After a jolly weekend in the party sign Leo, the Moon moves on into Virgo meaning we'll be painfully aware of any recent over indulgences. We'll feel a need to pay attention to diet, hygiene, and daily schedule and this will be particularly obvious Monday morning when the Moon opposes the Sun in sensitive Pisces. What needs correcting will get the full spotlight. Be gentle with your helpful criticisms least you inadvertently find yourself stomping on someone's dreams.
The Moon has no light of it's own but reflects the light of the Sun and thus where it appears in a chart symbolizes the light - the situations - we respond to. When the Moon is in Virgo we are particularly aware of details and we can become real sticklers for perfection. Knowing there's going to be this tendency towards fault finding can help us consciously direct our efforts to projects that benefit from careful analysis. If we are unaware of the Virgo vibration we may find ourselves wasting our resources by focusing too much attention on situations that don't require so much scrutiny . If you find yourself getting irritated, step back and consider if your project really needs such fine tuning.
Tuesday the Moon continues in Virgo and makes a very productive trine to Pluto. Facts and figures could come together to make big projects flow smoothly. The Moon then continues to find good fortune as it joins up with Venus and then trines Mars. All in all a wonderful time for working together with groups to promote good causes.
Late Wednesday afternoon February 24 the Moon will leave Virgo, the sign of the bachelor, and glide into Libra, the sign of partnership. You have a chance to restore balance to any relationships where you might have been a bit too efficient in pointing out flaws and now you can take advantage of this friendly time to compromise and find mutual support.
Mercury will be sextiling Saturn early Thursday morning. We'll probably be feeling a pullback and want to be more cautious and specific as Mercury rules the mind and Saturn defines our sense of order. The Moon will be making a delightful trine to Venus in Aquarius at this same time so this could be a day where agreements and negotiations flow smoothly.
Trouble starts on Friday. After making all of these lovely connections with almost all the planets all week, on Friday the Moon ends it's stay in Libra by squaring Pluto and opposing rebellious Uranus. Be very careful today or all your good work of the past couple of days could suddenly be disrupted.
Never fear - there will be opportunities for recovery when the Moon goes into Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth, on Saturday February 27. Saturday evening particularly looks like we can get the good vibrations flowing again when The Moon trines the Sun and Neptune, both in Pisces. Nobody's going to want to hang on to old hurts so use this time to pour some wine and see the world through a rose colored glass.
And maybe start the diet again next Monday.
Rosada, EXT 2340
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