Thursday, November 3, 2011

13. Death - It's Just A Card!

I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to the calendar and post this card a couple of days ago - it's the perfect image to be studying this Halloween week! Card number 13 is the card titled Death but I suggest you call it "Death and REBIRTH", just to calm your clients when Mr Skeleton pops up in their spread. Otherwise you'll have people calling you back for days worried that getting this card means the end is near. But meanwhile just between you and me this card does mean Death and it freaks me out too. However, it doesn't necessarily mean the person you are reading for is going to die. Rather it means the end of something but just what depends on the question. It could mean a literal death but more likely it refers to the end of an era. Something - a job, a romance - has run it's course and it's time to let it go. 

This makes more sense when we reflect back on the sequence. Our previous card The Hanged Man was about surrendering ones hold, just letting it all go, and so of course, when we're no longer putting energy into a situation it ceases to exist, thus the next card is Death. Even so, it's probably better not to use the D word when doing a reading. "Run out of enthusiasm," and "Time to recharge your batteries" are my prefered phrases.

Card 13 is associated with the sign Scorpio which is the sign of intense, life changing experiences. When this card comes up, the meaning of whatever card it appears next to is also intensified. The Lovers usually indicates a light hearted romance but next to the Scorpio card it means a soul mate - till death do us part! - relationship. The High Priestess suggests silence. Next to this card it means taking a secret to the grave.

This week as we focus on The Death card I anticipate we'll all be particularly aware of time marching on what with the temperature dropping and Winter coming fast upon us. You may be packing away the summer clothes - the end of the old you! You may be starting to review the past year, you may be recognizing time is running out before Christmas. There are lots of ways to be aware of death short of losing a loved one!

Meanwhile, this is a short column this week. I guess I need to recharge my batteries...

May all your transitions flow smoothly,
Rosada, EXT 2340

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