Why would living in "interesting times" be considered a curse? It's a wish that sounds mild and almost friendly. Everyone hates to be bored so what's the big deal? Oooh, don't be fooled. It's a diabolical greeting as you will realize when you think about it:
Ever gone to your computer for a quick peek only to be suckered into reading one thing more and then another and then another until finally you've wasted an hour reading worthless junk you don't remember any of one mouse click later? That's an example of Interesting Times doing it's evil work and it's definitely the times we're living in today. Our motivations and good intentions melt away in this world of constant distraction. Keeping focused on our goals becomes a near impossibility but astrology can help keep you on track:
Ever gone to your computer for a quick peek only to be suckered into reading one thing more and then another and then another until finally you've wasted an hour reading worthless junk you don't remember any of one mouse click later? That's an example of Interesting Times doing it's evil work and it's definitely the times we're living in today. Our motivations and good intentions melt away in this world of constant distraction. Keeping focused on our goals becomes a near impossibility but astrology can help keep you on track:
Each month the Sun lights up a new sign and a different sector of our lives. This month the Sun and Mercury are in Leo energizing creativity. Let your goal this next week be to get out of the house (that was sooo last month with Cancer) and do something festive. Do you have clothes you've been saving for a special occasion? Why wait? Wear the good stuff and create the occasion!
Venus in Virgo rewards those who give attention to completing pesky chores and eating their vegetables. Don't get distracted by all the interesting items on the menu. Focus on Fresh!
Mars in Cancer can really get us into trouble if we don't keep our priorities in mind. The fiery planet in this emotional water sign can ignite arguments unless energies are well grounded in some productive project - preferably something to do around Cancer's turf - that is, your own backyard.
Jupiter in Cancer provides a balm of peace and blessings for the home if we look for it. Combined with this month's Leo planets supporting entertaining it promises any gatherings in the home will be well attended. As Jupiter also rules higher learning, a gathering to learn about something would be particularly favored. Host a Book Club meeting!
Saturn is now moving direct in Scorpio. The planet of discipline in the sign of transformation warns us that Shift Happens and we must keep up with the changes. Don't let old stuff sap your energy. Nothing is more distracting than clutter you can't let go of. Saturn in Scorpio helps us recognize what we've out grown, what can be recycled and what just needs to be tossed.
Uranus in Aries provides a slew of distractions but also opportunities to try something different - just don't commit yourself too far in any direction.
Neptune in Pisces dissolves barriers making it easy to disregard our self-imposed limits. This can make us unfocused and confused or allow us to connect with our hopes and dreams.
Thoughts become things - focus on the good ones,
-- Rosada, EXT 2340
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