't always a children's celebration...

Halloween began thousands of years ago to mark the half-way point between the equinox and the winter solstice. Back then it was a Gaelic festival called Samhain.  Performers disguised in costumes known as "Mummers" put on scary skits plus there were great roaring bonfires all to mark the end of the harvest season and to prepare the community for the beginning of the darker season of winter.

We have a "darker season" coming up now too. This week also marks the end of the extra hour of light we've had since March and Daylight Savings Time. Be sure to "fall back" by setting your clock back one hour before you go to bed next Saturday night. You may also want to invest in the bachflower remedy Walnut  which is for helping to adjust to change. (Walnut is also a great help for adjusting to different time zones when you travel btw.)

Important planetary event taking place this week:
On Wednesday night Mercury will sextile Pluto and the Moon will meet up with Venus in Sagittarius making this an excellent time to launch any new project. The Moon leaves Sagittarius the next day will be a lively trine to Uranus meaning the new projects launched may go off in unanticipated directions but the fresh ideas should work out well in the end.

Also take advantage of the happy opportunities coming Friday night November 4. The Moon will then be in Capricorn sextiling the Sun in Scorpio while Venus trines Uranus altogether giving us reliable Capricorn insights to support Venus/Uranus fun new adventures.

Should be a lively week with plenty to think about other than politics!

Happy Halloween!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Teachers and Treasures

So much has been written about the up coming election that I vowed this week I'd do us all a favor and write about something else entirely!

I had no sooner made this intention when I got a phone call from a former classmate. Amber and I met when we took a course in hypnotherapy together and while I chose to pursue my interest in astrology she stayed with the program and has gone on to be a well known and highly respected therapist in Orange County. I was delighted to hear from my old friend and got her to agree to let me share some of her stories and insights here.

As you probably know, psychologists often treat their clients over a long period of time. My own sister saw a therapist weekly for seventeen years and while I think they came to feel very deeply about each other - which is very important in any healing or helping relationship. Indeed, Amber commented that it is not the knowledge that cures but the love that passes between the doctor and the patient and between the teacher and the student that heals. -"Still" I asked Amber, "if there is a problem that is blocking a person from experiencing a full rich meaningful life, shouldn't there be a more efficient way to deal with it than 17 years of talking?" Amber laughed and then launched into this amazing true life adventure tale:

"I had a client whom I'll call Jerry. Before he came to me he had been getting psychiatric care from a variety of physicians his entire adult life. He confided how at first he experienced a deep sense of relief simply from being able to express his thoughts privately to a caring non-judgemental professional. He felt being able to be his true self with out fear of being shamed was worth the price of the consultations right there. However he wanted more. He didn't want to just be reassured that his anger, failed relationships, and anxiety attacks were understandable - he wanted them to be gone, he wanted to be normal, he wanted to be happy. So after a period of time when one doctor didn't seem to make him feel any better he would try someone else and then someone else and so on..

"He didn't blame the doctors for not being able to do more for him. Indeed, he was very grateful for the deep and insightful diagnoses they would give him. In fact he admitted he was sort of flattered no one seemed able to help him, as if he was a very unique and complicated individual.

"And so he continued to seek out one therapist after another sometimes spending as much a $500 an hour to pay for the help - all the while being assured that while he was nuts [Amber's words, not the doctors'!], he was certainly getting better. Only it didn't feel that way to him. It seemed like the therapy had only made him feel more comfortable with his nuttiness - that is, jobless and unable to have relationships and basically afraid to leave the house.

"When his latest therapist announced her retirement - which Jerry saw as another failed relationship leaving him abandoned once again - she suggested he call me although I am not a therapist in the traditional sense. I practice hypnosis and I only see a client once or twice for the same issue. Not because I don't want to - but because I don't need to. So Jerry came to see me, we had three sessions and last I heard he's no longer in  any sort of therapy - he's putting his money into river rafting instead!"

Wow, I was impressed. I've known many people who have been helped with hypnosis but Amber seemed to have really refined her art into a science so I asked her what she did that made her work so successful and particularly were there any helpful ideas she could teach me and my readers?

