Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mars Trine Neptune: Finding Peace of Mind

It's been a tough year for many of us especially with the constant barrage of news stories popping up on our computers forcing us to be aware of all sorts of nastiness we can do little about. More and more I hear people claiming, "I just don't look at the news anymore," which is unfortunate of course, but what else can we do if we want to retain a modicum of sanity? Particularly while Mars, the planet symbolizing our individual energy and direction, is in Scorpio, the most intense of all the signs. It causes us to want to do something about all these wrongs and yet the highest expression of Scorpio says that ultimately the only way to control the outer world is to find peace within. This Wednesday night, December 27, Mars will be making a very beneficial trine to Neptune the planet of visions and dreams. It signals an opportunity to overcome Scorpio Mars' tendency to indulge in anger and instead to be finding that peace. Here's how:

First, celebrate silence. We've been bombarded with ads, carols and jingles this season to the point we've totally confused our inner ears. I'm feeling everyone needs a bit of downtime now to regain balance and think clearly. Find a place of solitude to quiet your heart and get in touch with the silence with in yourself. Assume you're going to need about 15 minutes to get the full benefit of this time out. That's how long it takes for the verbal side of the brain to calm down and let the intuitive side be heard.

Focus on gentle, natural breathing. Neptune encourages letting thoughts drift in and out without giving them importance. Even the people you normally recognize and care about should not be on your mind right now. Remind yourself everything is just an idea, a thought form and Neptune allows you to let all those thought forms dissolve and vanish and then, with the fog out of the way, Neptune enables you to connect with your deeper true inner knowingness.

 Particularly don't let New Year's traditional time of reflection bring you down. January 1 often causes us to stress about what we didn't achieve last year or to worry about what might happen in the months ahead. Vow to focus your attention on being in the here and now instead. Mars can urge us to look ahead to go fast, but Neptune can cause us to lose track of where we're going and why - so slow down and appreciate the moment. Instead of using your mind to think and churn and strategise, just let the thoughts come and go. At the end of your quiet time you may be blessed with some significant insight, but if not, that's okay too. The important thing is that YOU EXPERIENCE INNER PEACE by keeping still and now your body will continue to instinctively find this peacefulness path where ever you are even as you go about your daily routine in the outer world. Thus without thinking, planning or worry you will intuitively and peacefully do the right things and create the best possible outcomes.

You have to feel it before you can find it!

May 2018 be your best year ever!
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Saturn into Capricorn - Time for a Reality Check

 December 19, 2017. That's the day Saturn enters Capricorn. Saturn symbolizes Shared Reality. That is, the world we all live in is a group construct made up of an infinite number of ideas and perspectives. Together all these thoughts form what appears to us to be solid. This phenomenon of a mass that appears to be real is symbolized be the planet Saturn. He rules structure, limits and responsibility. Capricorn is his home sign where he reigns most powerfully. This means that when Saturn is in Capricorn - and particularly when he first enters the sign - we are able to see where we are in the world without any rosy colored glasses. It's a time when we are called upon to be totally honest with ourselves. This may sound like a bad thing but in reality - Saturn's favorite word - it's a very good thing. It's a very good thing because it's only when we see ourselves and accept our situation exactly as it is that we can find helpful friends and make progress. If you call a cab you don't say, "Pick me up at the fancy hotel" if that's not where you are. No, you want the cab to know where you are so it can come get you, even if it's on a street corner on Skid Row. Likewise, when Saturn enters Capricorn it's often a time when we see where we've fallen short and could use some help - but it only comes when we can admit we need it.

A few things you can watch for to prepare for this important moment:

Know that Saturn in Sagittarius promoted a sort of philosophical attitude about reality. "Alternative facts" became the catch phrase of the day, suggesting reality was whatever we wanted it to be, that there were no Ultimate Truths. That's all over now. Once Saturn is in Capricorn we'll be finding out there are some truths that can't just be wished away. For one thing, the reality of Global Warming will be becoming more and more evident. In our personal lives whether we're denying our addictions or making vows we know we can't keep, the half truths we tell ourselves will no longer conceal our suffering. It's time to see it and tell it like it is.

Saturn in Capricorn tightens up rules, boundaries and restrictions. No wonder Trump's vision to build a wall and to restrict travel are at the top of his agenda now. We'll probably be seeing more governmental involvement [restraint] in other areas of our daily lives too in the months ahead. It would probably be good for us all to become more active in local politics. Free speech: Use it or lose it.

Saturn in Capricorn encourages - requires! - us to be self sufficient. Don't assume Big Brother is looking out for your best interests.

