The goddess of love enters Leo on Friday June 5. It's a very fortunate omen suggesting the possibility that ALL problems can be solved now if we try a little tenderness (Venus) combined with a bit of confidence (Leo).
Whether the problem that concerns us is in the area of relationships, finances or health, we're entering a period when all these knots can be untangled and the way to do this is amazingly simple and clear:
First, know that whenever Venus is involved we need to have an attitude that we "attract" what we desire. With Mercury we "figure out" how to get what we want and with Mars we must "hunt" for it but when Venus is by our side all we need to do is ask and the universe will bring it to us.
Now I know we have all played with this idea that we can manifest what we want merely by focusing on the goal but obviously we have not always gotten the results we were hoping for. Today I am going to outline the specific steps to take to enlist the attractive powers of Venus for bringing your heart's desires into being.
1. Light a candle. I don't know why this is important but it makes a difference.
2. Speak to Venus directly. She is a goddess and as much a conscious being as you and I are. Invoke her presence, gain her attention, by saying aloud something like, "Dear Venus. I acknowledge you and thank you for hearing my request. I am in need of (here state your need) and ask that you bring this to me by (state a time limit). Thank you in advance."
3. Assume that your request has been heard and and fulfilled and take some action based on this belief. For example, if you are asking her for a new love to come into your life, prepare for it. Throw out the old souvenirs of past relationships. Buy a bottle of wine to be ready to share with someone new.
4. Get on the same feeling tone as the experience you are wanting to attract. Some people do this by visualizing and making pictures. If you're wanting more money you might make out a check to yourself signed "The Universe" and put it on your mirror. You might even open a new bank account to be really ready to welcome in riches. The step I've found works for me is to think back of some time when I was actually experiencing the feeling I am trying to create now. Thus if you are seeking wealth, remember a time when you felt wealthy. In fact, ask yourself, "When did I feel the wealthiest ever?" For me it was when my husband had gotten a job clearing an orange grove. After he cut down the trees and rather than leave the dozens and dozens of ripe oranges lying on the ground uneaten, we called our friends and had an impromptu picnic. What a glorious afternoon that was! All our friends and all those beautiful free oranges! Total abundance! Just remembering it makes me feel rich. But here my point is, by remembering a feeling you've already had, you are programing your unconscious to attract that experience again.
5. Note that I recommended you set a time limit for the goddess to fulfill your request. This is very important. Venus can bring you whatever you desire, but often times gifts get lost because we lose focus. If we set a time limit - 48 hours - we're more likely to be able to stay in a state of high alert long enough to see results.
6. Finally and most important:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We are ultimately all one and just reflections of each other. What ever you are asking for yourself, give something similar to someone else. It needn't be elaborate. If you are wanting a new car, give a friend a lift to work in your old one - thus giving them a new car if only for one ride. If you are wanting a job, give someone a job - pay the neighbor kid to run an errand. If you are wanting someone to call you, ask yourself who would appreciate hearing from you and then you call them. What goes around comes around!
If all these rules and guidelines seem a bit daunting, here is a quick exercise that will get you powerful results with almost no effort:
Venus is her most generous in the sign Leo but why wait until Friday?
Ask Venus to give you "a gift" in the next 48 hours.
Then sit back and watch. It's amazing!
Venus LOVES to give!
Be sure to acknowledge her with a thank you.
You're very welcome,
Rosada, EXT 2340