Her first suggestion surprised me as I had never heard it before. "When ever we pay money for something or give our time and attention to something, we want it to be a wise investment. Have you ever paid to have a mechanic fix your car and then been annoyed when it turned out you spent all that money and there wasn't much wrong at all, like maybe you just needed a screw tightened? Likewise, when we see a doctor we subconsciously are wanting to be really really sick. We want to be assured that our  money was well spent, that our condition is indeed difficult and that we could not possibly have gotten better on our own. Right off the bat this mind set creates an obstacle to healing because we are thinking, 'I'm paying a lot of money - I better be sick!!' This is why I start off by telling a client I will only see him for two, maximum three sessions. This sets up a clear goal and a deadline - a powerful incentive to get better quick"

Her second suggestion also got my attention, "Often my clients have been to hypnotists before where they have been told to relax and visualize success. I tell my people to visualize death [!] I guide them to see and talk to the people they would most like to meet on the other side - usually that's a parent but sometimes it's Jesus or even their future selves. These conversations get very deep very quickly and usually result with the person getting some sort of revelation about who he is, what his life purpose is and inspire him to heal."

Her final suggestion made me laugh: "Here's a tip your readers can all try themselves at home. I give everyone a card and tell them to carry it in their wallet because it is advice more valuable than gold." And what does the card say?


Works for me - and obviously for a lot of other people too! 

Thanks Amber, you are a great teacher and a true treasure.

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bob Dylan - Gemini Sun Sextile Pluto

One of the most effective ways to learn astrology is to study the charts of well known personalities. They usually have some singularly dominant  aspect in their chart which their lives seem to have perfectly - brilliantly! - manifested. In Bob Dylan's life we have a living example of the extraordinary transformative power of Sun sextile Pluto.

Bob Dylan was born under the sign Gemini, known for being the preferred vibration of poets, messengers and short story writers. Dylan is famous for writing songs with a message. Furthermore, he has Pluto, the planet of death, re-birth and transformation - POWER! - in his solar third house, the house ruling communication and it EXACTLY sextiles his Sun, the ruler of creativity. Thus we know that here is a life that is going to epitomize the meaning of Sun sextiling third house Pluto, which is, creativity being channeled through communication in a most powerful way. Anything less would be extremely unhealthy for the individual. That is, if one one with this line up of planets is denied an outlet  for their energies - if such energies had to be suppressed and internalized - the result could be a life filled with constant unwanted upheaval and perhaps even an early death due to heart disease (the Sun rules the heart).

Fortunately for Dylan, and for the fans who love him!, he was able to follow his muse and create a life that allowed for all the transformations. In fact, isn't it interesting that one of the songs we most identify with him is his "The Times They Are a Changing"? Still we know that Dylan's life has not been an easy one. He began his career feeling completely disconnected from the status quo and this too fits with the meaning of the Sun/Pluto aspect. The isolating nature of Pluto would have almost certainly made him feel he was "a complete unknown with no direction home". The only avenue open for him was to continue on, to persevere, to write the songs, deliver the messages he had to give without any guarantee his truth would ever be recognized. And indeed, now that it has - a Nobel Prize, congratulations, Bob! - it appears he still prefers to maintain his Plutonian solitude. But "that's okay, Ma, It's life and life only!"

Now a few pointers about the aspects coming up this week we should all be aware of:

There is a full Moon today that includes a crazy opposition to Uranus in Aries. We have already seen the effects of this line up in last week's revelations about Trump as a sexual predator. Will there be even more hysterics in the days ahead? Most likely! Wednesday the Moon trines Mercury who in turn opposes Uranus so another opportunity for things we never imagined to be happening to be - well - happening..Keep your schedule flexible and as Dylan says -

May you stay forever young,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Good Vibrations part 2

I had another session with my friend who studied with the internationally renown proponent of vibratory healing, Dr. Masaru Emoto and learned more about his discoveries:

Dr Emoto first began developing his theories about water and sound when he took photos of water crystals and noticed the contrast between water from natural sources and tap water with chemical additives. The crystals formed by the water from pure sources were clear and beautiful whereas the crystals formed by tap water with chemical additives often had dark spots and breaks in them. These pictures clearly demonstrated the effects the surrounding environment had on the molecular structure of water.

Now it may not seem surprising that water from a natural spring would produce crystals appearing more healthy than the crystals produced by water polluted by chemicals so Dr. Emoto took his investigations a step further. He compared the crystals of ordinary water with water taken from the Lourdes Fountain in France which is famous for its healing properties. He discovered the water from Lourdes created an exceptionally exquisite clear geometric crystal pattern - obviously very healthy! The question then was, "Why is this water is so different from the similar - unpolluted - water in the same area? Could this have anything to do with the prayers and good vibrations people bring to it, and furthermore, could any water be made to promote healing if it were similarly exposed to prayer?

