Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to Read Your Chart Like a Professional Astrologer pt.3 The Signs 7 - 12

Today we continue with our discussion of the signs.

Libra (September 23 - October 23) is the seventh sign of the zodiac. It rules balance, fairness and marriage. If you consider that Virgo is the sign of the bachelor than it makes sense that Libra rules the opposite, the marriage partner. Planets in Libra will reveal what we are looking for in a relationship. Venus, the goddess of love, rules Libra emphasizing that relationships thrive best when people have an attitude of acceptance towards their loved ones rather than attempting to change a partner or to impose restrictions. The previous sign,Virgo, had a reputation for being critical because their job is to look for errors. That's not always the best approach in partnership however, so Libra is known for having developed diplomatic, gracious, good manners.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22) is the eighth sign of the zodiac. It is the most intense sign of all, as if here the balanced scales of Libra have been swinging back and forth so wildly that now planets in Scorpio manifest their most extreme characteristics. Pluto, the god of life and death and the underworld, is the ruler of Scorpio and where you find Pluto in your chart tells you where you are going to have your most extreme life changing experiences.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 23) is the ninth sign of the zodiac. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, planets in Sagittarius tell how you will broaden you mind and widen your world. It's as if after all the intensity of Scorpio the soul says, "This is too much! I gotta get out of here. I need to go on vacation, travel, clear my head, get a new perspective."

Capricorn (December 23 - January 22) is the tenth sign of the zodiac. It is ruled by Saturn the planet of experience and harsh reality. it's as if after all the traveling in Sagittarius a soul has accumulated enough experience to have a fairly realistic view of the world. There's a feeling of now wanting to organize the parts of our lives that have become scattered, to make sense of it all. Planets in Capricorn tend to be organized, practical and businesslike. The sign brings out the the dutiful, cautious, and pessimistic side of us.

Aquarius (January 22 - February 21) is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. After the rules and restrictions in Capricorn, Aquarius brings out the rebel. I think of the saying, "You first have to know the rules in order to break them," and that other well used phrase, "Think outside the box." Aquarian energy shakes things up. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and also the ruler of electricity. This makes sense when you consider what a game changer electricity was when the electric light bulb first came on the scene. Whenever you see planets in Aquarius know you are dealing with a player who isn't going to toe the party line. Planets in the sign of The Individual think for themselves and sometimes do unexpected things just to show they can.

Pisces (February 22 - March 21) is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac. Aquarius launched you in whole new directions - Pisces gets you utterly lost in space. Here planets are successful depending on how willing they are to trust their instincts. Neptune, the god of the seas, rules this sign of dreams and things that are nebulous, not solid. Where you have Neptune in your chart shows where you are most likely to be aware of your intuition, where feelings mean more than facts. Planets in Pisces tend to have a hard time maintaining focus but can lead to great spiritual insights.

Okay, now you're ready to start putting together the planets in combination with the sign they are in. A good exercise is to pick a planet and then just run through your mind how that planet might function in each of the signs. Let's take the Moon as an example.

When the Moon, ruling focus and feelings and what one notices or responds too,, is in the sign of the self, Aries, people tend to be self absorbed.
Moon in Taurus = we seek peace and quiet, stability and creature comforts.
Moon in Gemini = we want to communicate, to feel mentally connected.
Moon in Cancer = we want emotional security, a sense of home and family.
Moon in Leo = we respond to children and things that are in a state of developing, being created.
Moon in Virgo = there's a pull towards tidiness, a sense of order.
Moon in Libra = makes us aware of others.
Moon in Scorpio = pulls us towards privacy.
Moon in Sagittarius = gives a desire to travel, to leave past dramas behind.
Moon in Capricorn = a longing for simplicity, system.
Moon in Aquarius = now a desire to change the system, to be unique, original.
Moon in Pisces = a feeling to blend in with the flow, to be one with the greater system.
Now try this exercise with the other planets and soon you'll be talking to the planets like a professional!

Meanwhile, thanks for talking to me!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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