August 21 brings us the major celestial event of 2017, the Total Solar Eclipse. It will be happening at 28 - 29 degrees Leo, exactly on Donald Trump's ascendant. Unless you've been touring a different galaxy this last week you already know the president has been in the spot light getting into trouble again, this time for refusing to condemn outright the actions of the neo-Nazi hate groups. This eclipse landing on his ascendant Monday alerts us that the outrage he's stirred up isn't going to calm down nearly as quickly as his past dramas have. In fact, as the influence of an eclipse can color events for days, weeks and months into the future we're probably going to be having more upsets that will change things forever in the days ahead.
The ascendant in an astrological chart describes a person's personality. The 28 - 29th degree of Leo here describes a leader who is seen as fiery and charismatic - someone strong willed. dominant, and full of self-confidence. Sound like Donald? It also can mean an arrogant, over-controlling despot who is resistant to change. Again, anyone we know? To add even more fuel, the eclipse will be conjuncting the fixed star Regulus which is also on Trump's ascendant. Regulus is known as "The King Maker" and when a chart has planets at the Regulus degree the native is sure to be blessed - or cursed! Blessed because Regulus bestows great wealth and power but cursed if the native doesn't use his blessings as a benefit for all and especially cursed if the native seeks revenge, in which case the blessings turn and destroy him.. I'm thinking how Trump couldn't let go of Hilary's near victory and how he still threatens to go after her. I wonder if this thirst for "revenge" has somehow tipped the karmic scales to galvanize those who oppose him and to totally up end his administration?
The effect of an eclipse doesn't necessarily show up on the exact day it occurs. The influence of an eclipse lasts for weeks - maybe for the entire year. However, as Trump has some other significant transits happening in the month ahead so we may see the predicted turmoil manifesting in just a few weeks. On September 2, the God of war, Mars, will be joining with Mercury, the messenger God, right on the degree of Trump's birth Mars. Angry words could led to a resignation - or bloodshed.
There is one bright spot in the upcoming planetary alignments. Uranus, the planet ruling change, will be in a positive position which could foretell change coming in a less disruptive manner than the Mars aspect might suggest. However it comes though, change is the only constant this month.
On a less serious note, I've been watching youtube videos about diet and feng shui. Feng shui - again for those of you only recently arriving on the planet - is the oriental art of placement. It is the study of how the arrangement of things can have an affect on our lives. Proper feng shui is said to promote the positive flow of chi - the life force - so when one has their home properly arranged and energy flows it's inevitable prosperity grows!
Good feng shui ideas for diets include the old stand-byes like eating off a smaller plate and using a larger fork, but did you know a blue plate decreases the appetite? Also, a plate with a design on it fools the eye - and the stomach! - into thinking we're eating more and thus we feel full and eat less. Disclaimer: I haven't tried these
tips myself but if you do I'd love to hear about your results!
You can reach me at 410 -750-0077.
I look forward to it!
Rosada, EXT 2340