But Saturn in Capricorn can also be a very helpful vibration. Particularly when it comes to taking care of ourselves. At first we may feel a bit disoriented and only able to see what is lacking, what help we're not getting, rather than recognizing we have infinite potential  within to create and re-create. Once we get passed that glass-half-empty feeling though and start counting our blessings, Saturn in Capricorn can be our best teacher ever. The key to recognizing Saturn is our friend is to understand he does not punish but only sets boundaries. It's as if Saturn's job is to be the gate keeper that says, "You can't go any further until you do what you promised to do." So if you're feeling blocked or broke or anything other than happy, ask yourself, "What have I promised to do that I haven't done yet?" As you complete those commitments - or just make a start - then Saturn starts bringing the good karma and life starts moving forward again.

Good news:
Mercury turns direct on Friday evening December 22 just as the Moon in Aquarius is making a liberating sextile to Uranus in Aries bringing opportunities to release old limitations. Perhaps after looking at things realistically we come to recognize that things aren't so bad after all or that the burdens we've been carrying needn't be born alone. More reasons to rejoice come through on Friday night when the Moon sextile's Venus.

Altogether it looks like this is the week to honor Saturn by getting things in simple order by Thursday and then give yourself over to a wonderful holiday weekend on Friday.

Did you know Santa Claus is another symbol for Saturn? He knows if you've been bad or good and rewards you accordingly.
Be good for Goodness sake!
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Mercury Conjunct Venus in Sagittarius: All is Merry and Bright

😊 Relax with a cup of egg nog folks and flow with what ought to be the most stress free week of the season...

On Tuesday , December 12, the Sun will be cozying up to retrograde Mercury meaning it's a grand time for reminiscing as we easily access pleasant memories of Christmas past. Send out bushels of Christmas cards to all your friends on this day and you're sure get blessings for helping the angels spread the holiday cheer.

On Friday, December 15 there will be a sweet meet up between Venus and Mercury opening the door for more good wishes. A Christmas party now will do a lot to revive our optimism. If you still have Christmas shopping to do this could be a day where you find the perfect gifts.

These tidings of great joy do come with a bit of a warning however. Mercury is the trickster who may not be counted on to be entirely honest and Venus in Sagittarius is known to love'm and leave'm. Enjoy the moment under the mistletoe but don't get carried away.

The illuminating Sun trines Uranus on Saturday, December 16, bringing the week to an exciting, surprising, unpredictable close. If you have been a bit lonely this season this planetary line could reveal opportunities. Welcome new friends, travel off your beaten path and expect the unexpected. Not a good day for trying to stick to a schedule but a fabulous time for miracles. Indeed, you may find yourself feeling you absolutely cannot continue with old ways that aren't working and guess what? If you decide to make changes now, new doors could appear and automatically open up!

All in all a week to remember old friends and encourage the new.

Happy holidays,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Mercury AND Uranus Retrograde? Even Santa Gets Confused.

I feel like 2017 has been a great big box of crazy and here at the end of the year anything that didn't get thrown at us before is being tossed in now. And we still have four more weeks to go...
Here's what we're dealing with folks - the basic trends are explained by the placement of the 3 outer planets:
Pluto, the planet ruling secrets and sex known as the Lord of Death, Rebirth and Transformation, has been transiting Capricorn, the sign of government. We are now in the middle of this cycle and the awareness how corrupt and unworkable governments are cannot be ignored any longer. Donald Trump ran with the promise of "draining the swamp". His promise resonated with enough voters and the collective unconscious to get him elected. However, he's just a pawn in Pluto's game and Pluto doesn't play favorites. The swamp has hit the fan and everyone in the public eye from t.v. celebrities to Trump himself to is being exposed. This will continue through out 2018 so we can expect more inconvenient truths coming to light.
Next up, Neptune, the planet ruling dreams and illusions and also lies and deceptions continues to be powerful in his home sign Pisces. Neptune is responsible for bringing awareness of all the "fake news" - did anyone even know there was such a thing as fake news. before this year? - and also awareness of the less fortunate. A lot of stories this year have been about victims of all kinds from shootings to floods to sexual assault. Neptune says separation is an illusion and that we are all one. Stories of victims will continue to grow even more prominent in the new year nudging society to recognize what happens to one will eventually effect us all.
Uranus is the planet of free will and in Aries he particularly ignites issues having to do with individual freedoms, like free speech and the right to bear arms. He has been retrograde for several months and during this time harsh debate has been going on as to just what our freedoms are.
Mercury will also retrograde this month. Having both the planets that rule the mind moving backwards suggests finding answers by going within. Time for deep soul searching and deciding just what it is we truly believe in.

These outer planets set the tone for what manifests up close in our personal lives. With Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces I think we're going to find the plight of the underdog will become more and more obvious as indeed more and more of us start to feel we ARE the under dogs. The good news is that Uranus in Aries encourages new ways of dealing with old problems. Independent thinkers will be rewarded. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do to create a whole new country!

Confusing but exciting.
Liveliest days this week will be Thursday December 7 and Friday December 8.
Get a lot done and have a lot of fun doing it.

 Bingle jells!

Rosada, EXT 2340