Will this be the year we finally make contact with beings from outer space? Supposedly they are hovering just outside our solar system waiting for a chance to reveal themselves but holding back for fear of causing a panic.
Do you buy that? Maybe I just run with a wild crowd, but I don't know anyone who would freak out if an Extraterrestrial landed on their doorstep. In fact, everyone I know says they would be delighted to welcome any off planet visitors who care to beam down. Anyway, I'm putting it in writing here and now: To all UFO's out there reading this - Communicate and I'll post your messages on this blog for all to read!
Meanwhile, at my Psychic's Support Group we've been practicing tuning in on Space Beings and the consensus is that far from being a dangerous threat, these travelers are only here to help. Indeed, they are helping us already. One message frequently channeled: All the scary planet distorying environmental disasters we hear about aren't going to happen - we have bands of angels and fleets of space craft out there looking out for us.
So when will we all connect with these Far Out Energies, this larger Universe? The answer has to do with releasing our prejudices. For example, like many of us, I was hoping there would be some dramatic Sign on the Winter Soltice. I attended a pleasant gathering on that day, but if I hadn't known to watch for Something Special I wouldn't have identified the events on 12 21, 2012 as particularly consciousness altering. One thing that does stand out in my mind is how there were a large number of people at the party and they seemed to represent a wider than usual spectrum of viewpoints and opinions. One conversation I enjoyed very much included a fellow who took the Bible as literal Truth. Ordinarily I would have gotten into a ferocious debate with him over whether man could have co-existed with the dinosaurs but this time I just really appreciated hearing his ideas. Maybe that's the first step to an expanding consciousness - the releasing of prejudice. Perhaps before we can benefit from Martian Insights we'll first need to practice talking to - listening to - insights from each other!
Thus my New Era's Resolution for 2013 is to release my limiting prejudices - the only thing blocking us from total communication and our always right First Impressions!
To anchor my resolution I will be doing a candle ceremony on New Year's Eve. Candles are a powerful tool for giving more energy to an intention and thus are helpful in creating manifestation. Candles have been a part of magical and religious ceremonies for centuries.
Perhaps some day scientists will give us a mathematical explanation for why lighting a candle while focusing on an intention can cause the manifestation of one's desire, but until then all I care about is that it works! here's how it's done:
Speak your intention aloud and light your candle.
Red for love, Green for money, Blue for healing, White for divine Intervention.
If it's going to do anything for you, you'll see the results asap.
And now,
Have a safe December 31 and a wonderful new year -
Rosada, EXT 2340
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