Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sun AND Mercury into Leo: Don't Let The Big Talk Fool You!

I usually try to avoid making negative predictions but what's the point of consulting an oracle if you're not prepared to hear the truth? This week we have some very significant planetary activity so I'm just going to tell it like it is and don't say I didn't warn you!

The problems are coming at us from several directions but the crucial thing to be aware of is that both the Sun and Mercury are going into Leo this week. Passion, drama and a tendency to make big promises and even bigger threats happen when these two prima donas pair up. Suddenly every story gets turned into a soap opera. Every emotion has to be jacked up a notch. Friends can't just like each other, they must be Soul Mates! Not such good friends are now Sworn Enemies! It's fun that successes can now be triumphs but  must difficulties become such tragedies? Your heart strings are going to be very vulnerable these next seven days so be careful about how you respond. Remember people who are overwrought probably only need your compassionate ear - not your whole paycheck.

On the other hand, if grand pledges have been made to you please don't celebrate till you have the cash in hand. Venus, the planet ruling both love and money is turning retrograde at the end of the week symbolizing backing up from commitments and thus the promised support may not materialize.

Furthermore, Mars, the planet of energy will be squaring accident prone Uranus through till Saturday.  This line up adds the possibility of short tempers and angry rebellions.

So what's the good news, or at least how should one navigate such a mine field? Well, by the end of the week five of the ten planets we look at are going to be retrograde (Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). This should create a sense of a general slowdown so while this can indicate promises being slow to be kept, it can also delay the bad times too. The key thought to hold right now is don't over react and don't over commit. Instead with all those planets moving backwards use the time to bring the past up to date.

We are going through a very crazy time now in the awakening of human consciousness. The idea that we are indeed the creators of our lives and that we manifest experience by what we focus our attention on is catching hold with lightening speed. Yet even as we recognize this truth we have not yet managed to put it to use. We KNOW that focusing on drama only creates more drama but still we get caught up in it. We are addicted to it. This month as the Sun and Mercury turn on the creative power vow to let your focus be on the positive. Let's make this one soap opera with a happy ending.

Thanks for thinking,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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