Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Era!

Greetings Earthlings!

Will this be the year we finally make contact with beings from outer space? Supposedly they are hovering just outside our solar system waiting for a chance to reveal themselves but holding back for fear of causing a panic. 

Do you buy that? Maybe I just run with a wild crowd, but I don't know anyone who would freak out if an Extraterrestrial landed on their doorstep. In fact, everyone I know says they would be delighted to welcome any off planet visitors who care to beam down. Anyway, I'm putting it in writing here and now: To all UFO's out there reading this - Communicate and I'll post your messages on this blog for all to read!

Meanwhile, at my Psychic's Support Group we've been practicing tuning in on Space Beings and the consensus is that far from being a dangerous threat, these travelers are only here to help. Indeed, they are helping us already. One message frequently channeled: All the scary planet distorying environmental disasters we hear about aren't going to happen - we have bands of angels and fleets of space craft out there looking out for us. 

So when will we all connect with these Far Out Energies, this larger Universe? The answer has to do with releasing our prejudices. For example, like many of us, I was hoping there would be some dramatic Sign on the Winter Soltice. I attended a pleasant gathering on that day, but if I hadn't known to watch for Something Special I wouldn't have identified the events on 12 21, 2012 as particularly consciousness altering. One thing that does stand out in my mind is how there were a large number of people at the party and they seemed to represent a wider than usual spectrum of viewpoints and opinions. One conversation I enjoyed very much included a fellow who took the Bible as literal Truth. Ordinarily I would have gotten into a ferocious debate with him over whether man could have co-existed with the dinosaurs but this time I just really appreciated hearing his ideas. Maybe that's the first step to an expanding consciousness - the releasing of prejudice. Perhaps before we can benefit from Martian Insights we'll first need to practice talking to - listening to - insights from each other!

Thus my New Era's Resolution for 2013 is to release my limiting prejudices - the only thing blocking us from total communication and our always right First Impressions!

To anchor my resolution I will be doing a candle ceremony on New Year's Eve. Candles are a powerful tool for giving more energy to an intention and thus are helpful in creating manifestation. Candles have been a part of magical and religious ceremonies for centuries.

Perhaps some day scientists will give us a mathematical  explanation for why lighting a candle while focusing on an intention can cause the manifestation of one's desire, but until then all I care about is that it works! here's how it's done:
Speak your intention aloud and light your candle. 
Red for love, Green for money, Blue for healing, White for divine Intervention. 
If it's going to do anything for you, you'll see the results asap.

And now,
Have a safe December 31 and a wonderful new year -

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Are You Still Here?

If you are reading this, congratulations! We made it through December 21, 2012!

We had a grand Winter Soltice Celebration Friday here in the woods on the Columbia Gorge in Washington. The God of Abundance (Jupiter) is in Gemini, the sign of neighbors this week so any activity that gets us all together is blessed and protected. My friend Dan builds a huge bonfire on Soltice Night each year and opens his house to the community. This year about forty people braved the snow and arrived with food and drink to share plus clothes and jewelry and other items to give and trade. I love this idea of bringing things to trade to these equinox festivals. Its become a major part of the tradition and people now always make a point of bringing fun things that inspire talk and stories. Oh, and this year a couple of jolly souls came dressed as Mayans!

We all took delight in discussing the predictions of the Mayan calendar and comparing notes. Did anyone experience Enlightenment or a visit to the much rumored 5th Dimension? Nothing too dramatic was reported here but there were some curious co-incidences and syncronicities. Twice in the evening people called just as our host was talking about them and three people arrived wearing the exact same outfit. The general conversation seemed to flow particularly well as if we all might have been one consciousness.

If this date really did mark the beginning of a whole new era, the key changes I noticed came about in the nature of the card readings I was giving.
I have been doing these annual readings for several years now. Always the cards have pointed out important events coming up in the year ahead. This is particularly seen in the card that falls in the "Upcoming Influences" position. The card that lands there provides some important clue or omen for the near future. On this Soltice however, these Future cards were all uncharacteristically vague. The High Priestess and The Hanged Man - cards that encourage patience and waiting - came up again and again until we were all wondering if there really was something to the prediction the world was coming to an end after all. Meanwhile, the cards that described where the person receiving the reading was at that precise moment were all startlingly accurate. For example, The Pregnant Empress card came up for a woman who is expecting her first child and The Chariot reversed came up for a fellow who had walked over because his car battery went dead. This leads me to believe the Mayan message for all of us this year is:

God knows where you are right now but the future is not here yet.  Take 2013 one day at a time!

