Have you or anyone in your circle seen 50 Shades of Gray yet? Chances are you have or probably will. The blockbuster sex-sation opened on Valentine's Day when the Moon, ruling The Public, was exactly conjunct - in the same space with - Pluto, the planet ruling bondage, obsessions and anything to do with hidden power trips. Thus the timing was perfect for offering this film featuring two hours of all that weird stuff. Further more the Moon's last aspects before moving on were a sextile to Venus in Capricorn followed by a sextile to Mars in the same sign. Capricorn governs rules and standards suggesting not only that the movie will become a must-see, but that also it's message promoting female abuse will have a lasting influence on society making it even harder for woman to gain the respect and fair treatment human beings deserve. Yuk.
So what's the good news? Why would heaven and all the higher guides and angels who are supposedly watching over and protecting this lovely planet, allow this hurtful piece of propaganda to circulate? The only light I can detect in the situation is the fact that immediately following the Moon's passage through Capricorn, she joined up with Mercury, the planet of communication, in Aquarius the sign ruling free speech meaning, "It's time to talk about it."
All the unpleasant topics brought to the public attention in 50 Shades are most likely not anything we haven't heard about before so why is this movie suddenly so interesting, so compelling, so important right now? Possibly because like it or not the subjects pictured here, particularly abuse to young women, are not openly discussed in our society and as a result this behavior has been allowed to flourish unrestricted. Now with Saturn leaving Scorpio - the sign of secrets - and entering Sagittarius. we're feeling compelled to get straight about our religion - our beliefs and values. This movie supports our search for truth by forcing us to acknowledge this secret behavior exists and also gives us the opportunity to talk about these heretofore unmentionable things. One simply needs to say, "Have you seen it?" to launch a conversation which could lead to meaningful discussions of what can be done to protect our children and create a better society.
This week the planets Venus and Mars in Aries will be trining Saturn (Tuesday and Wednesday, February 24 and 25). This alignment gives a strong desire to form worthy goals along with the determination to achieve them. At the same time the Sun will be conjuncting Neptune, the planet ruling both visions and films. Altogether it's an invitation to talk to our children about our true values and a chance to supplant these horrid movie visions with positive images of our own. But the thing is, we have to consciously choose. Don't think by ignoring the nasty we can make it go away. Vow to focus and do something positive for Love this week!
So what's the good news? Why would heaven and all the higher guides and angels who are supposedly watching over and protecting this lovely planet, allow this hurtful piece of propaganda to circulate? The only light I can detect in the situation is the fact that immediately following the Moon's passage through Capricorn, she joined up with Mercury, the planet of communication, in Aquarius the sign ruling free speech meaning, "It's time to talk about it."
All the unpleasant topics brought to the public attention in 50 Shades are most likely not anything we haven't heard about before so why is this movie suddenly so interesting, so compelling, so important right now? Possibly because like it or not the subjects pictured here, particularly abuse to young women, are not openly discussed in our society and as a result this behavior has been allowed to flourish unrestricted. Now with Saturn leaving Scorpio - the sign of secrets - and entering Sagittarius. we're feeling compelled to get straight about our religion - our beliefs and values. This movie supports our search for truth by forcing us to acknowledge this secret behavior exists and also gives us the opportunity to talk about these heretofore unmentionable things. One simply needs to say, "Have you seen it?" to launch a conversation which could lead to meaningful discussions of what can be done to protect our children and create a better society.
This week the planets Venus and Mars in Aries will be trining Saturn (Tuesday and Wednesday, February 24 and 25). This alignment gives a strong desire to form worthy goals along with the determination to achieve them. At the same time the Sun will be conjuncting Neptune, the planet ruling both visions and films. Altogether it's an invitation to talk to our children about our true values and a chance to supplant these horrid movie visions with positive images of our own. But the thing is, we have to consciously choose. Don't think by ignoring the nasty we can make it go away. Vow to focus and do something positive for Love this week!
Because of the New Moon in Aquarius last week we are being supported in any efforts to create group experiences for the next month even though the Sun has now moved into Pisces. Because Pisces is the sign ruling art and music this next weekend could be an ideal time to get a group together for some sort of art day or musical experience.
When the Sun is in Pisces we seem to all be more open to outside influences. Be vigilant about what images - movies - you expose yourself to. What we give attention to we invite into our lives.
Invest in the best!
Invest in the best!
With love,
Rosada, EXT 2340