The planet of action, Mars, is poised to trine the planet of love, Venus, on Tuesday April 12. Are you in position to take advantage of this delightful connection? Ideas presented on this day will hit their target with ease so speak up - apply for the job, offer the proposal, go after what you really want! We wont have another opportunity like this again until the middle of July. There is one cautionary note: After all the hugs and encouragement, Mars will be turning retrograde the Sunday, April 17 - plans and good intentions may need to be revised a bit or perhaps it means we will make haste very slooowly.
As Mars will be in the travel sign Sagittarius, I'm anticipating we'll be seeing opportunities to venture out in new directions. Sagittarius is also the sign of the teacher but with the Sun in impatient Aries and so close to independent Uranus we may not be willing to wait for a teacher or anyone outside ourselves to guide us - so if you're feeling to charge out on your own without a map this week, please don't forget it's no sin to stop now and then to ask for directions!
Mars turns retrograde April 17 - June 28. Key things to remember to help you navigate this one step forward - two steps back scenario:
Mars retrograde makes this a good time for reviewing past actions and bringing previously started projects up to speed or back to life.
Old friends, love interests may re-appear. This doesn't necessarily mean you should re-commit but it does give an opportunity to clean up misunderstandings.
Mars retrograde tends to internalize anger. Try not to be passive aggressive or hang on to old hurts.
Anticipate that things are going to take longer than expected.
Don't start fights, lawsuits, or play around with firearms or sharp tools!
Not the best time to schedule elective surgery.
In general, take the attitude that the joy is in the journey - not just in the destination!
A few more thoughts about the Sun and Uranus in Aries this month.:
Uranus is associated with electricity and often brings experiences where flashes of insight shake up all previously held beliefs. The challenge is, are we strong enough to survive the lightening bolt of truth? Like it or not it's coming at us. For example, this week Uranus in Aries was transiting an elderly friend's fourth house of home, family and the past. As her family is all deceased she didn't imagine it would effect her but an old paper from a stack in the basement surfaced and... she learned she had been adopted! Luckily she was able to take the news in stride but you can see how Uranus can come along and change everything - even the past. Since Uranus set the tone for the month by being the first planet the New Moon connected with last week, there is a strong possibility of similar experiences happening in all our lives this lunar cycle. That is, out of nowhere unexpected information will appear that demands we re-evaluate our past assumptions. If we have been hanging on to a fantasy the experiences we have now will bring us into reality. This can be painful but if we resist indulging in drama the new wisdom this Sun/Uranus combo brings can inspire us to release old baggage and move forward. Otherwise with Mars turning retrograde the revelations could leave us feeling cheated and disillusioned. Enlightenment is not for sissys!
Time to get ready,
Rosada, EXT 2340