Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mars Conjunct Pluto - I Do Believe It's Getting Better.

 Monday November 10 Mars the planet of personal power will meet up with Pluto, the planet of super-power. It's a rare opportunity to align our personal desires with the universal life force to transform our lives - if you know how to do it. Here's how.

Focus on what you want, ignore what you don't want. We've all heard about the Law of Attraction - the idea that "where attention goes energy flows" and some of us have played around with it and recognized a bit of success. Well, this is the week to follow this law with all your heart and soul. Where you aim your personal energy - Mars - this week is going to be activating adventures for many moons to come.

If you aren't sure just what you want to energize, then take some time to fill your mind with positive images of all sorts. Here's a suggestion for you - I just watched a video about Saint Hildegarde of Bengin called Vision. It was such an interesting movie that I then looked her up on Wickipedia and set up her astrological chart. An absolutely amazing woman. Born in the 12th century, from the time she was a small child she received visions that gave her insights into all sorts of things including healing cures made with plants and herbs that are still used today. She heard music in these visions and wrote down what she heard becoming the first known composer. (We know of other earlier music but we don't know who wrote it.) She wrote morality plays and in her late sixties and seventies she toured the country on horse back preaching the gospel. She also recorded some intriguing prophesies. So if you are looking for a good read I recommend her. But that's not why I'm writing about her here today. I'm writing about her because after focusing on her as I did - not ponderously studying her, but just reading about her in a pleasant sort of way - I found miracles happening in my own life. For the next three days I experienced insights myself and other good fortune. I focused on the spiritual perspectives of St. Hildegarde and found my own life took on a higher spiritual perspective. We tend to share the views of those who are around us and by consciously seeking out those with better, higher understanding to surround ourselves with we find ourselves lifted effortlessly. Now that's Mars/Pluto empowerment!

The down side of Mars joining Pluto is the potential for power struggles. Furthermore on Monday the Moon will be squaring Uranus - never an easy transit. David taking on Goliath stories will no doubt be prominent in the news. In our personal lives we should give ourselves plenty of time to get where we're going - don't race the clock - and don't fight the law. Still, if we find there are areas where we must surrender our hopes and wishes, even so this line up suggests grief will transform into good fortune. The Moon will move on to trine the Sun then Venus and finally Saturn all in Scorpio so lots of potential for something positive to come from recent upheavals.

Wednesday Venus conjuncts Saturn, a serious sober alignment that could bring you some well deserved reward if you've kept your promises. Otherwise you may be feeling short changed as Saturn doesn't give gifts freely. Mainly I sense its going to be a time to complete assignments and then move on for better or worse.

Mars will square Uranus Wednesday night - those who felt slighted earlier may be mad as hell by now so again, try to surround yourself with good vibrations this week. Also the more flexible your plans are the less likely the changes this coupling brings will disrupt your calm.

Something to look forward to - Venus emerges from the Scorpio drama pit Sunday November 16 and hits the road big time in Sagittarius. Pack up all your cares and woe and bye bye Black Bird here we go!

The moment is potent,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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