Sunday, May 3, 2015

Venus in Cancer - The Goddess of Love Comes Home

Venus quits her running around the Gemini neighborhood and finally calls home Thursday May 7. If you are ready to receive her she might even drop in.

Things you can do to honor the goddess and make her welcome in your house:

First and foremost, let bygones be bygones..
Be open and natural. No need to put on a show - that comes next month when Venus goes into Leo's theatrical domain - however, don't try to conceal your feelings either. In fact, share them! Encourage partners and friends to open up to you cause when Venus is in the home sign of Cancer, we're all family.
Indeed, Venus in Cancer offers a real opportunity to act together in harmony with everyone you meet - just relate as if we're relatives, and we all have a few crazy ones of those tucked away. Truly, a great deal of healing and progress is possible if you take advantage of this time. Make the most of it as Venus will move on into Leo in June where she's known to be kinda snobby. But for now, we're all kin.

Also, now's a great time to be active! Avoid lapsing into brooding states of mind. In fact, while Venus is still in Gemini make some mental notes - a bucket list of exciting things to do this month and then organize your time and do them. Otherwise, while Venus in Cancer likes to get settled in the home she can also quickly become depressed if left alone too long - so plan ahead and don't let Happy Homemaker become Housebound Hanna!

Venus in Cancer particularly means a new springtime is dawning for marriages. Shake off those pockets of complacency and create new ways to love each other.

Warnings: Cancer rules memories and the past. If you are the least bit prone to being stubborn or unforgiving you may find yourself judging your partner on the memories of old quarrels. If you are in the habit of dragging those skeletons out of the cupboard at every opportunity, you could repel the good feeling which is offered to you now. Venus in Cancer shows us where a new bloom is trying to grow.

If you and a loved one have parted recently, Venus into Cancer brings opportunities to reconcile. However, if it truly is time for you to move on, then resist the temptation to get stuck reflecting on the yesterday and what might have been.  Cancer rules the past, but it is also the sign for babies and infants and situations that are young and need time to develop. Be gentle with yourself as you look to the future and let new friendships grow at their own pace.

The most helpful attitude to hold at this time? Prepare. Venus in Cancer is the time when seeds germinate. Strengthen ties with loved ones, have some dinners at home, share the family stories. By taking advantage of present opportunities to sow good seeds you will be guaranteeing yourself a great yield later when Venus moves into Leo June 6.

The light of the future looks very promising - indeed, even bountiful!

Kind regards,
Rosada, EXT 2340

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