A long time client and friend called me last week but rather than discussing another friend's up coming marriage (after months of frustration with nasty planets blocking every move finally turning direct) we were now dealing with a stupid but painful health issue. It seems that in trying to be a helpful member of the team when folks had gathered to prepare the church where the wedding was to be held, my friend foolishly lifted a very heavy box and did some real damage to her shoulder muscles. Talk about no good deed going unpunished! She is now getting medical attention but the healing process has been slow and she was wondering if the planets or the cards could give her further suggestions for recovery. If you read my column for last week you know that the planets right now are creating some very harsh conditions and when I laid out the cards they too seemed to only say, "It is what it is." Still, I have found that prayer and positive thinking can work miracles so we talked for a bit about what she could think or say to make the whole healing process a bit less arduous and maybe even fast forward her rejuvenation. It occurred to me some of you reading this might also be struggling with health issues so I thought I would post here some of the more meaningful ideas that came out of our conversation:
Your thoughts create your TOTAL physical experience. We usually think of thoughts manifesting things - that is, we think of our thoughts being able to guide us to manifesting things we want and maybe also helping us in getting jobs or maybe even a relationship but we don't really get it that it is our thoughts that create our physical body. Yet, when you do think about it, the first area the thoughts are going to impact is the body - and vice versa, that is, how we are feeling physically then creates our thoughts. When we think positively we tend to smile and to look good and thus draw prosperity to us, which makes us feel even better and thus we think even more positive thoughts and create even more good feeling - a great spin to be in! However, when we're thinking negatively we start looking grumpy and stop taking good care or ourselves which causes us to feel even worse and it becomes a vicious downward spiral. Therefore, no matter how bad you are feeling, no matter how bleak the outlook for the future, it is imperative you allow words of encouragement to circulate around and through you. Words have a vibration. Repeating a positive mantra like, "Health, Happiness and Wholeness" in the back of one's mind throughout the day has got to manifest in something positive by the next.
Now my caller and I discussed why did she manifest injuring herself when her thoughts had been all about wanting to be helpful? It's hard for an outsider to know exactly what thought caused a condition. Perhaps she had been so focused on this wedding being a heavy difficult responsibility that it continued to manifest that way even when the major difficulties had already been resolved. Or maybe it was the Universe saying "Don't be a show off!" when she charged in to lift the heavy boxes. Who knows? It really doesn't matter. The important thing is that she now focus her mind on the positive things she now wants to manifest more of. But what if if you can't see anything positive in your current circumstances? Don't be discouraged. Realize your current circumstances are already in the past because they are the manifestation of past thinking! Ignore your circumstances and let the positive words vibrate you to the higher healthier wave length. You may not see the manifestation for a certain amount of time - it depends on how quickly and completely you can turn away from the old ideas that made you feel stressed and think about new things that make you feel good - but eventually you will see the change because that's all the physical world is - the solidification of our feelings.
Humor of course is the best medicine. Why is that, do you suppose? I think it's because humor is based on the idea of surprise. A joke is funny because the punchline is unexpected. It breaks up an old idea and pops in a new one that causes us to see things from a totally different perspective - and isn't that what we need for healing? Humor helps us to break out of an old sick way of looking at reality and suddenly have a totally different - healthier! - way of seeing at things.
Rosada, EXT 2340