Sunday, February 5, 2017

Lunar Eclipse Friday February 10 in Leo - Messages from The Sacred Heart.

Clear your calendar's this week, Friends!
Messages are coming in from higher source and will be speaking to each of us.
Let he that hath ears, let him hear!

How do we know this is true? Look at the planetary line-up:

Sun in Aquarius means light and empowerment coming to the individual. The month of Aquarius is the month when we're making new plans, new resolutions, re-calibrating, and re-aligning with our soul purpose. The influence of the outside world - what other people think - is at it's lowest ebb when the Sun is in Aquarius. For thirty days we have a chance to hear our own thoughts and think for ourselves.

The Moon will be eclipsing the Sun on Friday February 10 meaning the conscious mind will be eclipsed by the unconscious allowing the often drowned out inner voice to heard and be recognized.

Furthermore, Mercury, the messenger of the Gods has just arrived in Aquarius to facilitate translating this Sun/Moon energy into telepathic signals we can each understand!
This combination of the Sun strengthening the individual and the Moon strengthening awareness of the unconscious and Mercury here to translate, promises the wisdom of the Universe will be coming through clear and strong to all those who wish to put their attention on this potential.  Listen up!
The stars will be speaking your language!

To best prepare to get the most out of this astonishing download of psychic information coming through over the next seven days there are several things you can do:

Venus will be in Aries. When the Goddess of Love is in the sign of the Ram she is only attracted to strong, bold courageous types. Attract her attention by standing up for your beliefs. Take action of some sort that differentiates you from the herd.

Mars is in Aries too this month. We hear a lot of talk of war when Mars the War God is in this sign. Make an effort to direct your energies to something productive.

Jupiter has turned retrograde signifying resolution to legal matters being held back and delayed. You may want to hold off making major decisions now too.

Saturn is traveling through the last five degrees of that often too big sign Sagittarius. "Keep It Simple" is his mantra. Follow that advice and everything else shall be added unto you.

So once again, the dates to watch for are the night of the eclipse, March 9 -10. Keep your life as simple and clutter free as you can leading up to this date and then watch for major clarity to be lighting up your space in the days and weeks following.

And unless you are a die hard Trump fan, please don't think about him at all this week. We grow to become like that which we focus on and this week we want to contemplate only our greatest and highest good.

Stay strong,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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