We start this week with a Sun opposition to Neptune on Monday August 26. Neptune aspects always bring in a feeling of uncertainty like sailing in a fog and this time the clouds are particularly thick. You may find yourself wrestling with issues where you don't have all the facts or else maybe you just don't quite know how to proceed. Don't try to be too precise just now or you'll just find yourself lost in confusion. Instead use this time to step back and re-evaluate your dreams, weed out the fantasies and focus on reasonable goals.
Rosada, EXT 2340
Mars enters Leo Tuesday evening around 10 p.m. eastern time - after all that soul searching on Monday the right direction to take may become much clearer now.
Wednesday August 28 is going to be a very busy day what with the Moon making connections with almost all the planets and culminating with a lovely trine to Venus. Perfect for strengthening ties with friends and sending out resumes.
To further motivate you, Mercury will be in the background making a powerful connection with Pluto - old obstacles evaporate as new opportunities invigorate!
The Sun sextiles Saturn Thursday evening August 29. After the confusion earlier in the week, the new reality starts to materialize. Note who is around you now. You may see who your real friends are.
The Moon enters Cancer, the sign of family ties and the past, on Friday August 30. There may be a bit of emotional blowback from all the changes happening this week. Friends who haven't felt properly appreciated will be needing extra attention although with the final aspect Saturday evening being a square to Venus there may not be a way to please everyone.
Fortunately the Sun makes an exact trine to Pluto early Sunday morning again offering opportunity for rebirth and healing. It may only require a change in attitude.
Finally on Sunday September 1 the Moon goes into Leo and connects with Mars offering a boost in confidence and then moves on to trine independent Uranus in Aries.
Be bold! Be yourself! After all, everyone else is taken.
Be bold! Be yourself! After all, everyone else is taken.
Best wishes,
Rosada, EXT 2340