How often do you check up on where the planets are and how they are affecting your own personal chart? Regularly, randomly or only every once in a while? Well, if you only look at them now and then you may not be recognizing the full benefit an awareness of the stars can bring. However, experience proves that even if you are only aware of what is going on at the time of the New Moon each month you will still have given your inner guide a major assist.
This month the New Moon will be an eclipse and it happens in the sign Taurus, Tuesday April 29 at 2:14 a.m. est. If you make a point of celebrating the New Moon that day I promise you, you will reap real and tangible benefits by the Full Moon and Three-quarter Moon May 14 and May 21.
Ways to celebrate the New Moon:
1. The New Moon this month will be in the sign Taurus. Taurus is the first fixed sign of the zodiac meaning that after the sense of new beginnings initiated by last month's New Moon in Aries, there now emerges a sense of wanting stability, a sense of needing the new beginnings to become "fixed" routines. Honor this New Moon by recognizing what's new in your life and do something to stabilize and encourage this new potential. For example, if you recently met someone, this week would be a grand time to call them and STRENGTHEN CONNECTIONS.
2. Taurus rules beauty and earthly pleasures and it also rules the steady work necessary to maintain this beauty. It should be especially easy to work color and beauty into your home now, particularly because Venus, the goddess of Love, will be trining Pluto, the God of Regeneration, on Tuesday, making it a great time to up date your look and SCHEDULE A PERSONAL BEAUTY MAKE-OVER.
3. Although this New Moon is an eclipse - an event often connected with misfortune - you may be able to profit from the shake-ups this aspect brings. Seek and FIND SALES on clothing and furniture and items for the home at drastically reduced prices.
4. Taurus rules food. On this New Moon purchase only the best and healthiest you can afford. EAT WELL - It's the quickest way to train your body to guide you to ever greater levels of prosperity!
5. Taurus is the antithesis of Aries. Once the War God has had worn out his welcome, Taurus appears bringing a longing for peace and quiet like no other sign. REFUSE TO BECOME SUCKED INTO ANY CONFLICTS on this New Moon. Remember the old question, "What if they gave a war and nobody came?"
6. Mercury opposes Saturn until Friday May 2. Practical and monetary concerns may weigh heavily on your mind until then but try to hold your fears in check because later that day Venus, ruler of finances, will be leaving dreamy Pisces and entering ardent Aries. If you've been searching for a job without luck you just may find a way now to BECOME SUCCESSFULLY SELF-EMPLOYED.
Finally I always benefit from making a special point of being aware of what is going on in my life exactly at the time of the New Moon. I like to write down my current issues and light a candle asking for clarity and love for all. It's fun to see how that moment "comes into fruition" two weeks later on the Full Moon. As the New Moon will be happening in the middle of the night this month and you don't care to stay up, you can make a note of what is going on as you are going to bed.
Let me know what your issues are and let's together light a candle for you.
New Moon in Taurus - Keep calm and carry on!
Rosada, EXT 2340