The New Moon this month happens at 23 degrees Cancer on Wednesday July 15 at 9:24 p.m. According to the Sabian Symbols oracle this is the degree known as "The Meeting of a Study Group or Literary Society". Awareness the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon degree and watching for it's manifestation through out the month always adds another layer of understanding to the life drama for me. I am particularly delighted with this month's symbol as I will be attending a ladies' luncheon on that day and as I just so happen to be lugging around two big boxes of books in the trunk of my car this could be an opportunity to create a Literary Society. I had been intending to donate the books to the library but I kept now I'm thinking they may be fun to share to the woman's gathering. The stars certainly seem to be supporting the idea!
Even if you are not looking to launch a book club this week however, the omens are supportive for any sort of meetings aimed at encouraging sharing ideas. If you've gotten fed up with the superficial chit-chat and blather that so often passes for conversation, this is the month you can tune your mind on to a higher frequency. The news reporting upcoming presidential election has been particularly silly lately with little in depth discussion of the real issues Americans care about. If you're tired of hearing about Donald Trump, send an email to the editors. It's amazing the influence a few well written letters can have.
When astrologers look to the Sabian Symbols they will often look at two; the one for the exact degree and the one for the degree following. Thus we must also consider the symbol for 24 degrees Cancer, "A Woman and Two Men (or a man and two women) Cast Away on a Small Island". This image is quite the opposite of the former one. With the symbol for a study group we had a feeling of people sharing ideas without fear. Here we have a feeing of people wanting to get away from the crowd, away from those who may have conflicting views. As we are in Cancer, the sign of The Home, this could be a feeling of not wanting outsiders to dictate how we run our private lives.
Bottom line, this month ahead could feel like a pendulum swinging between having too many people in our lives or having no one. There may be some rivalry and competition for time and attention. Setting up a schedule could help moderate the flow.
Key dates to tune in on this week:
Venus is making a hard square to Saturn now through Monday night. Pleasure meets limitation. You may not be feeling the love. Focus on one thing that brings you joy and don't stress if good news is delayed.
The Moon in Cancer meets up with Mercury Tuesday night. People may decide they need to express their true feelings. I advise against such impulses. Don't drink and dial.
Wednesday is a mixed bag with some pretty hairy Moon, Mars, Uranus and Pluto aspects bringing much needed change and transformation to the forefront. Don't get forced into commitments now and if you feel you must come to some sort of agreement be sure to include an escape clause. Saturn as the planet of last degree this day meaning contracts signed will be enforced.
Friday brings a short but helpful connect between the Moon and Uranus. If you can hold off negotiations until this day you'll save yourself a lot of stress.
Venus leaves flamboyant Leo to more reasonable Virgo on Saturday, July 19. Things should start to make more sense after this.
Here's hoping,
Rosada, EXT 2340