People often get confused about what the Sun represents in a chart and what Mars represents. They do have similar functions. It's helpful to think of the Sun as meaning our core intention, the mother ship, while Mars represents the space shuttle that zips around the universe doing all the things our Sun intends. Thus the Sun describes the mission, the sign Mars is in tells how it will be accomplished. For example, if a person has the Sun in Aries their strong abiding purpose is to be the first to discover new frontiers but how will they meet this goal? Mars shows the way. If a Sun in Aries person wants to be in the lead and if their Mars is also in Aries we then know they will reach success by leaping over every obstacle to reach the finish line first. But if their Mars is in stay-put Taurus they become drawn to careers where success comes from being able to out wait the competition - like buying property and waiting for it to appreciate. Mars in Virgo assists the Aries Sun by being sure work is done perfectly and so it's important the Aries chooses a realm of activity that rewards careful attention to detail. Otherwise Aries Sun/Virgo Mars types may slip into a habit of nit-picking and trying to win by showing where the other guy broke the rules. Knowing where Mars is in your birth chart gives a great boost to knowing what kind of work you are best suited for!
Knowing where Mars is overhead in the sky right now also helps because this lets us know how the energies are flowing in the moment so we can match our pace with the flow. Is Mars moving in a fast sign? Slow? Zig-zagging all about? If we know the sign Mars is in we know if we need speed, patience or perfection to capture the gold. Last month we had Mars in Capricorn right up until election day. Mars in Capricorn has a tendency to want to build things like a family business and the winning candidate, the one most in sync with this pattern, was Trump, who of course is famous for being a businessman. Furthermore his many children are in line to run his businesses while he is in office. So the collective unconscious represented by Mars in Capricorn seemed to favor a family business man and thus Trump captured the honor. Of course, Hillary could be said to have been running a family business too, because of her husband having previously held the office thus making politics their family business. Furthermore as Mars in Capricorn signifies results that come from long sustained effort, this planet positioned in Capricorn could have also helped Hillary because being elected would have meant achieving her lifelong goal. However, Mars was at the very last degree of Capricorn on election day suggested there would be no further growth for old businesses. The planet was moving on the day after the election into Aquarius to energize something completely different. So Hilary's old family business of running the country would not continue and Trump, the candidate representing the new, was elected..Now planets in Aquarius act up in ways that are frankly unpredictable. All you can know for certain is that when planets are in the sign of the water-bearer you best be ready to think for yourself and don't count on any of the old rules to hold true. That's certainly been the mood this last month with people refusing to accept the election results. Lots of independent thinking going on out there!
The cabinet picks have been mostly completed now and Mars moves on into Pisces, the sign ruling those left out of the group - societies victims and forgotten ones. Finally the headlines of the day seem at last to be leaving their obcession with Trump and focusing on Christmas, the holiday for being conscious of those in need, a truly Piscean occupation.
The force will be with you!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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