In his extensive research Dr Emoto went on to prove that water indeed responds to prayers, feelings, words and especially to music. He found that different vibrations created different patterns in the water crystals. But that's not all. He went on to consider that as the human body is about 70 percent water,  our cells might likewise be influenced by our thoughts. Furthermore, he hypothesized that when our thoughts and emotions are negative they create stressful vibrations  and much like the stressful vibrations that create breaks in the water crystals, the negativity in our body's vibration could de-harmonize the water in our cells  and eventually MAKE US SICK!  To be water crystal clear: negative thinking creates negative vibrations and these negative vibrations effect the water our cells are made up of. This is how we think ourselves into many illnesses! So please consider this: everything you think and feel is creating a frequency which is making the energy around every cell in you resonate to the same frequency and thus your thoughts are creating health or illness.  What you vibrate is what you create!

My tutor and I performed some simple but fascinating experiments that you can reproduce for yourself at home:
Dr Emoto found that by putting words on jars containing distilled water he could effect changes in the water crystals. The most beautiful and complex images came from words like "angel", "gratitude" and "love".  The words "stupid" and "hate" produced dark chaotic blurred images. So my friend and I tried putting positive words on water bottles which we sipped throughout the day (we didn't dare try the negative words!). It might have just been out own positive thinking but we both noticed some delightful coincidences and harmony happening over the next couple of hours.

 I wonder if this is why we feel good when we celebrate occasions by making a toast before drinking a glass of wine and are we raising the vibration of our food when we pray over it before dinner?

Perhaps the expression "You are what you eat" should augmented to, "You are what you think and feel while you drink!"

Bottoms up!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mars squares Jupiter and Push Comes to Shove

Mars moved out of idealistic Sagittarius last week and now is in take-practical-action Capricorn. What does this mean?  Well, from a political point of view, as Mars rules energy, this meant that when he was in philosophical Sagittarius a lot of energy was put into discussing the state of the world and the various presidential candidates' promises to improve it from a philosophical point of view. A lot of ideas got tossed around and many of them, like building a wall along the Mexican border, were blatantly impractical. Still they got a hearing because Sagittarius makes no restrictions and just likes to hear all the ideas out there. Mars has now moved into Capricorn however, so this week talk of building a wall drops off the radar screen as we feel a shift towards getting practical. Indeed, as election day comes closer and we realize that one or the other of the top candidates will actually win, the loose promises lose momentum and more and more we want to focus on facts.  (Not fact checking sites getting more hits.) Revelations come out about Trump's tax records (he didn't pay any because he'd gone bankrupt so many times) as well as whether the Cilntons stole things when they left the White House (they didn't - they took the gifts they'd been given while in office but heads of state aren't supposed to keep those gifts so they agree to pay for them). People wont settle for vague ideological sentiments now. Just the facts, Mam.

That's the big picture meaning of Mars in Sag moving into Capricorn. In our individual lives the shift from Think Ideal to Think Real is showing up with people needing to make decisions about how we walk our talk. For example I have friends who've insisted that they were going to vote for Bernie or even Jill Stein as some sort of idealistic statement. Now they say are voting for Hillary out of a practical desire to block her opponent.

 Mars' move into Capricorn isn't just showing up in politics, however. I use the election because it's a phenomenon we can all relate to but in your daily routine you can also spot Mars in Cap at work by noticing a desire to use your energy in ways that get results. No more being satisfied with wishing, dreaming and visualizing. It's time for planning, doing, and manifesting!

Which could be a bit of a problem this week because Mars is running up to a square with expansive Jupiter..

Where ever Jupiter appears he brings a sense of abundance - a euphoric feeling there's enough time, enough space, and lots of opportunity for anything to happen. Indeed, when Jupiter is active in a chart I can usually promise a caller things are going to work out better than expected. Usually... The problem this week with the Mars/Jupiter meet up is that Mars rushes into things and actually needs someone or something to block him or get him to slow down, to keep him under control (to keep him from sending out tweets at 3 a.m.!)  That's not Jupiter's forte. Indeed, Jupiter says, "Go for it!  Double your bet! Maybe you'll get lucky!"

In other words, when pushy Mars comes along Jupiter just shoves him ahead even faster! That's what's happening this week so we may hear Trump saying even more outrageous things.

In our own lives there could be some practical benefit. One common way this could manifest is you might find a sale on some product and want to stock up. If you are using good Capricorn prudence, this planetary line up could help you make some money. On the other hand. if you get swept off your feet and instead of buying only what you need you way over spend then Jupiter's helpful encouragement ain't so helpful after all.