Significant astrological events to watch for this week:

Monday Dec. 24. CHRISTMAS EVE:
The moon in Taurus will trine lively Mars in Capricorn until far into the evening. Wonderful energy for getting everything done - but good luck getting the kids to bed early!

Tuesday Dec. 25  CHRISTMAS DAY:
The moon in Gemini combines with the blessings of Jupiter. This could be a very pleasant holiday for many people as Gemini rules brothers and sisters. The moon/Jupiter combo here says family gatherings go well - we feel more tolerant, Jupiter gives us space.

Wednesday Dec. 25.
Moon continues in Gemini allowing talk and good cheer to continue throughout the day!

Thursday and Friday Dec. 26 and 27.
The moon squares Uranus all day Thursday while building to a full moon and then opposition to Pluto Friday morning. Impulsive action and power struggles? The results of poor holiday eating choices coming out under the full moon? Fortunately the last aspect the moon makes in Cancer is a trine to Saturn giving good back up support for New Year's Diet Resolutions.

The sun conjuncts Pluto Sunday Dec.30. This aspect signifies Death (Pluto) and Rebirth (The sun). Having this aspect so close to New Year's Day this year adds a helpful nudge to release the past and welcome the new!

Happy Holidays,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Solstice!

Count Down to Winter Soltice, 12 21, 2012:

The message from the stars this week gives guidance for more deeply synchronizing with the energy shift coming up on Friday December 12, 2012. This day marks the last day of The Mayan Calendar and has the potential for being the first day of a brand new perception of who we are and how we may live our lives more consciously. By being aware that this energy shift is going on and willingly aligning with it we are expecting that we will be able to remain awake and conscious during this momentous transition.

Sunday December 16.:
Venus has entered Sagittarius. 
Love is coming from a distance.
 Remove all road blocks!
(Forgive, forgive, forgive.)

Monday December 17:
Venus moves beyond squaring Saturn
Reawaken feelings - exercise the heart,
Through art
But minimize personal attachment.

Tuesday December 18:
Moon in Pisces.
The Great Releasing Begins.
Let  whatever wants to go, GO!

Wednesday December 19:
Moon squaring the sun at the last degree of Pisces.
Keep the Inner Fire going.
Moon enters Aries
Ask yourself,
Who do you want to be when you wake up?

Thursday December 20.
Moon square Pluto.
 First the Inner Adjustment.

Friday December 21.
Sun enters Capricorn.
Enter The New Reality.

Saturday December 22.
Moon enters Taurus.
See the world around you with
Increased Perception.

Sunday December 23.
Moon opposition Saturn,
Moon trine Pluto.
See the Reality.
Evolve with it.

God bless us all,
See you in the New Dimension!
Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, December 10, 2012

Creating Christmas

Can you believe it's the second week of December already? I think I understand now the Mayan Calendar prediction that Time is speeding up this year. Gad zooks! Sure seems so to me! But in all honesty, I feel this way every year. Maybe because I have the moon squaring Saturn, I just don't feel the holiday spirit until it's nearly Christmas Day - and then I feel panic. So this year I'm using the cards and the stars to get in sync with the season early on:

The Destiny Card for December 25 is the 6 of Hearts. Six is the number of karma, Hearts stand for love, thus we can get in sync with the holiday spirit by giving and receiving love. (It also seems fitting that this is the day Santa comes with gifts that aren't really gifts but karmic payback for The Naughty and The Nice.)

Furthermore, when we consult the stars we see that on Christmas Day the sun will be in Capricorn, the sign ruling Tradition. Having the sun here tells us one of the key elements to a happy Christmas is acknowledging traditions. There's a built in comfort in putting up the same ornaments, singing the same songs, eating the same food and of course sharing the day with old friends. I'm not forgetting that Uranus is in Aries now so you may feel like doing a few things out of the ordinary - or even starting a new tradition - but don't neglect those family rituals - they are the easiest, quickest way to make Christmas feel like Christmas.

