Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mars into Cancer - It Takes a Heap

...of living to make a house a home.

Energy explodes on the home front these next six weeks as Mars charges into the personal space sign, Cancer. With the god of war in the sign of emotions, we may find ourselves more courageous than ever about expressing our feelings. If you've been tolerating inappropriate behavior and allowing yourself to be taken advantage of, this is the month when your inner warrior stands up with the cry, "No more!" This can be a good thing...

A real life example, this last weekend I was at the memorial for my 101 year old Great Aunt Barbara. (This is the 9th funeral I've attended since Pluto - the planet of death and transformation - entered my first house, the house said to rule your personal awareness. Geeze, enough awareness of death, already...) It was a long day and we'd already seen each other several times in the past months at the other funerals, so by the time the family was supposed to gather at the restaurant for a celebration supper many of the out of town relatives had quietly decided to head for home instead. My poor cousin! When she realized her planned guest list of 30 had shrunk to 17 she burst into tears of frustration! How could people RSVP they were coming and then cancel at the last minute? How could they think it was okay to leave without even saying goodbye? It was quite a moment for those of us remaining as we witnessed for the first time this usually beautifully posed and gracious hostess go completely ballistic in front of us all. And yet... oh it felt so good... to scream and to cry and to rage at life and death and just jump out of the orchestrated  refined mode of how one is supposed to be. I never felt more like we were all Family as I did in that moment. And of course it all worked out just fine in the end. Because there were fewer of us now the restaurant put us all at one big table in a small private room. We were able to all sit together and the stories and sharing was much more intimate than what we would have experienced with a larger group. Plus we all now alert to be very good, kind, to each other - no one wanted to condemn the missing cousins (there was a Moon trine Aries so I suspect we each had secretly been tempted to slip away ourselves that day), and yet we all felt for our hostess. So no one found fault with any of it, we just made soothing sounds and the incident was quickly resolved.

 Having this all occur at the beginning of Mar's journey through Cancer may serve as a useful demonstration of how to ride the upcoming waves:
 Mars, ruler of the sign of the personal ego, is certainly going to strengthen our sense of self, our sense that we have a right to be who we are. 
Cancer, sign of The Home, is where we're supposed to be most able to be ourselves and yet many times this is where we put on our biggest act, where we cover up our feelings in order to keep things safe and secure for the family.
Mars coming into Cancer means we aren't going to fake it anymore. We're going to be in situations where we'll feel to be safe we must express ourselves honestly and while this may make the people in "the home" feel very insecure to begin with, the demonstration of real and true feeling can actually be good. At least now we will all know what the foundation is and where we stand.

If you've had a major shake up in the family dynamic this  last week or have one in the next six weeks you can bet it's Mars saying "I can't pretend things are okay when they're not!" Work with this energy by recognizing it's alright - it's essential! - to be yourself, but also be aware you don't need to go so far as to shout like the Red Queen (a true Mars in Cancer native) "Off with their heads!"

If you experience Mars in Cancer coming at you, that is, if someone near and dear to you is on the attack, try not to fall into a defensive mode but rather get out of the way and let the storm blow by. They'll most likely be grateful once they calm down.

A positive use of Mars energy in the sign of the home is to do some actual work around the house. Home improvement projects should be easier to get off the ground especially - what with Saturn at the last degrees of Scorpio - anything that has to do with tearing out the old and outworn. Whether it's throwing out old clothes or uprooting dead trees, you may find it's unusually clear what needs to be done and now surprisingly easy to do it.

Work it, Baby!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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