Bottom line, opportunities are out there but if something sounds too good to be true - it probably is.

Tally Ho!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Picking Up Good Vibrations

I'm so excited to share with you a conversation I'm having with a student of Dr. Masaru Emoto about the amazing power of music and water-crystal photographs to restore well being in your body and life! This lady had been having sever stress in her life when she came across his work and now credits his ideas with what she calls a miraculous recovery. So without further ado I pass on what she told me about his work and methods...

For centuries, people have turned to classical music to calm and relax their emotions. Dr. Emoto has taken music beyond it's well known ability to sooth and harnessed it's power to actually heal.

In his book "Water Crystal Healing" he demonstrates how our cells and organs have a measurable vibration. He found that the origin of any disease is a disturbance of this vibration within the cell. Furthermore, he found that he was able to restore proper balance to these cells by introducing another vibration that would cancel out the distorting one. Results from using his techniques include; improved function of the nervous system, decreased joint and back pain, improved lymphatic and immune systems, and the release of negative emotions such as anxiety, self pity, and depression!

The way he introduces the balancing vibration is by having the subject listen to certain types of music that have been found to have the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone and melody to counter act the negative vibe and thus create healing.

Dr Emoto found composers whose works are particularly effective include the classical artists Wagner, Strauss, Tchaikovsky and Debussy. You can find these pieces on youtube and experiment for yourself:

The Blue Danube - for improved lymphatic flow.

Prelude to Act 1 from the opera Lohengrin -  for alleviating joint pain.

The Swan of Tuonela - for activating neurotransmitters.

Dialouge Du Vent et de La Mer - helps to lift depression, improve immune system.

While you can experience positive results simply listening to this music, you can further enhance the effects by meditating on photographs Dr Emoto has made of water crystals that were exposed to these pieces. These pictures are included in his book, Water Crystal Healing, available through Amazon.

It sounds to me like Dr. Emoto's unique methods are eventually going to be part of the healing of our planet. But why wait? Put on some music, pour yourself a glass of water and use his discoveries to feed your soul right now!


Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Word to The Wise is Sufficient

Some unusual and intense planetary lineups happening this week, fellow Star Gazers...

First up on Tuesday September 20 we've got Mercury making a super powerful trine to Pluto  - the planet that rules power. Ideas expressed at this time pack a punch. Align with this force by first eliminating meaningless chatter - this is definitely a less-is-more situation! - and  then speak your mind with a few carefully chosen syllables.

As Mercury rules information and Pluto rules secrets some important news will be made public. On the big screen this could mean lots of things coming to light about our presidential candidates and - as Pluto rules change and transformation - this could trigger people abandoning their political parties in favor of voting their conscience. In your personal life you may be seeing all your energy flows with more clarity - that is, you may be realizing what you need to focus on to empower your dreams and what you need to let go of. This might involve reaching out for closer contact with positive role models and also you may recognize and choose to eliminate from your circle those who are not reinforcing your best self.

Late Tuesday afternoon the Moon makes a wonderfully supportive trine to the Sun from the very last degrees of Taurus. This indicates that agreements we come to now have an excellent chance of working out as we intend. The only catch is that as Taurus is such a calm, comfortable, go with the flow, easy sort of energy we may just relax and do nothing with the opportunity. If you are able to pull yourself off the couch, at least try purchasing a few things on line before midnight. As the Sun is in Virgo clothes you order now should turn out to fit and be of decent quality.

The Sun moves into Libra on Sept.22. Libra is the sign of partnership and rewards us for coming from a place of responding rather than initiating. That is, wait to be asked before charging in with unsolicited advice. Hearing your cue should be easy however, as Libra sharpens everyone's partnership instincts.

More Sun in Libra tips:
This is the month when it's easy to bond with others so do choose your companions consciously at this time. Surround yourself with people who's ideals you admire. Beware of attracting co-dependent relationships that don't serve your best interests.

On Friday Venus leaves the comfort of her home zone in Libra and dives into intense and dramatic Scorpio. This actually could be very good for Hillary Clinton who is a Scorpio and Venus here could indicate justice and even love coming her way. As we also have a Moon opposition Pluto and square to Uranus next weekend this line up could also mean Venus digs down deep and brings out upsetting news or happenings which disrupt our routines.

All in all it's a week where playing it straight and keeping it simple will ensure we're able to navigate what are most likely going to be some pretty turbulent energy streams.

