Sunday, May 19, 2013

Saturn Retrograde, Uranus Square Pluto and the Full Moon Eclipse.

 I frequently will KNOW where the planets are, I'll even have been studying them, reading up and writing down everything I can learn about them - and then I'll trot out the door and get into exactly the sort of trouble they were trying to warn me against. So today I'm putting the big three astrological events coming up right in the title to help us all zero in on what's important this week.

First recognize that Saturn is retrograde until July 8th.
 When planets are retrograde they keep the area of your life they control in a sort of limbo state. They lose their power to initiate and move things forward. Most of us are familiar with the idea that when Mercury is retrograde communications get all confused. Mercury rules the mind and retrograde it just can't keep up. Saturn rules responsibility,  commitment and harsh reality - the way things are without any rosy colored glasses. Saturn believes tomorrow won't be much different from today, certainly no better and retrograde Saturn thinks things will be even worse! When Saturn is retrograde people tend to be pessimistic about the future. We hold off making purchases or promises - we instinctively know not to to trust that the money is in the mail or that love will last. The result is something of a self fulfilling prophecy - people want surety before they commit and when they can't get it they may end a partnership all together. The smart ones consider where the planets are and realize when Saturn is retrograde it's in our own best interest not to push for commitment! Most likely there is some glitch we don't know about and when it's finally resolved we'll be glad we hadn't already given up our options. For example a caller was frustrated that she couldn't get transportation to a wedding. She wondered if she should reserve a plane ticket. The stars said not to make that commitment. Later she told me the wedding had been called off. Bottom line: With Saturn retrograde, if plans don't fall in place easily have PATIENCE (Saturn's favorite word) until they do. You'll gain a REPUTATION (another Saturn term) for having great wisdom.

Uranus' square to Pluto will be exact Monday evening, May 20th.
Because Pluto and Uranus will be going in and out of retrograde in the months ahead, these two slow moving planets will be connecting with each other again and again before Uranus gets passed Pluto and moves on. This means the tensions created when these two cross paths will be active for several years yet - until March of 2015 to be exact. Pluto rules power and control while Uranus rules upset and upheaval. Their locking horns is reflected in the current financial mess we see in the world today where a few corporations/individuals seemingly hold all the money/power while the majority of citizens feel their rights and opportunities are being suffocated. The current uproar in this country about the IRS targeting conservative political parties is an example of Pluto (the all powerful IRS) abusing Uranus (the political groups). We may see this scandal coming to a head this week when the Moon goes into Scorpio and puts the spotlight on all that is dark and hidden. Because Pluto is also retrograde now (and will be through the summer), we may see the government held in check and unable to make as many successful demands as it would like.
 In out personal lives this aspect gives us a heads up to be SELF-RELIANT  (Uranus) and not get MANIPULATED (Pluto). A personal example from my own life: I've been asked volunteer at the local community center on the day of the square. I am happy to oblige - I think I'll meet some unique Uranus type souls there - but when they asked me to also donate a dessert I turned them down. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the Pluto-power of chocolate and would eat half of it myself so I had to say no. Hmmm...I guess that's also an example of not over committing with Saturn retrograde. 

The full moon will be a lunar eclipse on Friday May 24th.
Everything comes out in the open under a full moon - especially this one in Sagittarius, sign of the TRUTH. It's following a harsh Moon in Scorpio opposition Mars in Taurus. While this could indicate some major dramas in Washington D.C. it might also give us all an opportunity to demonstrate our ability to remain calm and true even under fire.

Okay, that's three for the road - have a good trip!

P.S. There's a delightful opportunity next weekend when the Moon in Gemini trines Uranus Saturday morning until it enters Capricorn Sunday night. Grand for both WORK and PLAY.

Rosada, EXT 2340

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