Lots of interesting aspects coming up this week. The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday making for so many mixed signals we maybe literally dizzy before the day is through. If you're trying to negotiate any agreements on this day be sure to get your final plans in writing to avoid misunderstandings. Otherwise this line up simply means you have to be careful not to assume too much when it comes to relationships. This is because the Sun represents the signal we're putting out and the planet opposite describes how others receive it. Sun in Virgo suggests we'll think we're being clear and concise but Neptune defuses, confuses and fantasizes so we have to be careful not to ignore what we don't want to hear and also not to be paranoid and think we're hearing things we're not.
Tuesday will bring some much needed clarity when Venus and Mars meet up for their annual hug. Wednesday has some very friendly aspects too. In fact, if you're considering booking a reading either Tuesday or Wednesday would be great days to call as this line up promises to give you practical insights. For now, so many callers have asked me how they can find true love I thought I'd take advantage of this encouraging aspect to write out some of the suggestions people tell me have worked for them.
Tuesday will bring some much needed clarity when Venus and Mars meet up for their annual hug. Wednesday has some very friendly aspects too. In fact, if you're considering booking a reading either Tuesday or Wednesday would be great days to call as this line up promises to give you practical insights. For now, so many callers have asked me how they can find true love I thought I'd take advantage of this encouraging aspect to write out some of the suggestions people tell me have worked for them.
Finding love really shouldn't be so difficult especially if you follow Rosada's Guide to Match Making Made Easy!
1. Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you. Hopefully you'll meet a partner who treats you even better, but by taking good care of yourself you're telling the world, "I'm a prize catch" and we know everyone wants to win the prize!
Somethings you can do to be good to yourself: Obviously taking care of your health and dressing for success but there is also one thing we often don't do for ourselves that can be a major turn off. The number one thing we don't always do for ourselves is we don't give ourselves enough time. We try to stuff too much into our busy schedules and end up being chronically late. Surveys show being late is the number one reason people come to be considered unreliable, unsuitable and ultimately, unlovable! So be kind to yourself and keep your schedule realistic - others will love you for it.
2. Let them do for you too! Another interesting social experiment found that people tend to value more what they pay/work more for. Seems odd but it's true. If someone asks to buy you dinner don't pick the cheapest thing on the menu. Studies show people will make more of an effort to see you as being "worth it" because they don't want to think they were wrong to spend so much money on you (within reason of course)!
3. Do what YOU like. Sure you might meet more men at a bar or sporting event, but if you don't share their enthusiasm for drink or love soccer, what's the point? Join a group promoting your own interests - that's where you'll meet a partner who's on your same wave length.
4. Feng Shui your house for love. This means decorating to reinforce the idea of partnership. Take down the picture of the lonely coyote howling at the moon and replace it with a photo of two love birds. If your china is chipped and grungy replace it too. Invest in some cups you're so excited about you'll want to have a party to show them off! And of course box up any momentos from past relationships and get them out of your house. If you can't see buying a whole new bed and mattress set at least toss the old sheets.
5. While we're on the subject of detoxing from former attachments, if you're still trying to to get over a previous engagement get the movie Swingers. I'm not going to go into detail about it here but I promise you, rent that delightful dvd and it will fast forward your recovery by light years. The book How to Survive The Loss of a Love is a healer too.
6. Check out an online dating service. Now if you've never done that you may think that's a really weird scary idea, but I'm not suggesting you should necessarily sign up (although if you do feel to do that call me and we can pick an astrologically perfect time for making sure you get the best results!). The point is that we tend to see in the world what we see in our mind's eye. Thus, if you haven't met anyone with partnership potential lately it may be because you have a limited vision of what's out there and so you're just not recognizing them. When you look online you'll be inundated with pictures and descriptions of all kinds of curious characters and possibilities. Maybe some will appeal to you, maybe they wont. But the mere looking at these folks - trying them on for size! - will stir up your brain to start noticing potential partners in your real world. What ever you put your attention on you're going to manifest more of. Look at websites of people looking for friends and you will manifest people looking for friends!
7. Finally, I get results burning candles. I know this sounds hokie but it works. Red candles are for energizing love relationships. The first time I burned a red candle a bird flew out of a tree and landed right at my feet. It wasn't a knight in shining armor but I did see it as a positive omen. Then later that evening the friend I had burned the candle for called out of the blue. We had had a major falling out and I don't think he even knew why he was calling me but we got things back on track and so now I am definitely a believer! If you would like me to burn a candle for you - I do a special ritual - just ask. There is no charge.
Wishing you the best of love,
Rosada, EXT 2340