I'm so excited to share with you a conversation I'm having with a student of Dr. Masaru Emoto about the amazing power of music and water-crystal photographs to restore well being in your body and life! This lady had been having sever stress in her life when she came across his work and now credits his ideas with what she calls a miraculous recovery. So without further ado I pass on what she told me about his work and methods...
For centuries, people have turned to classical music to calm and relax their emotions. Dr. Emoto has taken music beyond it's well known ability to sooth and harnessed it's power to actually heal.
In his book "Water Crystal Healing" he demonstrates how our cells and organs have a measurable vibration. He found that the origin of any disease is a disturbance of this vibration within the cell. Furthermore, he found that he was able to restore proper balance to these cells by introducing another vibration that would cancel out the distorting one. Results from using his techniques include; improved function of the nervous system, decreased joint and back pain, improved lymphatic and immune systems, and the release of negative emotions such as anxiety, self pity, and depression!
The way he introduces the balancing vibration is by having the subject listen to certain types of music that have been found to have the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone and melody to counter act the negative vibe and thus create healing.
In his book "Water Crystal Healing" he demonstrates how our cells and organs have a measurable vibration. He found that the origin of any disease is a disturbance of this vibration within the cell. Furthermore, he found that he was able to restore proper balance to these cells by introducing another vibration that would cancel out the distorting one. Results from using his techniques include; improved function of the nervous system, decreased joint and back pain, improved lymphatic and immune systems, and the release of negative emotions such as anxiety, self pity, and depression!
The way he introduces the balancing vibration is by having the subject listen to certain types of music that have been found to have the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone and melody to counter act the negative vibe and thus create healing.
Dr Emoto found composers whose works are particularly effective include the classical artists Wagner, Strauss, Tchaikovsky and Debussy. You can find these pieces on youtube and experiment for yourself:
The Blue Danube - for improved lymphatic flow.
Prelude to Act 1 from the opera Lohengrin - for alleviating joint pain.
The Swan of Tuonela - for activating neurotransmitters.
Dialouge Du Vent et de La Mer - helps to lift depression, improve immune system.
While you can experience positive results simply listening to this music, you can further enhance the effects by meditating on photographs Dr Emoto has made of water crystals that were exposed to these pieces. These pictures are included in his book, Water Crystal Healing, available through Amazon.
It sounds to me like Dr. Emoto's unique methods are eventually going to be part of the healing of our planet. But why wait? Put on some music, pour yourself a glass of water and use his discoveries to feed your soul right now!
Rosada, EXT 2340