Monday, December 26, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn - Rules and Resolutions

New Moon in Capricorn happening just after midnight December 29.

Capricorn is the sign ruling structures and organization so it seems quite fitting that we make our New Year's resolutions when the Sun is here each year. The energy implies starting at the bottom and with care and perseverance, ultimately arriving at the absolute top! So don't be shy about recognizing your flaws and imperfections now, the more realistic you are at this time the more you will receive the help you need. And of course the more clear you are about your goals the more easily you will recognize the help being offered.

Capricorn rules the skeletal structure and sometimes to move forward we need to get down to the bare bones. This means clearing out the old before bringing in anything new. A good place to start is the refrigerator. Throw out everything you aren't going to eat by the end of the year. This may include tossing some half filled salad dressing bottles that could still be good for another 6 months but if you start questioning and second guessing whether to hang on to them a little bit longer you'll end up keeping everything and BE STUCK FOR ANOTHER YEAR! So be ruthless. You should always feed yourself the very best, the very freshest food you can manifest. The quality of food you eat sets the tone for the quality of everything else you attract, including love and money.

This is also the ideal time to get some body work done like a facial that deeply cleans the gunk out of your pores and a massage that awakens your chakras. You deserve it!

Uranus has been retrograde since June and will be turning direct in Aries on Thursday too. The planet of freedom and independence coming out in the open now resonates with all of us this January as the country strives to understand just what this new political scene will open up. Mr Trump's election has brought all the hidden "politically incorrect" sentiments out in the open making it suddenly acceptable to be homophobic, racist, and even violent. Uranus in the Me First sign Aries not only underscores his "America First!" rhetoric but also on an individual level will be supporting people to put their own interests above everyone elses. Will this result in an escalation in selfish policies that trample the less fortunate in our world? Or will it trigger enlightened self interest and will we awaken in time to recognize that it is in our individual best interest to create a world that works for us all?

Perhaps this combination of the New Moon in Capricorn and Uranus turning direct  will make January the month where we recognize our flaws, admit our idiosyncrasies and then work towards improvement for all.

At this same time we also have Mars continuing in Pisces. Although there have been various attempts to derail Trump's election such as appeals to the Electoral College to cast their votes for Clinton and various lawsuits aimed at undermining his business empire, over all the protests have been tame. The fighter planet Mars in the sleepy sign of Pisces just isn't energized to do battle. In our personal lives we may also experience a desire to "make love not war" this month.

All together the planetary line up supports quiet efficiency for the next 30 days. Make your list, simplify clutter, think for yourself and don't stress.

May the new year be filled with all good things for you and your family and if there are some dark skys may the stars light your way.

Be Awesome,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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