Contrary to what many of the politicians would have you believe, life in America is at its all-time greatest right now...and getting better every day! This is not just some wishful but baseless affirmation. It's an accurate statement based on observation - and an understanding of how the Universe works.
Where we are and what we have today is the manifestation of what we focused on yesterday and tomorrow will be the manifestation of what we focus our thoughts upon today. In short, the future is our present thoughts made manifest.
When we train ourselves to recognize what's good about today we are training ourselves to see positive patterns in the future. Unfortunately, people get in the habit of complaining about their lives, stating that things cost too much or have gotten too complicated or that somehow things were better in the past.
People make this mistake of seeing life from a negative perspective because they misunderstand their role as co-creator with God. Some believe that God, or some Higher Awareness, created man to be a sort unintelligent low life who must now strive to gain this god's approval. Others believe there is no god at all and so don't aim to please anyone. As I see it however, God is unformed, unseen consciousness - a vibration that ultimately manifests in what appears to be solid physical reality and we are part of this physical manifestation - we are God's consciousness made manifest. Our role then is not to denigrate earthly existence by acting as if we are somehow sinners in need of redemption or worse, powerless bystanders adrift on a rudderless raft. The truth we eventually recognize is that the earth and all that is, is God's vibration made manifest - the physical Universe is God's body, so to speak. Once we get this, the next step is to discover how we can assist in making this consciousness, the power of God, even more visible in the physical world.
We assist the Creator, The Holy Vibration, in It's manifestation process by being aware of what we are feeling for our own inner vibration is the signal we are receiving from God. By putting our attention on what gives us the most happiness, what makes that inner feeling vibrate with the most joy, we are creating an opening for God consciousness to enter and manifest the world.
To many stuck in old religious beliefs that it is suffering that leads to salvation, ideas promoting personal happiness seem selfish and doomed to exploitation. But when you actually practice the art of putting your own happiness first an amazing awareness comes through = we discover that not only do we not become selfish pigs taking many times more than our fair share, we find our greatest joy comes when we share with others.
So today I'm just writing a few paragraphs about the importance and power of recognizing and seeking what you truly want - because when you do, you will feel joy and when you are vibrating joy you are bringing God, the power of creation into life.
To give some astrological support to your quest over the next seven days check out where the planets are going to be:
Mercury has just turned direct in Capricorn. Communicate with clarity! Hints and hopes have their place but this is the month for being specific!
The Moon joins Jupiter in Virgo on Wednesday January 27. Lots of work can be cheerfully accomplished now. It's amazing how quickly things get done when you know exactly what you're after.
Friday the Moon moves into Libra opposing Uranus in Aries. Rebellion against the status quo can lead to major shake ups but that's what makes room for necessary improvements.
Finally on Saturday January 30 Mercury, the mind, will join up with Pluto, power. Some long ignored truths will be coming to public attention. This will cause concern but lead ultimately to healing.
In short, this is the week to be positive, specific and active! Mercury direct in Capricorn says get clear about what you want. Moon conjunct Jupiter will then make you aware of an abundance of opportunities. The Moon opposing Uranus favors breaking out of old routines and then with Mercury conjunct Pluto, strong minded individuals can now bring in a whole new and better world!
To find out your role and how best to play your part,
Give me a call.
Let's do this!
Rosada, EXT 2340