The moon will be in Gemini along with jovial Jupiter. Gemini rules brothers and sisters so that's a wonderful pairing for goodwill in the family. Plus because Gemini favors messages, it's a great line up of planets for sending cards to everyone you know. The very act of writing out these positive affirmations will help you hark and hear the harold  angels singing.

Mercury and Venus will be in Sagittarius, the sign promoting philosophy, religion and long distance travel. If being home for Christmas involves travel this year you'll probably feel the trip was worth it.. Also because Sagittarius rules sharing knowledge, this is one Christmas you could give everybody on your list a book about something foreign to them but dear to your heart and they might actually read it.

Neptune in Pisces this year promises music will be key to bringing in the holiday spirit and also gifts of music will be particularly appreciated. More importantly, Neptune in Pisces blesses the poor and unfortunate and those who care for them. If you don't really need another tie or coffee cup this would be a great year to start a new tradition by getting your loved ones to donate in your name to your favorite charity. 

Finally Mars will be at the very last degree of Capricorn meaning energy (Mars) will flow smoothly according to our plans (Capricorn) - so be sure to make some! 

All and all this could be a very pleasant Christmas holiday for many people, perhaps with less acting out than usual on the part of family members?

Meanwhile we have the New Moon coming up Thursday December 13 . It will be in the early morning hours so unless you are intending to be awake at 3:42 a.m. est. I suggest you make a point of simply focusing on something positive before you fall asleep the night before. If you do have something important enough to begin, do it at that time.

Best day of the week: Saturday December 15 especially in the morning. The moon will be sextiling Venus making it a lovely time to be with friends, to work on something creative, or to pick out Christmas presents.

Keeping the yuletide bright,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Cards

The Destiny card system assigns a card to each day of the year.  Knowing the card of the day can be helpful in alerting us to activities particularly suited to the energies available. Therefore this week I have decided to write out what the card for each day is along with my usual heads up on the astrological aspects worth watching for. I hope you'll find these "Christmas Cards" fun and useful!

Today Sunday, December 2, is a Three of Diamonds day: which means that everyone on some level is experiencing a push to be more creative (threes rule creativity) about financial matters (Diamonds rule values, money and the things money can buy).  3 days can find us multi-tasking or scattered if we try to fit too many ideas into the time available. Diamond days draw our attention to the physical world. Thus if you've been stressed trying to take care of too many the holiday chores or if you've been feeling a pinch on your pocket book, you may come up with some terrific creative solutions today.

Monday December 3:
Two of Diamonds = companionship and enterprise.
The moon in Leo is heading for a square to Mercury tomorrow.

A terrific day for partnership enterprises. Brain-storming gets results but strong opinions could rouse an argument!

Tuesday December 4:
Ace of Diamonds.
Ace's are intentions, the beginnings of creation. Diamonds = the physical world.

Forget yesterday's frustrations and focus on the future.
Clear intentions quickly manifest today.

Wednesday December 5:
The King of Clubs: Master of communication.
The three quarter moon tonight is in Virgo.
The Sabian Symbol is of a lace handkerchief.

Make up your mind and go for it!
Small items of quality satisfy the soul.
Hmm..this combination feels like some good books would make great gifts.

Thursday December 6:
Queen of Clubs: Intuitive awareness.
Waning moon in Virgo sextiles Mercury.

Your hunches are bound to be right on but with the waning moon it's probably best to use your insights for following up on matters already underway.

Friday December 7.
Jack of Clubs = lots of lively mental energy.
Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries.

Not everyone will share our point of view.
Could be good for Christmas parties if we keep it light.

Saturday December 8
Ten of Clubs, The Teacher's Card.
Moon sextiles the sun in Sagittarius.

A lovely aspect for getting into the Christmas spirit.
Terrific night for reading scripture at church gatherings.

Sunday December 9
Nine of Clubs.
Endings, completions.
Moon in Scorpio heading for a conjunction with Venus.

May be time to let something go but Venus could help make it a "happy ending."
Particularly honor friends you may not see again for some time.

Have a great week and please drop me a line to let me know how these cards and astrological aspects manifested in your life.

The Destiny card system also provides a personal card for each day based on your individual birthday.
Give me a call and I can give you your personal cards and reading.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Rosada, EXT 2340