Kick up a rumpus but don't lose the compass!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dowsing Successes

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Namaste, You Say? The Magic in Mantras.

Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, August 29, 2016

Venus into Libra: It All Balances Out.

Insane line up of planets this week, Fellow Truth Seekers:
Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo telling us not to move forward with work and health issues...meaning what? Back up from plans to start new jobs? Physician heal thyself? 
 But this is completely contrary to the message of the New Moon in Virgo on Thursday, September 1 because a New Moon means this is absolutely the perfect time for launching new projects! So hold off on new beginnings or move full speed ahead?Arrugh... it's crazy making!

Well, we should probably consider that this New Moon is also going to be a Solar Eclipse and eclipses always make things a bit squirrely. so probably the best advice is to delay new beginnings this month, particularly because we're also facing a very peculiar Sun, Neptune, Saturn mix-up. The Sun stands for truth, Neptune creates deception and Saturn rules time limits. It's as if the Gods are saying, "Tell the truth right now, even if you have to make something up!"

Hmm... now that I think about it, that certainly fits in with the news story of Donald Trump getting his physician (Sun in Virgo - health issue) to sign an official document (Saturn) that we now are hearing he may not have written at all (Neptune - deception)!

Anyway, bottom line is, if you're not confused this week you just haven't been paying attention.


Venus is going into Libra Monday evening, Aug. 30.
Venus is the peace maker and ruler of the sign Libra where she will be strong and sure to get her way. Why is Venus considered to be so powerful here? Because Libra is the sign of the partner, the one who responds to what others initiate. Venus here strengthens our ability to respond to what we do want and to ignore what we don't. The tricky thing is we don't usually recognize our options and end up feeling forced to "choose" something we don't want at all simply because like the advertisement said, we didn't realize we could have had a V-8! So this month make it your intention to know you have choices. A good all purpose mantra is "I choose peace." Say this to yourself through out the day and particularly when you are uncertain. By holding this thought your unconscious will re-evaluate your situation and you'll find yourself seeing things from an altered - and improved - perspective. Plus remember, sometimes not responding, doing nothing, is the best choice of all.

A bit more about the benefits of Venus in Libra:
Basically it's a wonderful time for finding mutual understanding and creating win-win situations.  Hanging on to old hurts will slow you down. If you are part of a group, be loyal and generous, share the credit for your accomplishments, over look the faults of others, and forgive, forgive, forgive. By bringing a benefit to your friends or associates you'll find that you too are rewarded and experience that we are indeed "all one."

Good fortune lies ahead!
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter ALL in Virgo - Can This Be Healthy?

  Virgo is the sign most concerned with health and hygiene and fixing and fussing. With half the planets we look at in this part of the chart this month we're all sure to experience some sort of call to pay attention to what needs a tune up in our lives. After a summer of lazy Leo, Virgo awakens an instinctive urge to get up, shake off the sand and turn one's focus onto cleaning up our act. Let the planets help you...

 Where the Sun is tells us where we should put our primary focus, where we will get our biggest return for our efforts. On Monday August 22 The Sun will go into Virgo, the sign ruling foot soldiers and worker bees, the unsung heroes who get the job done. It's as if while in Leo the Sun put the spotlight on big names, big personalities, theatrics and circuses like political campaigns and the Olympics. Now that Sol is moving into Virgo we no longer feel to sit back and watch someone else perform - Sun in Virgo energizes our need to do things ourselves - and we want it to be something worthwhile. Vacation is over and we feel a call to stop lounging around and get back to work.

Mercury entered Virgo the beginning of the month helping to make what at any other time might have felt like tedious chores seem more enjoyable. Straightening out the files, cleaning out the sock drawer, planning and organizing all flow a bit easier when the planet ruling the mind is in the sign celebrating attention to detail.

Venus in Virgo through till August 30 adds another layer of pleasure to the work scene. Think "Office Romance" or if that isn't your thing just be aware that the planet of love in the sign of service means you should be able to easily find joy in your job and be paid well for it too. Also, as Virgo is the sign ruling health, Venus here can support you in launching an improved diet and daily routine. If you ever were thinking of spending money on a gym or a weight loss program this is the month to do it. With Venus in Virgo you'll get real value from investing in your health.

