For example, this aspect is happening while the worst hurricane in 500 years rages in Texas. My prediction is that harsh as this reality is, it will prove to be a blessing because it will lead us to finally recognize the reality of global warming.
Further, as this placement is in Sagittarius, the sign ruling honesty and education, we will no doubt have the true facts coming out in lots of other areas of our lives too. I have been watching videos explaining the historical significance of the monuments now being taken down. Once you know the truth behind them - how these statues are to commemorate the Confederates who killed the most Americans or who were the founders of the KKK - you are sickened that they were ever allowed to be erected in the first place. Just as no statues honoring Hitler stand in Germany and no Americans want statues of Osama Bin Laden erected in New York, we also wont continue to tolerate Robert E. Lee statues in the South when we understand the motivation behind them. But first the truth of what is going on has to be brought out before we can move forward and that is what Saturn in Sag symbolizes is happening now.
The good news is that while ordinarily it is often very disturbing to have our dirty secrets revealed, on this day - Wednesday, August 30 - there is also going to be such a positive link between the Moon and Mars and Uranus - the planets that often bring disruption - that the desire to get to the bottom of things and the relief that will come when we realize we no longer need to maintain facades, will be so overwhelming that the pain of exposure will be quickly erased with the joy of moving forward.
Enjoy your week!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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