Okay, real quick let's review where the planets are this week and then we'll look at what it all means:
Because Saturn is in the early degrees of Sagittarius, this is the first planet the Moon makes an aspect to whenever she enters a new sign. Saturn in Sag. can be imagined as a wise old sage going off on a far journey to a foreign land. Because the Moon connects with him first, the implication is that before any of us start off on any new adventures it is important to wisely consider what we are getting ourselves into. Saturn is the planet law and order, Sagittarius on the other hand is the sign of the wild west, a land where there are no restrictions. This combo gives the feeling that we must be very strong in our own convictions as temptation lurks everywhere and no one else is playing by our rules. Practically speaking the advice here is to be very cautious about going too far out on any limbs. Don't run up your credit cards, don't over commit, beware to taking short cuts. Saturn emphasizes the importance of knowing how to do things from the ground up. Furthermore, Saturn retrograde now until August again emphasizes this is the time to pull back, to take care of old responsibilities. Trying to visualize the future is apt to make us more aware of the clutter and chores that need to be completed before we can even start see where the path may be opening ahead. As Saturn rules parents we may be particularly aware of our debts there.
Mercury at the last degrees of Pisces changes signs on Monday March 30 to be at the planet of first degree in Aries. Now the Moon's first contact will no longer be serious Saturn but instead, light-hearted Gemini ruler Mercury will be getting the lunar cycle off to a good start. Folks who have been demonstrating an Eeyore complex lately, that is, coming up with negative reasons why nothing will work so why even try? will find they are starting to see reasons for optimism.
Then as if to back up this news positive outlook, Mars at the last degrees of Aries changes signs on Tuesday March 31 to become the planet of first degree in Taurus. Now the Moon's first contact will no longer be stick in the mud Saturn or think and talk Mercury but Get - her- done - Mars! People will recognize shift happening as all the reasons why something cannot be done will suddenly seem trivial and powerless to stop an idea whose time has come. Mars in Taurus doesn't race or rage as he was prone to do in Aries. Instead there's sort of a relentless fated feeling as events unfold as if pulled by gravity.
There may be some frustration Tuesday evening when the Moon gets stalled with a square to Saturn but you'll find an escape hatch as she moves on to oppose Neptune in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces offers a portal to angels and ancestors. Play some music, ask God for guidance and go with the flow.
The Moon next touches base with the Sun in Aries on Wednesday April 1 and then onto Pluto in Capricorn a few hours later. This could make self (Sun) transformation (Pluto) remarkably easy at this time.
Thursday April 2 may prove to be the most fortuitous day of the week. The Sun will trine Jupiter in Leo magnifying all our efforts and rewarding us tenfold.
Putting it all together:
Saturn retrograde warns us to stop, look and listen.
Mercury into Aries is helping us come up with new ideas and solutions.
Mars at the first degree of Taurus promises the ability to stay on task once we get started.
Neotune in Pisces is showing us that obstacles can dissolve before our eyes when we turn on to higher vibrations.
Sun in Aries gives us the courage to try something new.
Pluto in Capricorn says we have the power to transform our lives.
Jupiter in Leo forgives, blesses and enjoys it all tremendously.
We cap the week of with the Moon going into Libra and creating a solar eclipse to the Sun on Saturday April 4, closely followed by a square to Pluto and an opposition to Uranus. These are some pretty heavy indicators of karma bringing each and everyone of us exactly what is right for our own best and highest good.
So we see this week ahead is going to be all about courageously looking at what needs to be done to clean up our act, calling on help when we see we need it, and effecting glorious transformations with the added warning that we won't have to wait long to see the results - the weekend - Easter! - could be a time where the Truth is obvious to us all.
Invest in the Best-
Rosada, EXT 2340