And finally Jupiter, the planet known as "The Greater Benefic" who is famous for bestowing abundance and growth, will also be in Virgo this month. However, Jupiter isn't considered to be "happy" in Virgo. The sign's obsession with perfection and detail doesn't easily express Jupiter's enthusiasm and tolerance. People may find themselves covered with a Jupitarian abundance of Virgo details needing to be taken care of. For example, on the national scene it's very fitting that Hilary's abundance of emails are in the headlines. In our personal lives we may need to be careful we don't get bogged down running errands (Jupiter rules travel but in Virgo this could mean travel for work). However, as Jupiter is considered to be one of the good guys of the zodiac we'll no doubt experience more blessings than boredom when he's around.

A couple of difficult aspects coming up this week, but if you know what to expect you should be able to handle them, no problemo:

Mars conjunct Saturn. Mars is in Sagittarius now and moving quickly to become the unstoppable force crashing into the immovable object, Saturn, also in Sag, this Wednesday. This pairing of the urge to speed and the need to go slow could cause situations where we're feeling held back or find things moving at an infuriatingly long drawn out pace. Or perhaps it is we who are procrastinating. Whatever, the meet up happens Wednesday. If you are prepared and don't rush the energies may come together and manifest in a very positive way but if you try to push the river this line up could cause stress.

Difficulties could become even more complicated as the week wears on and Neptune - the planet of lies and deception - makes a square to the Mars/Saturn smash up. Could mean dramas where we never learn the true causes. Vow that you at least are gonna be one of the good guys who stands up for honesty and patience.

The good news is everything works out well in the end. Mercury joins up with Venus late next Sunday night to put a happy spin on the week's events. Until then, keep calm and call me on!


Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, August 15, 2016

Dowsing for Miracles

We've all heard of dowsing for water:  A farmer needing a well calls on someone known as a "dowser" to locate the best place to dig. The dowser walks the property until he feels a shift in the energies which he recognizes as a sign water lies below. In addition to using his own inner knowingness, a dowser also uses tools such as a tree branch to guide him. Traditionally, he will walk holding the forked ends of the branch with the stem extended before him. When the dowser crosses over underground water the branch tilts down towards the earth as if pulled by a magnet.  This indicates the spot to dig has been found. Through out history this method for finding water has been so successful that people continue to call on dowsers to this day. Where I live in California in the back woods of Mendocino County three of our neighbors have wells they successfully built with the help of dowsers. However, today I am not writing about using dowsing to find water - although with the drought we're experiencing here perhaps I should! Today I want to share with you some of the other miraculous benefits of this technique:

Dowsing  can also be used for divination. Rather than a tree branch, when a dowser is looking for answers to questions they will use a pendulum. Pendulums can be elaborate affairs made with crystals and magnets that hang on golden chains. Metaphysical bookstores carry them but be prepared to pay the price. If you prefer to go a simpler route, a string and a paper clip will also work just as well provided the intention is strong and clear.

Once you have your pendulum you are ready to start asking your questions. Hold your pendulum suspended from your thumb, index and middle finger. You want it to swing freely without you guiding it. Now ask, "What is a YES?" The weight will swing either to the left or the right. Then ask, "What is a NO?" Amazingly, you will see the weight reverse direction. Once you can recognize a yes or no response you should then ask three ritual questions:

Can I?
Is it possible for me to get an accurate reading? Some days we're totally tuned in, some days the weather is just wrong.

 May I?
Getting and giving a reading always involves entering another's space and before charging in we need permission first.

 Should I?
 If our knowing would somehow disrupt divine intention we'll get gibrish or worse, misleading answers. Be on the safe side and ask first.

 If it's yes on all three you know you and the universal energies are in sync and you can proceed.

So what kind of questions might one ask? Really there's no limit or restrictions but some of the most delightful demonstrations I've seen of using a pendulum to get answers have been when an expectant mother wants to know if her baby will be a boy or a girl. Traditionally we make the pendulum using a ring and string - the mother's wedding ring hanging on a thread. Hold the pendulum over the mother's belly and ask, "Are you a boy or a girl?" If it's a boy it will swing back and forth in a straight line. If it is a girl it the ring will swing in a circle. This makes a great game at baby showers! 100% success rate so far!

Now there is one more use of dowsing and pendulums that I only learned recently. You can use dowsing to reverse and clear negative energies!
For example, one of my most astonishing personal experiences was when I got a call from a mother who was having all kinds of difficulty with her son.  He was rude and hurtful often for no particular reason. His disrespectful attitude had become a home wrecking habit.
I took out my pendulum, asked my three questions and was granted permission to proceed. I then asked that the boys energy and negativity be neutralized. The pendulum started swinging it in a counter clockwise motion. I continued to ask that all the resentment, anger and non-beneficial negative energy be removed, scrambled and neutralized between and surrounding the boy and his mother. Although I made no effort to move it, the pendulum continued to swing for some time  - a sign there were a lot of issues to heal! When it finally stopped I asked that this space be filled with the highest positive energy possible along with a sense of peacefulness and respect for one another past, present and future. The pendulum now commenced swinging in a clockwise direction.  It swung for a little while and came to a stop. Then the caller and I said our goodbyes. I didn't know what the results would be but it felt like something "real" had happened.

