Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sharing The Secret - Now More Than Ever

If you are interested enough in astrology and the world of psychics to be reading this blog I am sure you have seen The Secret, but again if you are like me you probably haven't looked at it for awhile. I had an opportunity to watch it again this morning. Wowza. Really good stuff there and so valuable in these restless times. To anchor the ideas in my own mind I thought I'd review. So in no particular order here are some of the lessons from The Secret:

The Universe is made up of energy waves. The thoughts we think create a specific energy wave and this vibration connects us with the matching energy of the Universe and the world we are thinking about manifests in our outer lives. Thoughts become things. This is known as The Law of Attraction, the universal law meaning that what we focus our attention on manifests in our lives.

How and when these ideas will manifest is determined by the intensity, the emotional feeling tone, accompanying our thought. This explains why some thoughts briefly considered and then discarded never coalesce into a physical experience - we just weren't inspired enough to bring the dream to life. This also explains why somethings we know we passionately don't want DO appear. This is because The Law of Attraction is not about what we do or don't want, it's about manifesting our inner feeling and therefore it is very important that we do not think too much about people or situations we don't like.

Now some might say to ignore what you don't like is irresponsible, that we should acknowledge injustice for example and work to correct it. This is a misunderstanding of the law. It's not that we should be uninformed or tolerate decay but there is a fine line between being informed and obsessing. Have you ever played Scrabble and seen a space where you could play a word only it's the other fellow's turn and so you are hoping he wont grab your opportunity? Do you think to yourself, "Oh please don't see that triple word score spot"? Maybe, but more likely you intuitively will yourself not to think about it. You know it's there but you intuitively know that if you think about it your opponent will some how "pick up on your thoughts" so you try to make your mind go blank. This is you using the Law of Attraction.
Likewise, we can know an injustice exists but if we become inappropriately emotional about it - especially if we stop thinking and just start yelling - we are adding fuel to the fire and actually increasing the chances the problem will continue. 

The key lesson here than is to only focus on what you do want - what makes you happy - and not to think at all about what you don't want in your life.
Where attention goes - energy flows.

How does this effect us in our political life today? I think it explains the upset in the recent election. While Trump was widely ridiculed and even hated, the attention people gave him encouraged newspapers to write more and more stories about him, he ended up getting an estimated 2 billion dollars in free advertising and ultimately he's became president elect - even though he got 2 million less votes than Hillary! And speaking of Hillary, her problem, if we apply the rules of the LOA (Law of Attraction) was that she was not able to engender a groundswell of loving support - if she had then she would have won because love dissolves hate. Instead many of her supporters were voting for her only because they disliked her less than they hated Trump. Who knows, maybe she could have won if only she could have gotten people to hate her more! (Just kidding! Love you, Hillary!)

Another important message from The Secret is the power of having An Attitude of Gratitude.
Gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation is the highest vibration we can attuned to. By counting our blessings and seeking to find something to be grateful for in every situation we are strengthening our ability to maintain connection with our greatest good even when it appears things are falling apart. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we cannot imagine what we could possibly be grateful for. If you find yourself in such a space ask for guidance. Ask, "Why am I so blessed to be in this experience?" The thought alone will raise your vibration and you will start to see things from a new perspective.

Just realized how fitting it is to be writing about these ideas with our very special holiday coming up this week, the day we actually celebrate thankfulness!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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