Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mars squares Jupiter and Push Comes to Shove

Mars moved out of idealistic Sagittarius last week and now is in take-practical-action Capricorn. What does this mean?  Well, from a political point of view, as Mars rules energy, this meant that when he was in philosophical Sagittarius a lot of energy was put into discussing the state of the world and the various presidential candidates' promises to improve it from a philosophical point of view. A lot of ideas got tossed around and many of them, like building a wall along the Mexican border, were blatantly impractical. Still they got a hearing because Sagittarius makes no restrictions and just likes to hear all the ideas out there. Mars has now moved into Capricorn however, so this week talk of building a wall drops off the radar screen as we feel a shift towards getting practical. Indeed, as election day comes closer and we realize that one or the other of the top candidates will actually win, the loose promises lose momentum and more and more we want to focus on facts.  (Not fact checking sites getting more hits.) Revelations come out about Trump's tax records (he didn't pay any because he'd gone bankrupt so many times) as well as whether the Cilntons stole things when they left the White House (they didn't - they took the gifts they'd been given while in office but heads of state aren't supposed to keep those gifts so they agree to pay for them). People wont settle for vague ideological sentiments now. Just the facts, Mam.

That's the big picture meaning of Mars in Sag moving into Capricorn. In our individual lives the shift from Think Ideal to Think Real is showing up with people needing to make decisions about how we walk our talk. For example I have friends who've insisted that they were going to vote for Bernie or even Jill Stein as some sort of idealistic statement. Now they say are voting for Hillary out of a practical desire to block her opponent.

 Mars' move into Capricorn isn't just showing up in politics, however. I use the election because it's a phenomenon we can all relate to but in your daily routine you can also spot Mars in Cap at work by noticing a desire to use your energy in ways that get results. No more being satisfied with wishing, dreaming and visualizing. It's time for planning, doing, and manifesting!

Which could be a bit of a problem this week because Mars is running up to a square with expansive Jupiter..

Where ever Jupiter appears he brings a sense of abundance - a euphoric feeling there's enough time, enough space, and lots of opportunity for anything to happen. Indeed, when Jupiter is active in a chart I can usually promise a caller things are going to work out better than expected. Usually... The problem this week with the Mars/Jupiter meet up is that Mars rushes into things and actually needs someone or something to block him or get him to slow down, to keep him under control (to keep him from sending out tweets at 3 a.m.!)  That's not Jupiter's forte. Indeed, Jupiter says, "Go for it!  Double your bet! Maybe you'll get lucky!"

In other words, when pushy Mars comes along Jupiter just shoves him ahead even faster! That's what's happening this week so we may hear Trump saying even more outrageous things.

In our own lives there could be some practical benefit. One common way this could manifest is you might find a sale on some product and want to stock up. If you are using good Capricorn prudence, this planetary line up could help you make some money. On the other hand. if you get swept off your feet and instead of buying only what you need you way over spend then Jupiter's helpful encouragement ain't so helpful after all.

Bottom line, opportunities are out there but if something sounds too good to be true - it probably is.

Tally Ho!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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