Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cancer Christmas Full Moon. Let Your Feelings Soar!

Awakenings aplenty this week:

Winter Solstice on Monday December 21 marks the longest night of the year. It's grand time for fellowship and feasting. Remember when two or three people are gathered together with intention, Higher Consciousness is there also.
Intend something good!

The Christian holiday of Christmas falls on Friday with a Super Full Moon. Our emotions will be stronger than our ability to suppress them so don't even try. Just hold onto that earlier intention of good will and enjoy the ride.

Okay, you've got the ideas now watch and see some major shifts and miracles manifesting over the weekend as Uranus, the god of electricity, turns direct thus electrifying - bringing to life! - the visions you've been holding.

How this will manifest in your personal life will probably be something along the lines of seeing opportunities to bring dreams into reality. Thus if you got together with some friends on the Winter Solstice and talked about how wonderful it is to be warm and cosy on a winter's night, Higher Consciousness will make you start to wish everyone could be warm too, and then...the feeling grows and...On the Christmas full Moon your feeling of compassion reaches  such a peak as you sense your own joy of home and family but also feel the heartache of those who are lost... and suddenly... there's a breakthrough when... Uranus turns direct and you recognize an opportunity where you can help make a difference!

So that's the path this week - talking and sharing + building emotions = surprising new solutions!

I think you will also enjoy being aware of some of the minor aspects taking place this week.
First off we are still in orb of the rare meet up between Mercury and Pluto that took place this last weekend. Pluto tends to first make things go bad but then after clearing out the old, new and better conditions enter in. Thus you may be experiencing situations where at first something goes wrong but then it is replaced by something better - turning lemons into lemonade so to speak. An example happened in my life yesterday when I called a fruit company to complain the gift basket I'd ordered never arrived. They promised to replace it with an even larger basket. :-) So if mix ups happen this week don't get mad, just deal with them calmly and see something better appear.
Thursday Venus in Secretive Scorpio will sextile generous Jupiter in perfectionist Virgo. Playing Secret Santa will be lots of fun and you just may get a surprise gift yourself.

The joining of the planet of Love, Venus in the sign of intense feelings, Scorpio with Jupiter. the planet of expansion, in Virgo the sign of details and perfection. puts me in mind of Mother Teresa's words of wisdom,

"We may not all be able to do great things, but we can all do small things with great love."

Merry Christmas!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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