Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Planets This Week

Thank heavens the planets move! Mars finally got out of it's stuck zone in Taurus and is buzzing alive in Gemini. Have you noticed the shift? Connections are finally coming together and it looks like progress is being made. Still a few slip ups to look out for - Mars in Gemini can perform like the knight in Alice in Wonderland who wanted to jump on his horse and speed off in all directions at once. To make the most of this burst of energy, break projects into small steps and don't burn out trying to plan things too far into the future.. You will probably find that you are being confronted with new choices (Gemini) and need to make fresh decisions (Mars) each step of the way this week.
I like to look at the planets in order of their degree. That is, rather than looking at the sun, then the moon, then Mercury etc., I look at which planet is at the earliest degree of the sign it is in. This tellsmes what sort of energy we will be connecting with first in the day. Mars is now at 0 degrees Gemini, so I bet a lot of us are finding ourselves starting our day doing Gemini things such as planning and making lists. Neptune is at 0 degrees Pisces so next we look at Neptune, the planet ruling patience and surrender which has entered Pisces but turned retrograde meaning it appears to be moving backwards. (It's not really, it just looks that way from the earth.) Neptune retrograde in Pisces signifies a time when change is happening so quickly we find ourselves needing to rely on our ability to just surrender to the moment and go with the flow. Mystical Neptune paired now with mental Gemini Mars makes for a tricky combination. We quickly find all our plans and lists need revision. To avoid angry outbursts I think this quote from Marilyn Monroe gives the best advice for when if feels like there is just too much going on: "Did you ever notice How 'What the hell?' is always the right answer?"!
Jupiter began its year long sojourn in Taurus this month. Those of you born in the first degrees of Taurus (April 22 -26) should be experiencing a time of expanding your sense of what's possible and finding yourselves able to draw good fortune to you. The rest of us can benefit from this planet of wisdom in the earthly sign too, we just have to do it a bit more consciously. Jupiter in Taurus says think about what you are wanting, inwardly scan who or what you know could help you, and then follow the lead that comes to you.
Uranus encourages teamwork but in Aries this week it cautions team members need their individual responsibilities. Give yourself and everyone else space to do their thing. Love relationships particularly can experience stress if one partner is insisting that if you really love them you'll do things their way.
Which brings us to Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus in Aries is making a harsh connection to Pluto and this push-coming-to-shove line up is going to be with us for several months yet. We're seeing it play out particularly in the world of international finance with various countries on the brink of bankruptcy. Because Pluto brings power plays and restructuring I am expecting that at the very last minute we'll be seeing currency being re valuated to save the world from ruin. For us individuals I suspect we are going to need to keep an eye on congress to protect the Social Security program. In our daily lives the advice is to as much as possible avoid power struggles. You my find yourself feeling really resentful of anyone who tries to control you. Consider the lesson here maybe it's time to learn self control.
Happily, Saturn has turned direct in Libra. The shenanigans created by the Uranus-Pluto stand off will be dealt with by the ruler of cosmic justice and fair play. This means if for a moment there you were thinking you might be able to pull a fast one, please be warned pay back's a bummer. Play it straight these days and if something of yours is taken you could find it's soon replaced - perhaps with something even better.
Mercury in Cancer means family matters are on the forefront this week. Indeed you may find yourself more psychically intune with your relatives at this time so act on any intuitions to call or send a friendly email.
The planet of last degree for the next six days will be Venus in Gemini. This is a very positive omen for there always being a way for things to end on  a fair and friendly note.
In brief:
Mars in Gemini - Lots to think about. Make lists.
Neptune in Pisces - But things are in a state of flux, so be willing to adapt.
Jupiter in Taurus - Many options if you look.
Uranus in Aries/ Pluto in Capricorn - Don't take it all on at once or try to fight city hall.
Saturn in Libra - A solution could come that's better than any you try to force.
Mercury in Cancer - It's all about family.
Venus in Gemini - So end each day with a kind word.
Talk to you super soon,
Rosada, EXT 2340

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Rosada, for bringing us some clarity. I can always count on you to help navigate and shed light on the current situation as it applies to me individually and to humanity on the whole.