Well, long story short, the mother called again about an hour later to let me know there had been a marked improvement within minutes - in fact, neither she nor her son could even remember what the latest argument had been about! Since then I hear from this mom from time to time (long standing problems may need more than one session to completely transform). We do the ritual and she then reports improvement. It's miraculous.

Pendulum and dowsing techniques can be used to find water, lost items, answer questions, heal situations. It's a fabulous tool
Try it yourself. It may be a while before your abilities kick in but with practice you will see results.

The family that dowses together...
Lives in happy houses together!


Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Donald Trump Astrological Chart

I find myself feeling a little sorry for The Donald this week as the news has become a daily pile on of ridicule for the Republican Presidential nominee. I'm even considering putting out a call for group prayer for this man for certainly if he is indeed as messed up as the reporters and pundits are now claiming, then holding him in the light for a minute or two would be a kindly thing for all New-Agers to do. But first, in order to really tune in on this hurting soul I decided to first consider his astrological chart. It was a sobering revelation.

Donald Trump was born under a full Moon in Jamaica New York on Friday June 14, 1946. He's time of birth gives him the Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius and Leo on the ascendant. Let's see what all this means.

First of all, we look at his ascendant. Donald was born with the entertainer's sign Leo on the cusp of his first house  - meaning he's at his best putting on a show and indeed much of Trump's approval with the public comes from the name recognition he's received from his television series, The Apprentice. But he's a showman in whatever he does whether it's hosting a t.v. program or performing for crowds at his campaign rallies. The force is with him when he is being entertaining. This explains why he has been able to be a successful candidate even when he has been at his most outrageous. All that his chart requires of him is that he keep putting on a good show.

Each sign is associated with a planet and which house that ruling planet is in tells us where the energy of the sign will express itself. Donald has the sign Leo on the ascendant and Leo's planet is the Sun. The Sun in Donald's chart is in the 11th house of friends and associates in Gemini. This explains Trump's feeling that he shines out as the best in any group and indeed it explains his belief that only he can solve America's problems.

The Sun was in Gemini when Donald was born and typically for Geminis, he has made a career out of wheeling and dealing and making connections. Gemini rules writers and Trump published a very successful autobiography (ghost written) and is famous for his many tweets. Geminis are also known for taking shortcuts and saying things that may be useful or witty in the moment but are not necessarily based on fact. Indeed, Trump has gotten himself in hot water this last week particularly for making up lies about viewing videos from Iran. Someone should point out to him the full ramifications of being born under a full Moon which are that it's very hard to keep secrets under a full Moon - eventually the truth comes to light. Curiously as the various potentially damning facts do come out about Trump he seems not to be hurt or slowed down. This may be because again, he's being entertaining and that is what his soul came here to do. Thus he has not broken any of his spiritual commitments and so the slings and arrows don't seem to hit him. Heaven help him if the mob ever gets bored!

Trump has the Moon in Sagittarius, the sign ruling foreigners and religion, exactly conjunct the unfortunate south node. Much of his campaign has been about his fears of foreign countries and Muslims. Also the Moon rules women and his wife is from a foreign country.

Other interesting aspects in the chart:
Saturn, the harsh reality planet, is next to his Venus. the planet ruling love and material possessions, in the sign Cancer, the sign of home and family. Trump has been married multiple times and has many children but the Saturn influence has given him an inability to forge lasting ties with partners and so the marriages ended in divorce and the children were raised by others. However, as Saturn rules fathers and is conjunct loving Venus, his now adult children seem to have positive feelings about dear old Dad. His latest marriage may also turn out to be successful as he is old enough to be his new wife's father.

 Saturn rules that which is worn out and thus Donald's Saturn in Cancer influence also accounts for his attempts to characterize America, a Cancer country, as somehow feeble and in need of being made "great again."

 Mars, the planet of war, rules his ninth house of foreigners and is in his first house of self. Thus he honestly believes immigrants, Muslims and illegal aliens are threatening him personally.

