Sunday, January 31, 2016

Pluto Conjunct Venus and the Challenge of the Stars.

They are voting in Iowa this week and the stars aren't taking it lightly.
We have a major smash up of planets coming our way and how it's going to manifest is anybody's guess.

Pluto has been cleaning house in Capricorn for several years now. The planet of death in the sign of governments and heads of state ushered in an era of change in the old guard so total that our whole vision of what it means to be an American has been completely upended. From the basic questions of citizenship - is a candidate born outside the country still eligible to run? - to what America stands for are being reconsidered. Are we a land of freedom and opportunity for all or only for the moneyed few? This week these harsh questions are in our faces as Venus the planet ruling justice crashes into  Pluto, the destroyer on Friday, February fifth. Simultaneously the Moon will be squaring Uranus the planet of surprise manifesting changes that come on like a stomach punch. The aftershocks will resonate far and wide!

As a small example, the Sun and Mars square off a couple of days later on Sunday February 7. If the results of the election create a sense of crisis globally, this clash of the gods could manifest in acts of war both abroad and on the home front.

How can such energies be handled without causing major disaster?

Forewarned is forearmed. Know that during this week ahead there is a heightened potential for violence and accidents. Allow yourself plenty of time to do what you need to do. Try to have your calendar clear by next weekend when there could be many unexpected demands on your resources.

Whatever the outcome of the coming elections, there is a strong vibration of fate, karma and spiritual lessons being acted out now. Maintain poise and persevere.

If you have any interest in sports, hosting a party on Sunday February 7 could be a very effective way to channel the week's competitive energies into something positive and life affirming. 

Certainly the stars are predicting the strongest team is going to win.

Stay focused on the light,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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