The new moon appears on Monday October 15 at the end of Libra - the sign of partnership. This will be the last aspect it makes before going void of course, meaning that after this conjunction with the sun, the moon won't connect with any other planets before it leaves Libra and thus the partnership agreements we make in this next lunar month are sure to be significant and binding.
How interesting that in this country we have our elections during the month of Libra symbolizing that our government is a partnership and not a dictatorship. This election's the line up of planets is particularly intriguing:
The new moon will be at 22 - 23 degrees Libra. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is Chanticleer, the rooster who thought his crowing made the sun rise. It's a joyous and colorful image encouraging everyone to speak their truth. Doesn't that sound like our two presidential candidates? I'm looking forward to a boisterous debate this week. Everyone is sure to be at their best!
On Sunday October 21 the moon will square the sun at 29/30 degrees Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol here is amazingly appropriate: "Powerful men holding discussions about world affairs!" Another omen for a must-see debate. This aspect will also be the last one the moon makes before going void of course so again a sense of finality and ultimatums, particularly because the moon will be in Capricorn the sign of authority. No one will be able to get around the rules. I think this could mean the candidates should be particularly careful to stick to the facts. Whatever they say can and will be held against them!
The full moon on October 29 will be in Taurus the sign ruling physical manifestations. Everything comes out in the open under a full moon anyway, so in Taurus the truth should be particularly self evident. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is the image of Jesus meeting the woman at the well where he told her everything she'd ever done. What a powerful combination of omens for this being an election where everything we need to know will be out there for us to see if we take the time to look.
Finally, the three quarter moon - the moon that tells us how the energies of the new moon ultimately play out - will appear exactly on election day. Although there are some disturbing aspects on this day - i.e. Mercury turns retrograde - which many astrologers see as a warning of potential voter fraud - at 15/16 degrees Leo the Sabian Symbol is truly inspiring: "A storm ends and all of nature rejoices!"
Wouldn't that be loverly? Well, certainly the stars tell us the potential is here for meaningful debates and the right man getting elected. Meanwhile, make your own partnership vows Monday October 15, then proceed slowly and cautiously being alert for unexpected revelations on the full moon. By the three quarter moon we should feel the truth has set us free.
Love will find a way,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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