He has Pluto, the planet ruling nuclear destruction on the cusp of the first house which explains why he thrives on attacking and never backs down. While this may be a helpful placement for him in his business negotiations it could be potentially catastrophic were he ever to actually become Commander and Chief.

So what is ahead for this B.T. Barnum act-a-like? For the past 30 years Trump has had his progressed Sun in Leo, further rewarding his out sized personality. However, this week his progressed Sun moves into the sign Virgo - the sign ruling health and attention to small details. Already we are hearing stories of his campaign being in trouble as no one seems to be taking care of the mundane essentials like printing signs and organizing volunteers. But even more telling are the reports coming out that his supporters are beginning to question his mental HEALTH! How Virgo can you get? Whether Trump really has the classic signs of a sociopathic narcissist is open to debate but I do think it's fascinating from an astrological point of view that the news stories are now spinning to portray Trump as a very sick man.

Well, as I said, I think the poor guy needs our prayers.

I'll be looking at Hilary's chart next week but I can tell you this already, it's equally troubling. We may have a third party candidate getting elected for president after all!

You read it here first,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Leo New Moon Tuesday August 2 - Fire It Up!

Needing a push to get yourself going? This week gives you a nice one starting Monday August 1 when the Sun in the fire sign Leo makes a very positive connect with Saturn, the planet of long term commitments meaning you're more likely to persevere with new projects started now. PLUS Mars, the planet ruling energy and ambition will be entering a fire sign too - Sagittarius - offering even further enthusiasm for getting endeavors launched. Venus will be leaving Leo and going on to join Mercury in Virgo at the end of the week. Take note: although the Sun is in Leo, the key sign for romance, with Venus going into worker bee mode in Virgo, the focus will be less on partnership and more on taking care of business. Keep your heart happy being your own best friend and tackle any chores that could help promote your work. Take advantage of this terrific time for beautifying your home and office according to the principals of Feng Shui:

 Feng (wind) Shui (water) is the study of the flow of energy - chi. It's known origins date back 5,000 years. The idea is that how we have things arranged in our homes has an effect on our lives. There are many schools of Feng Shui. A very popular form of Feng Shui known as Black Hat has sprung up relatively recently. This school emphasizes the importance of having certain symbols in various parts of the house to create a desired effect. For example, placing a round mirror behind the headboard in the bedroom is thought to promote harmony between man and wife. The Compass School of Feng Shui , which has been around for centuries, teaches the impact of having certain elements - earth, metal, wood, water or fire - in specific directions - North or South etc. I first practiced Black Hat Sect Feng Shui and then decided I wanted the complete classical training in Compass School so I enrolled with Master Sang at his American Feng Shui Institute here in California.

I want to take a moment to comment on what a wonderful experience it was to study with Master Sang. We've all had a variety of teachers, good and bad, but have you ever worked with a master? If you have, you know it is not the paper credentials but the real life energy that proves if one is truly a master. With Master Sang you could sense his aura clear across the room - a loving vibration that made you feel so accepted, so safe, you could let down all your guards and just allow the information flow in. Based on this experience I urge anyone who is trying to learn something that while we can get facts from books or off the internet, having personal contact with a living breathing master teacher will fast forward you like nothing else.

So how do we use Feng Shui? Many people can feel or sense when there's something off in an environment but few can put their finger on exactly what's wrong in the space nor do they know how to correct it. I use my training in Feng Shui on the psychic line to give you suggestions as to how you can improve the flow of  Sheng Chi (beneficial chi) when you sense the your life may somehow be blocked or unbalanced. Feng Shui can clear the unseen energy channels running through your home so positive chi then miraculously begins nurturing and strengthening you.

For example, Water is associated with the wealth potential of a home or business. A good flow of water encourages money to come in but water in the wrong place means money running out! Recently I suggested a caller add water in two different places as a long term cure for money problems. I asked her the year the house was built and the direction it was facing I was able to then calculate that the outside of the house needed a  water fountain in the backyard and the inside needed a table top fountain by the front door. She was willing to give it a try!

With in days she happily reported receiving more money from an existing client and a few days after that she reported she'd gotten a referral for an new client and then the day after that she called having received a third opportunity for even more income!

Neither she nor I understand why Feng Shui works but as she put it, "Who cares? I'm laughing all the way to the bank!"

If you are interested in what Feng Shui can do, give me a call. With the New Moon in Leo and Venus in Virgo we've got the perfect placements for creating (Leo) a house that works (Virgo) for you!


Rosada, EXT 2340