The moment when the Moon is at the same degree as the Sun each month is commonly referred to as the New Moon but this is incorrect. This moment when the Moon connects with the Sun - and you cannot see it - is properly called the Black Moon. The New Moon actually happens a few days later when the Moon becomes visible again and we see it as a slim crescent in the sky.
When the Moon exactly connects with the Sun all is dark in the outer world and thus this is the time then when our inner psychic can most easily be accessed. At this moment of the Dark of The Moon - or as we inaccurately call it, the New Moon - we connect with our inner knowing and thus it is the time each month for doing spiritual/ magical ceremonies, verbalizing our affirmations and for doing readings for insights on how best to accommodate the energies that are going to be flowing through us in the month ahead.
This month's Black Moon falls on America's birthday, Independence Day, July Fourth, at 4:01 a.m. The Sun and Moon will be in the sign Cancer along with Mercury and Venus. This puts a major emphasis on the sign of mothers, family and the past. Thus our major life issues are liable to be manifesting in the areas symbolized by our personal individual turf, our own home. Think of it as a Karma Crash Course in The Kitchen.
For example, if this is a lifetime in which you have had difficulties with, say, bullies in your outer world, this month you may find your own family members take on the role of trying to boss you around. Be patient - it's just life giving you opportunities to learn way over due lessons and a chances to gain insights that you can then take out to help you in the larger world.
A more pleasant manifestation could be that if you have a particular love of art and music this month you will have opportunities to invite the muse into your own living room - host a party and follow your bliss. The point is, to successfully navigate your life for the next 28 days put a special focus on creating happiness in your own backyard.
When the Moon exactly connects with the Sun all is dark in the outer world and thus this is the time then when our inner psychic can most easily be accessed. At this moment of the Dark of The Moon - or as we inaccurately call it, the New Moon - we connect with our inner knowing and thus it is the time each month for doing spiritual/ magical ceremonies, verbalizing our affirmations and for doing readings for insights on how best to accommodate the energies that are going to be flowing through us in the month ahead.
This month's Black Moon falls on America's birthday, Independence Day, July Fourth, at 4:01 a.m. The Sun and Moon will be in the sign Cancer along with Mercury and Venus. This puts a major emphasis on the sign of mothers, family and the past. Thus our major life issues are liable to be manifesting in the areas symbolized by our personal individual turf, our own home. Think of it as a Karma Crash Course in The Kitchen.
For example, if this is a lifetime in which you have had difficulties with, say, bullies in your outer world, this month you may find your own family members take on the role of trying to boss you around. Be patient - it's just life giving you opportunities to learn way over due lessons and a chances to gain insights that you can then take out to help you in the larger world.
A more pleasant manifestation could be that if you have a particular love of art and music this month you will have opportunities to invite the muse into your own living room - host a party and follow your bliss. The point is, to successfully navigate your life for the next 28 days put a special focus on creating happiness in your own backyard.
Along with this Sun/Moon emphasis on the sign of our personal space making us feel we must take care of our own individual families, we've got Saturn the planet ruling boundaries continuing to square Neptune, the god who never met a border he couldn't cross. So more astrological emphasis on issues with guests, refugees and intruders. You may not be concerned with Syrian hordes showing up in your driveway but even so you may find that your personal borders seem more porous at this time. Whether it's friends calling you just at suppertime or squirrels invading your bird feeder or pop-up ads distracting you on the computer, awareness of difficulties defending your private space could be on your mind this month. We'll all be finding ourselves having to set clearer, firmer limits even with our nearest and dearest.
On the big screen, the refuge problems in Europe could reach epic proportions as the Saturn/Neptune square causes people to instinctively feel to close their doors to foreigners. Hopefully because we now know of this planetary line up we will be less likely to be overly influenced by paranoia. Otherwise there's going to be a lot of people, and governments, saying, "Sorry, we can't do anything more for you. We can only take care of our own."
On the big screen, the refuge problems in Europe could reach epic proportions as the Saturn/Neptune square causes people to instinctively feel to close their doors to foreigners. Hopefully because we now know of this planetary line up we will be less likely to be overly influenced by paranoia. Otherwise there's going to be a lot of people, and governments, saying, "Sorry, we can't do anything more for you. We can only take care of our own."
Lies and false flags will also attract our attention as reality based Saturn continues to stress duplicitous Neptune. Donald Trump will no doubt continue to urge people to question Hilary Clinton's trustworthiness and we'll be seeing other examples of people complaining we are not being told The Truth. I see where classified information about the Saudi's involvement with 9/11 is finally being released and all sorts of conspiracy theories once again are in the news. How should we handle this confusion of rumors, falsehoods and mumbo-jumbo? I think the first defense is to recognize that all these stories are all concocted to create fear. It's a textbook example of Saturn's version of harsh reality turning imaginative Neptune into a nightmare machine. We all know that when we are scared we tend to stop thinking for ourselves and do what someone else tells us to do. To combat the propaganda we must question the so called facts. Ask ourselves, does what I read make me think more or am I being manipulated to think less? Better yet, remember with the Sun in Cancer this month it's definitely appropriate to turn off the news and retreat into our shells, our own worlds where we feel safe and can do our own thing.
So once again, the best way to navigate the next 28 day cycle is to protect your boundaries, don't listen to negative propaganda and become even more self-reliant.
So once again, the best way to navigate the next 28 day cycle is to protect your boundaries, don't listen to negative propaganda and become even more self-reliant.
Indeed, this could be a grand time for a family vacation away from it all with only your nearest and dearest!
...Just be sure to lock the doors set a few mouse traps before you go.
Safe and sane,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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