Uranus in Aries urges us to be free and spontaneous this week. It's square to Pluto in Capricorn however could mean unthinking impulsiveness will lead to harsh consequences. This warning is apt to be particularly significant when Uranus turns retrograde on July 17. When a planet is changing direction whether it be turning retrograde or later turning direct, it appears to pause and that's when it's influence manifests most intensely. For example, retrograde Mercury's famous miscommunications seem to happen most on the day it turns retrograde even though it continues to be retrograde for several weeks after that. Saturn changed direction - turned direct - last Sunday and many of you reported that day's activities seemed especially more like work than play - evidence of Saturn's influence intensified. Now Uranus the planet of fast action is changing direction so this week will be testing our ability to stay cool when our minds are projecting all sorts of reasons why we need to rush ahead, grab the wheel, do something!!!! before the time is ripe.
Rosada, EXT 23
To help handle this planet that demands freedom and refuses to recognize any restrictions imposed from the outside, I consulted the I Ching, the chinese oracle. The I Ching gives it's advice through images. The image it gave me today was one of wind gently blowing across the sky. Now what does a gentle wind have to do with dealing with rambunctious Uranus? Well think of Uranus as being an actual person. Someone you know - maybe yourself! - demanding change and revolution. If you are dealing with someone of this nature, the I Ching seems to be saying it's best to be calm and soothing like a summer breeze. Or perhaps we are being shown our own wild rebellious actions won't get us anywhere right now. In the words of the I Ching, this is a time of "clouds but no rain." Think of Uranus as a farmer wanting rain and all he's getting is fluffy clouds blowing by. If he huffs and he puffs will that make any difference? No. How about if he tunes in on the square to Pluto and tries to force rain through some environmentally devastating weird weather manipulation? Possible perhaps but obviously not good. So the I Ching is saying if we're smart farmers (and Uranus is known for strokes of genius) we will CHOOSE to be patient this week just as the freedom Uranus calls for now is the freedom to choose Self-Restraint.
The Tayvron Martin - Zimmerman trial is in the news this morning. A stark example of what can go wrong with this line-up of planets. Zimmerman acted impulsively (Uranus) and grabbed power (squared Pluto). Even though he was acquitted, his stupid thoughtless act (Uranus in Aries) will have long term consequences for our whole justice system (Pluto in Capricorn). Belief in America as a land of equality has been shattered. That it's a system slanted towards protecting a few is undeniable. The only question now is, what can people do about it?
This week ahead is sure to bring out more debate about individual freedom vs. government control. Some people will want to riot, others will claim the issues aren't even important, but they say a master is one who can listen to anything without getting angry and without getting bored so hopefully enough of us will master this art of self-restraint at least to the point that we can listen, stay involved and share a perspective of peace.
Keep calm and carry on,
Rosada, EXT 23
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