Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Dali Lama, "How to Expand Love"

Every day I get calls from people asking about their love lives. Although each person's situation is different, the main stumbling block seems to be that most of us don't have a clear understanding of what love is. Now to adequately define love probably requires the skills of a musician or a poet, but I have received some interesting visions and messages so in the hopes of being helpful I am going to tell you about them now.

When I first realized we all tend to have a rather distorted opinion as to what this extraordinary power is all about, I thought I'd start by consulting the Bible.

What is love?
1 Corinthians 13.4 - 8:
Love suffers long and is kind;
Love envies not;
Love vaunts not itself, is not puffed up.
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil, rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.

Whew, that covers it pretty much I guess! And yet, while this passage seems to describe the qualities of love well enough, I still didn't feel I really had a handle on what we are dealing with here. I next lit a red candle (the color to burn for love and relationship prayers) and asked that I might receive a vision of love. Immediately I felt as if I were in outer space and I saw myself surrounded by what seemed to be clouds of glittering pink fluff. As I focused more closely I saw hundreds and thousands of sharp jagged rocks scattered about among these clouds. Where the cloud cover was thin the rocks were banging into each other while where it was thick the rocks seemed to be protected, cushioned. The whole effect was that these clouds were a visual of what love is, a sort of softening space saver that holds us all together but also prevents us from knocking into each other. I was impressed with an awareness that if this is love it doesn't have to "do" anything, it just gives us space and allows each of us to do our own thing, to find our own place of peace and comfort. Also I saw that space is not empty but that it is filled with this sort of cloud or jello like substance and that we each have more or less of it surrounding us. Obviously those rocks who had more of this protective substance were able to move about without being bashed by the others while those with only a few wisps were not so fortunate. And that was it, that was my whole vision but it certainly left me with the desire to know how to create more of this substance that seems to fill the Universe and so completely protects and provides for us. Then - wouldn't you know it? - as so often happens when we sincerely seek answers, I found I had another book that addressed this very question!:

How to Expand Love, by His Holiness, the Dali Lama.
It is my sincere hope that any of you who are looking to cultivate love in your lives will seek out and read this book for yourselves but meanwhile I will give you a few highlights to work with...

The Dali Lama explains that love begins as energy - self-centered energy that we can transform into outwardly directed compassion in seven steps.

1)Identify a friend,
 Starting with the premise that we have set aside our tendency to put people in categories (such as friend or enemy), the first step is to create a strongly positive attitude towards others in ever widening circles. We begin with considering a friend as a model for how to value other not so close friends and from there gradually move outward to include neutral friends and finally enemies.

2)Remember a kindness.
 The second step involves reflecting on kindnesses received from one's mother or from other close friends - especially from childhood when we were particularly dependent on the care and attention from others.

3) We vow to return these kindnesses to others to help in their development.

4) Now we really start learning to love.
 After enhancing our feelings of closeness to others in the first three steps the Dali Lama offers exercises for developing these feelings of concern which then expand finally into love. I wont go into detail about the exercises here but basically they are about being a friend to all, to stop harming, to start helping.

5) Cultivate compassion.
Imagine yourself switching places with those who are suffering. Have a strong wish to see others happy. Have mercy.

6) Become fully committed to altruism, meaning without hope of reward, provide help to others.

7) Finally seek to improve yourself that you may be of even more help to others.

Again, Whew! These are tall orders and are obviously a life long study. Still, it encourages me to at least have this game plan. :-)

For more insights into how your astrological chart reveals your true talents and how you personally can expand love, give me a call!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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