We had some friends over for dinner last week and decided to cap off the evening with a friendly game of Scrabble. Now my husband and I play almost every day so we have an arsenal of two letter words in our brains - obscure words like Qi and Aa that no one else has heard before much less uses. This often leads to heated debates when we play with folks who aren't avid Scrabble fans themselves and sure enough we weren't far into it when the protests began. How did we figure Za was a word and even if it were a word, if we didn't know the meaning should it still count? We hadn't thought to review the rules with each other before we played so everyone had their own theory and it wasn't pretty. At one point one of the friends even left the table to calm down! Meanwhile I - who can't handle any sort of dissension - found my self in the awkward position of having the highest score and so at the end of the game when everyone was mad at each other, I didn't dare mention the fact I was the winner. I just quickly fixed a round of root beer floats and we moved on. We're all still speaking as far as I know but the experience led me to reflect on the major aspect we're all dealing with this week is a Jupiter, the planet of blessings, opposite Uranus, the planet of upset, upheaval and ultimately freedom. The message here is that at this time we can all expect to be going through some sort of situation or test where we may be totally justified in our position and yet to claim our rights means breaking with tradition and perhaps losing as much as we might gain. For me, I was the winner fair and square but to make much of it might have ruined a very nice evening. I chose to let go of my crowing rights but that might not be the right decision for you. Just be aware you might need to stand up and speak for yourself this week and it may not be easy.
Another example of this being a time when bravery is required to assert our rights, I note the latest Trump induced drama with his bad mouthing (bad tweeting?) the football players who refused to salute the flag as a protest to racism and police brutality. The Supreme Court ruled in 1943 that no one could be pressured to salute the flag on the grounds the laws concerning the separation between Church and State forbid the government requiring anyone to publicly proclaim their faith. Even so, the action of the football players is reopening the debate. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!
Another significant planetary aspect coming up:Another example of this being a time when bravery is required to assert our rights, I note the latest Trump induced drama with his bad mouthing (bad tweeting?) the football players who refused to salute the flag as a protest to racism and police brutality. The Supreme Court ruled in 1943 that no one could be pressured to salute the flag on the grounds the laws concerning the separation between Church and State forbid the government requiring anyone to publicly proclaim their faith. Even so, the action of the football players is reopening the debate. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!
Pluto, the planet of life-death-and extreme transformation, has been retrograde since April and will be turning direct in Capricorn on Thursday September 28. This means that changes we have been going through on the inner level these last five months will now become much more obvious in the outer world. My own personal experience with this shift seems to be playing out around my new digs. My husband and I moved into a new home last April and it has a spare bedroom where I have piled high with all the clutter I've been dragging around with me for 10 years. I definitely intended to sort through it "eventually" and also we intended to eventually rent out this room too. However... I haven't done anything more since I got my boxes stuffed in there the first day we moved in six months ago. I've been very aware of it, felt guilty about it, and yet...nothing has changed. Well yesterday an old friend came to town, dropped in and announced she's looking for a room to rent! My husband and I both see her as a perfect fit and so now at last I am inspired to actually complete the junk room transformation. Pluto-retrograde signaled change was starting on the inner level last April when we first got the house. Now Pluto-direct is telling us change is going to be happening on the outer level too. Our friend is intending to move in the first of December - right when Saturn - the harsh reality planet - turns direct. I see this a warning I've got two months to sort my things and get the room together or else...it's all going to the dump. Really! I'm going to do it! You read it here first...
Incidentally, although Saturn turning direct the beginning of December can mean that's our cut off date for completing significant changes, there's a very helpful aspect for making changes coming up the end of this week you might want to grab on to: Mars will be trining Pluto on Saturday and Sunday meaning a major power surge. Just be sure to channel it in a positive direction.--
Rosada, EXT 2340
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