The big astrological event this week happens on Sunday February 1 when Venus plants a kiss on Neptune combining love and spirituality for a feeling of complete soul union. Get ready for this close up by taking care of business in the days leading to the fated tie:
Monday: Moon enters Taurus and sextiles Neptune so we're all going to be extremely sensitive to other people's moods. A particularly good day for getting a psychic reading and for seeing evidence of your own intuitive abilities. The Moon will also be making a hard square to the Sun Monday night so we may also be feeling kinda stuck or stubborn. Altogether an opportunity for visualizing the future but try not to be impatient.
Tuesday: Wake up early and feel the shift as Venus leaves group consciousness Aquarius and slides into mystical Pisces. Later in the day the Moon trines transformative Pluto clearing the path for change and forgiveness. Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Uranus in Aries Tuesday night so brand new paths should be opening up your horizons.
Wednesday: Could be tricky. The Moon left Taurus after squaring Jupiter last night, meaning we may have over extended ourselves. Now in Gemini she opposes Saturn so today we have to reduce our expectations about twenty percent. Try not to have deadlines fall on this date or you're libel to feel forced to make commitments you aren't sure you can complete.
Thursday: Get up early and do all your heavy lifting before noon while the Moon is trining the Sun and Mercury. After lunch there's a square to Mars so people could be irritable and feisty. Hold off any important negotiations until evening when thinking will be much more clear.
Friday: Mars sextiles Pluto - a wonderful time for moving towards manifesting important goals in your life. It's also a super line up of planets for working with others as that Pluto energy is best when applied to cooperative ventures.
Saturday: Early Saturday morning the Moon makes a delightful trine to Venus. Serve your loved one breakfast in bed - and then charge out the door and find some wonderful treasures at the weekend garage sales.
Sunday: At last we come to the day we've been living for. Venus conjuncts Neptune Sunday morning. Kindness is king today. Treasure the moment.
In sum, this week starts out with an awareness that stubborn attitudes only block our potential. As we are willing to forgive and move forward the stars indicate whole new opportunities are beckoning. Don't waste a second holding grudges - wish each other well and get on with your adventure!
Venus in Pisces = Dreams really do come true,
Rosada, EXT 2340