Wednesday, August 3, 2011

0. Fool's Rush In

Today we begin our online Tarot Workshop. If you have not yet purchased a tarot deck there are hundreds to choose from. With my Capricorn rising I go for the more traditionally drawn cards so I recommend the Waite-Rider version. It is a beautifully drawn deck and widely available. Of course you should pick a deck with pictures you enjoy and feel comfortable with. (I make a point of mentioning this because someone once gave me a very fancy deck where all the characters were nude. The friend was disappointed I didn't care to read using this deck but, geeze, I couldn't keep a straight face in front of clients while flipping over all these pictures of naked ladies!) You should also secure a nice scarf to wrap your cards in. It's very important to treat your cards as you would a valued friend. As you take the cards seriously you'll find you are programing your unconscious to take them seriously too, thus increasing your ability to receive more profound insights from them. I would particularly avoid letting anyone who does not share your respect for tarot handle your cards.
There are 78 cards in the tarot which are divided into two decks. The first deck is known as The Major Arcana. It is made up of 22 cards representing the ten planets and the twelve signs of the zodiac. The second deck, known as The Minor Arcana, is made up of 56 cards and is the basis for the standard deck of playing cards we are all familiar with today.
We will begin our study with The Fool, the first card of The Major Arcana. Pause now and pull it out of your deck. (I know you will be tempted to skip this step and just read the column but if you're going to get the most out of this study you need to have your own card from your own deck in front of you!) Key elements to notice in the picture are the fact The Fool is looking off into the clouds and not watching where he is going or listening to his dog who barks to warn him he is about to step over the edge of the cliff. The impression is that something is about to happen, something that we didn't see coming and that no one could have prepared us for. However, the card is considered to be very positive. Some decks have the Fool stepping off the cliff onto a rainbow bridge indicating that while we may not know where we are going, the future will materialize as we move forward to meet it. The message of The Fool is "Follow your bliss!"
 The Fool is associated with the planet Uranus, the planet known for unexpected flashes of insight, sudden events that can change your life forever.
 The Fool card is numbered zero meaning the Fool is not connected to the worldly order of things, has no preconceived agenda and thus has a purity, an innocence, he represents "Beginner's Luck."
 If you've ever played a card game that used the joker you are already familiar with the meaning of this card, the only one of the major arcana included with the standard playing deck. The Fool or Joker is known as the "Wild Card" and in a game to draw this card is considered lucky. Likewise, in a reading it signifies some unexpected or fortunate event, some unanticipated twist of fate that works out in your favor.
What if the Fool comes up reversed?  Reversed cards don't necessarily mean the exact opposite of their upright meaning. If the Fool right side up means "Good Luck," reversed he does not automatically mean "Bad Luck." Rather the Fool upside down means beware of foolish optimism. The Fool signifies a leap of faith but reversed the magic doesn't happen. When reversed The Fool warns it's better to not be too trusting, to not take the plunge, to not "be a fool".  
Now for our study assignment. Each week we are going to focus on one card with the idea that what we put our attention on inwardly manifests in our world outwardly. This week we will be focusing on The Fool. Watch for - and keep a record - of coincidences, good luck and the unexpected.  Little things count, like finding a parking place in the shade or a piece of chocolate in the cupboard. The point is, notice good things happening - especially where there might have been a crisis but there wasn't. Like the Fool who looks as if he is about to fall but at the last minute gets distracted and looks at a butterfly instead, you may find after studying The Fool you too see where the angels caused you to pause or take a different route and saved you from catastrophe.
To put yourself in tune with The Fool experience this week, do what The Fool is doing on your tarot card. Dress up, put on a colorful shirt and pack a sack lunch.Take a chance, take a walk and take time to smell the roses! You'll discover we are living in a world of miracles.
Please post your experiences here or call me and I will post them for you.
We're off to a great start!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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