So much has been written about the up coming election that I vowed this week I'd do us all a favor and write about something else entirely!
I had no sooner made this intention when I got a phone call from a former classmate. Amber and I met when we took a course in hypnotherapy together and while I chose to pursue my interest in astrology she stayed with the program and has gone on to be a well known and highly respected therapist in Orange County. I was delighted to hear from my old friend and got her to agree to let me share some of her stories and insights here.
As you probably know, psychologists often treat their clients over a long period of time. My own sister saw a therapist weekly for seventeen years and while I think they came to feel very deeply about each other - which is very important in any healing or helping relationship. Indeed, Amber commented that it is not the knowledge that cures but the love that passes between the doctor and the patient and between the teacher and the student that heals. -"Still" I asked Amber, "if there is a problem that is blocking a person from experiencing a full rich meaningful life, shouldn't there be a more efficient way to deal with it than 17 years of talking?" Amber laughed and then launched into this amazing true life adventure tale:
"I had a client whom I'll call Jerry. Before he came to me he had been getting psychiatric care from a variety of physicians his entire adult life. He confided how at first he experienced a deep sense of relief simply from being able to express his thoughts privately to a caring non-judgemental professional. He felt being able to be his true self with out fear of being shamed was worth the price of the consultations right there. However he wanted more. He didn't want to just be reassured that his anger, failed relationships, and anxiety attacks were understandable - he wanted them to be gone, he wanted to be normal, he wanted to be happy. So after a period of time when one doctor didn't seem to make him feel any better he would try someone else and then someone else and so on..
"He didn't blame the doctors for not being able to do more for him. Indeed, he was very grateful for the deep and insightful diagnoses they would give him. In fact he admitted he was sort of flattered no one seemed able to help him, as if he was a very unique and complicated individual.
"And so he continued to seek out one therapist after another sometimes spending as much a $500 an hour to pay for the help - all the while being assured that while he was nuts [Amber's words, not the doctors'!], he was certainly getting better. Only it didn't feel that way to him. It seemed like the therapy had only made him feel more comfortable with his nuttiness - that is, jobless and unable to have relationships and basically afraid to leave the house.
"When his latest therapist announced her retirement - which Jerry saw as another failed relationship leaving him abandoned once again - she suggested he call me although I am not a therapist in the traditional sense. I practice hypnosis and I only see a client once or twice for the same issue. Not because I don't want to - but because I don't need to. So Jerry came to see me, we had three sessions and last I heard he's no longer in any sort of therapy - he's putting his money into river rafting instead!"
Wow, I was impressed. I've known many people who have been helped with hypnosis but Amber seemed to have really refined her art into a science so I asked her what she did that made her work so successful and particularly were there any helpful ideas she could teach me and my readers?
Her first suggestion surprised me as I had never heard it before. "When ever we pay money for something or give our time and attention to something, we want it to be a wise investment. Have you ever paid to have a mechanic fix your car and then been annoyed when it turned out you spent all that money and there wasn't much wrong at all, like maybe you just needed a screw tightened? Likewise, when we see a doctor we subconsciously are wanting to be really really sick. We want to be assured that our money was well spent, that our condition is indeed difficult and that we could not possibly have gotten better on our own. Right off the bat this mind set creates an obstacle to healing because we are thinking, 'I'm paying a lot of money - I better be sick!!' This is why I start off by telling a client I will only see him for two, maximum three sessions. This sets up a clear goal and a deadline - a powerful incentive to get better quick"
Her second suggestion also got my attention, "Often my clients have been to hypnotists before where they have been told to relax and visualize success. I tell my people to visualize death [!] I guide them to see and talk to the people they would most like to meet on the other side - usually that's a parent but sometimes it's Jesus or even their future selves. These conversations get very deep very quickly and usually result with the person getting some sort of revelation about who he is, what his life purpose is and inspire him to heal."
Her final suggestion made me laugh: "Here's a tip your readers can all try themselves at home. I give everyone a card and tell them to carry it in their wallet because it is advice more valuable than gold." And what does the card say?
Works for me - and obviously for a lot of other people too!
Thanks Amber, you are a great teacher and a true treasure.
Rosada, EXT 2340