Heaven welcomed an angel home this week. Louise Hay, acclaimed author and founder of Hay House, past away at age ninety. She was a leader in New Age consciousness and the person many of us credit with first opening our eyes to the power of attraction. Her best selling book, "You Can Heal Your Life" launched her career as a New Age super star. Rather than repeating the vague and complicated teachings common in metaphysical circles back then, her book gave clear specific guidance for finding the causes of physical ailments and provided specific affirmations for restoring balance and harmony. Her wisdom was embraced by thousands but she did not use her popularity for self aggrandizement. Instead she founded the publishing company Hay House and introduced the world to the words of such brilliant newcomers as Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. We who loved her are saddened to lose her physical presence but we know her generous loving spirit continues. Happy travels, Louise.
The astrological aspects this week point to a vacuum in the leadership department. The Sun representing the one who is in charge is approaching it's annual opposition to nebulous Neptune - which means whoever is giving the orders for the next ten days or so may not have a clue as to what they're talking about. In fact, each of us individually may find ourselves having a hard time staying on track with our own to-do list and on the larger scale we may have to deal with bosses who aren't clear about what they want or elected officials who seem to be off in la-la land. The good news is that while Neptune rules confusion, it also opens the door to higher consciousness. Thus while we may not be able to follow our stated intentions, if we're able to let go and let God we may find things work out better than we could have ever imagined. At the very least it's a time for turning lemons into lemonade.
Mars is doing some scary things over the next couple of days. Along with the communication planet Mercury, the God of War will be making a powerful connection with Trump's ascendant - so he will be feeling threatened and sending out some threatening tweets himself. Once again he's going to have the world community questioning his ability to govern but Venus trining Chiron, the planet that portends healing, wont let his impulsive nature destroy the country - not this week anyway.
Saturn, the planet defining organization and authority, has been retrograde since April - which may be why Congress has been so unable to get it's act together. Saturn turned direct last Friday, so as it picks up speed we may see our Senators and Representatives, whose job it is to act as a check and balance to the demands of the President, finally breaking away from party loyalty and individual members starting to speak for themselves.
Saturn turning direct in Sagittarius and heading towards the self-discipline sign of Capricorn could also be an omen that our success in the months ahead is going to largely depend on our abilities to be self-sufficient. Those who take charge of their health and take care with their diet wont need to worry about what the government does with health insurance. Those who take responsibility for their children's education wont be effected by the gutting of our public schools. If we each of us reach out to befriend those of other races and religions we will create a world of love even the best government regulations could not provide.
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