It's easy to develop psychic abilities. The biggest hurdle is not believing it's possible. If you can put aside ideas like "Psychics have to be born gifted" or "Only years of meditation on a Himalayan mountain top will open your third eye chakra" and at least consider the possibility that we all have a sixth sense...well, amazing results start materializing pretty quickly.
Rosada, EXT 2340
There's an unusual Mercury conjunct Venus conjunct Jupiter in Gemini aspect forming this week and it offers us a rare opportunity to connect and support each other in developing our psychic potentials. It's like the doors to a cosmic classroom have opened and we are all invited to step in so why not do it? I'm going to post a series of lessons for us here over the next month or so. Let's see what we can create together!
Lesson One: Mind Reading.
Do you often know who is calling before you answer the phone? Get in the habit of saying out loud who you think is on the line before you pick up. This will build your confidence that you can indeed do this.
One of the quickest ways to know what another person is thinking is to mimic their body language. Notice how they hold themselves and then arrange yourself in that same position. Try to match your breathing to their's too. In less than a minute you will find yourself feeling the other person's mood and possibly even getting images in your mind identical to theirs. Some people will be easier for you to read than others. See if you can practice with a friend you have some rapport with. Before long you'll notice you are able to read quite a variety of people.
Next try sending mental messages - that is, see if you can get others to pick up on what you are thinking. A subtle and useful exercise is to have an idea you would like to introduce into a conversation - perhaps a joke you'd like to tell. Rather than simply blurting it out, mentally ask the people you are talking to to give you an opening. Then quietly wait for your cue. It won't be long before someone will make a comment that is the perfect introduction to what you are wanting to say.
Now that you've had a bit of experience, find a friend to practice sending and receiving messages with on a regular basis. I have a friend I exchange psychic "hellos" with first thing every morning. We've been doing this for years and now we've gotten our connection so strong we can intuitively tell if the other person is awake or asleep, happy or sad and often we can even have brief "conversations" that later when we talk we find the messages did indeed get through!
Another good time to practice your psychic mind reading is while out walking with your friend. As you walk together your body and your breathing comes in sync and your minds become quiet and it's a perfect time for playing "what color am I thinking of?" or "what number?" One important guideline, overtime you will become better at this but in the beginning you may have fewer hits than misses. Avoid labeling guesses wrong. You are tapping into your unconscious here and it takes awhile to fine tune it. Also you may get more than you bargained for. One time I was jogging with a friend and trying to vibe her the color red. She didn't receive any particular color but started describing an argument I'd had with a neighbor earlier that day! Yikes!
Astrological happenings to be aware of this week:
The Moon conjuncts Pluto early Monday morning. This aspect comes around once every month and it always marks a moment of endings and new beginnings. There could be a significant event or it may be more subtle. For example, you may have been day-dreaming about doing something and when the moon-Pluto connects you find your idea morphs from a vague vision into a real plan.
The Moon trines Mercury, Venus and Jupiter Thursday May 30. Should be a lovely day for travel and making connections.
Mars enters Gemini and the Sun sextiles Uranus next weekend: ideal for parties and light hearted conversation with old friends and new.
If it looks like a great week ahead to you - well, I think you just read my mind!
Rosada, EXT 2340