Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3. The Empress - Something Good on The Horizon

The most effective way to memorize the meanings of the tarot cards is to study them in order as we're doing here and to link together a story from one card to the next. So far we have The Fool, about to step off a cliff, then The Magician saying, "Focus on where you are right now," and next the High Priestess meaning, "Wait patiently." To connect these three you could say, "One day a Fool went out for a stroll. He wasn't particularly paying attention to anything when suddenly something caught his eye. There was a Man (Magician) waving his arms. 'Pay attention!' the man cried. The Fool stopped and waited, as quiet as a High Priestess. And then..."

And then we come to The Empress card. The Empress is one of the most positive cards in the deck. She is a beautiful woman, obviously pregnant, sitting contentedly in her beautiful garden. The feeling is that we are surrounded with opportunity and that something wonderful is about to happen. She tells us the world is supportive of our hopes and wishes. In our story we could say that when the Fool paused and started to pay attention to his surroundings he became aware of possibilities he's never noticed before.

In a reading The Empress promises you your period of waiting is about to bare fruit. Of course this could be a warning to be careful what you focus on, because primarily the meaning of this card is simply that any idea given enough time and attention will manifest in physical reality even the negative ones. (Speak of the devil and he appears!) However, in general you can assume The Empress, who's planetary association is Venus, is an omen of Good Fortune and Abundance. 

I hope you will refer back often to this card this week because The Empress teaches that what we focus on manifests and as you allow her to share your world these next seven days you absolutely should get clear evidence this is true.

To help yourself really get in tune with her energy look at what The Empress is doing and see if you can do something similar. Dress lavishly and invite some friends over. Prepare to serve them fresh fruit. Maybe share some small gifts. Small is a key thought here by the way: The Empress creates not by taking on the whole world, but by APPRECIATING each individual moment. 

And I very much appreciate you reading this blog!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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