No, if you're not destined to make money as a gambler.
Even if astrology accurately predicted the right outcome, if winning wasn't in your chart that day, somehow you wouldn't be able to take advantage of it. Something would happen and you'd be unable to place the bet or you'd lose the ticket before you could cash it in. You must have a chart that favors gambling or you just won't be able to make any money that way. Oh, you might be able to pick a $2 lottery number now and then but to attract real money on a steady reliable basis you need to know where money comes to you in your chart and more importantly where you should spend it. That's being with the flow and an astrological chart shows you how to do it.
So, yes, astrology can make you rich if you look to where the money planets are in your birth horoscope and align with them.
First, where does money come to you? Jupiter is the planet of Blessings and where Jupiter falls in your astrological chart is where you will receive abundance:
Jupiter in the 1st house of The Self says you have an innately generous nature. Jupiter rules philosophy and having this planet here means you are blessed with a knowingness that we live in an abundant universe with more than enough for everyone. Honor your impulse to live large!
Jupiter in the 2nd, the house ruling Possessions, can attract an abundance of clutter if you're not careful. However - because Jupiter also rules travel - if you release the excess baggage, opportunities for travel will magically appear.
Jupiter rules publishing and in the 3rd house of Communication ideas easily come to you. Write them down and become a published author! However, the third house also rules the neighborhood so - if you don't use your gifts - Jupiter in the third could mean the buck stops at the neighbor's house instead!
Jupiter in the 4th house of The Home Base gives you a large loving home and family. (Warning: Don't let Jupiter's expansive optimism give you a mortgage you can't afford.)
Jupiter in the 5th house of Fun and Creativity actually can give you luck in gambling - especially if you maintain a lighthearted attitude.
In the 6th Jupiter can give an abundance of Work - be careful not to take on too much.
Jupiter in the 7th house of Partnership can mean a wealthy partner - or multiple marriages, an abundance of partners!
Jupiter in the 8th house of Endings can mean you benefit from a death - money from an inheritance.
Jupiter in the 9th house of Far Away Neighborhoods blesses/protects you while traveling.
Jupiter in the 10th house of fame and reputation will attract attention - great for a career in the public eye but don't try anything sneaky.
Jupiter in the 11th, the house of Friends and Groups, means good fortune comes to you through a generous friend or in group situations - Amway anyone?
Jupiter in the 5th house of Fun and Creativity actually can give you luck in gambling - especially if you maintain a lighthearted attitude.
In the 6th Jupiter can give an abundance of Work - be careful not to take on too much.
Jupiter in the 7th house of Partnership can mean a wealthy partner - or multiple marriages, an abundance of partners!
Jupiter in the 8th house of Endings can mean you benefit from a death - money from an inheritance.
Jupiter in the 9th house of Far Away Neighborhoods blesses/protects you while traveling.
Jupiter in the 10th house of fame and reputation will attract attention - great for a career in the public eye but don't try anything sneaky.
Jupiter in the 11th, the house of Friends and Groups, means good fortune comes to you through a generous friend or in group situations - Amway anyone?
I have Jupiter in my 12th house, the house of Hidden Matters in Sagittarius, the sign of travel. Maybe this is an indication my money is hidden in a galaxy far, far away. However, Sagittarius also rules wisdom and so having Jupiter here hints I could access wealth through learning "hidden wisdom" - like astrology. Well, I'm trying...
Even if you don't know where the abundance planet is in your chart you can always attune to Jupiter just by being conscious of the blessings in your life.
Venus is the second money indicator in the horoscope. Where we find the Goddess of Love and Beauty will clarify for you what you value most and WHAT YOU SHOULD SPEND YOUR MONEY ON! We are bombarded everyday with ads telling us what we're supposed to want but how many of us really give a rat's ear about all this things? Look at where Venus is in your chart to find out what your heart is craving. Then put your money where your heart is. Money will come to you easily when you are directing it this way.
Venus in the 1st, the house of Self, says money flows to you to spend on yourself! Hey, it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it..
Venus in the 2nd says your money is meant to beautify the world around you.
Venus in the 3rd tells us a beautiful mind is your prize possession. Join the book of the month club. And while you're at it - since the 3rd house rules the hands - you might also treat yourself to a manicure and ... a diamond ring..
Venus in the 4th gives you a knack for creating beauty in your home, put your money there.
Venus in the 5th says the goddess gives you money to spend on children.
I have Venus in my 6th house of work. No wonder I love my job! If you have Venus in your 6th house invest in your work and you'll always have a job you enjoy.
Venus in the 7th house of partnership says go ahead and lavish money on your partner.
The 8th house rules sex. Does Venus in the 8th house give permission to splurge at Victoria's Secret?
Venus in the 9th house of travel and higher education promises your money will never be wasted if you spend in those areas.
Venus rules art and if she's in your 10th of Fame and Recognition don't be afraid to invest in your talent because you could make it as an artist.
Venus in the 11th attracts money when you use it to support your friends.
Venus in the 12th house of Hidden Things may tempt you to stash your wealth under a mattress but Venus in the 12th house also rules The Less Fortunate - those hidden from the world - and so when Venus enters this house every penny we share with those less fortunate will come back to us ten fold.
Venus in the 7th house of partnership says go ahead and lavish money on your partner.
The 8th house rules sex. Does Venus in the 8th house give permission to splurge at Victoria's Secret?
Venus in the 9th house of travel and higher education promises your money will never be wasted if you spend in those areas.
Venus rules art and if she's in your 10th of Fame and Recognition don't be afraid to invest in your talent because you could make it as an artist.
Venus in the 11th attracts money when you use it to support your friends.
Venus in the 12th house of Hidden Things may tempt you to stash your wealth under a mattress but Venus in the 12th house also rules The Less Fortunate - those hidden from the world - and so when Venus enters this house every penny we share with those less fortunate will come back to us ten fold.
If you don't know where your Venus is, just remember that Venus is the planet of Love. When ever you are spending money - whether it's buying a gift or paying a bill - do it with a sense of giving Love and Love is what will come back to you.
To know where your planets of getting and giving are in your chart, give me a call and..
Let's get with the flow!
Rosada, EXT 2340
Rosada, EXT 2340