We will be experiencing the new moon at 23.37 degrees Virgo on Saturday 10:11 p.m. eastern time. The Sabian symbol for this degree is of Mary and her white lamb, a symbol of friendship, purity and simplicity. It seems somewhat disingenuous to focus on such a pleasant image at this time after the horrific events in the middle east this last week, but perhaps this symbol of innocence is giving us an opportunity to test our ability to change situations by guiding our attention to what's positive and to direct energy to what we want to manifest more of. Certainly the world could use more simple, honest friendship. In fact, now that I write this I wonder if that is to be our challenge in the month ahead? What if each of us befriended one or two new people, or strengthened one or two ties and then asked those people to likewise make new friends and like a chain letter would this energy of love then circle the world and reach every soul by the end of the month? It's mathematically possible, let's give it a shot! After all, as Albert Schweitzer once said, "Civilization is such a good idea that somebody ought to start it."
Other than the new moon, the planets aren't giving us a whole lot of support in the building friendships department just now. The on going square/conflict between Uranus in Aries ( free individuals) and Pluto in Capricorn (powerful governments) which has been the cause of all the civil unrest and uprisings this last year will be exact Wednesday. It's not unlikely that there will be more demonstrations and drama before the week is over. Anything each of us can do in our personal lives to sooth hurt feelings and diffuse potential disruptions will be doing a great service for humanity as a whole. Sun in Virgo means energy flows to those who are attending to the small stuff. What we do now for the least will be a service for the most.
Mercury goes into Libra Sunday. Mercury rules communication and Libra is the sign of partnership but also of war. When Mercury is in Libra we either find areas where we can agree with the other person and become partners or we get polarized into totally opposite points of view - and become enemies. So If you are dealing with someone who's opinion you just can't agree with but you don't want to get locked into a battle with them either, what can you do? One useful trick (Mercury rules tricks!) is to listen to the person without comment until they are totally finished. Then ask them to repeat themselves as in, "I don't think I quite understood that. Could you explain it to me again?" This is an especially useful technique if they are angry or irrational. Asking the person to repeat what they said, not only means they will pause and think for a moment - and thus be speaking from their calmer self - but they may then see the flaw in their reasoning without you having to point it out to them. And of course it may be that when you hear their argument for a second time you may discover you hadn't understood and that now you can find areas for agreement. Or you may find that it's better to postpone any conversation entirely - at least until after Thursday September 20 after Mercury moves past squaring both Uranus and Pluto.
We've had a rough week and the planets for the coming one look equally volatile. Keep the image of Mary and her lamb in mind and stay on the path.
The best way to make a friend is to be one,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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