Astrology is my first love, but I must admit, Tarot comes in a close second. While an astrological chart can reveal any secret you care to look for, you do need to know the dates and times and birthplaces for the people you're asking about and some times the whole process of getting the information and setting up the horoscope seems to require more trouble than the question is worth. Plus it's a sort of lonely hobby because, while a lot more people are aware of their birth charts nowadays, usually there aren't too many folks in the room that are as obsessed with the placement of the stars as I am! Not so many people worry about my soul or my sanity or think astrologers are all going to the devil the way they used to, but still astrology is not a widely understood craft. Tarot card reading on the other hand is something everyone can learn to do fairly easily. I don't mean people will understand all the symbols and subtleties of the cards right away - that's a multi-lifetime commitment! - but the signs are clear enough that without a great deal of prodding folks can catch on to the game. With a little encouragement people's minds start linking together and where at first the cards seemed to be merely a random assortment of pictures, soon patterns start forming. Before long everyone can see there really is a connection between our inner thoughts and what manifests in our outer world. Conversations quickly become more meaningful, amazing and fun!
To learn to read Tarot I have devised a study method where we take the cards in order and focus on one card each week. During the week we watch for any people or events that we feel could somehow be a refection of the card we are focusing on. My experience has been that as we do this, the connections become more and more obvious as the weeks go by. For example, in one class I taught, by the eigth week when we were focusing on The Chariot - the card symbolizing cars and travel - some members of the group were manifesting the meanings of the cards so proficiently that two people had to miss class entirely as they suddenly had opportunities to go on trips and one lady even got a new car! Invariably the final week when we study The World card - the last most positive card of the whole deck - everyone reports wonderful stories of good fortune and perfect timing.
So! Does this study sound like something you would like to be involved in? The class will officially begin next week Thursday August 4. The Sun will be making a beautiful sextile to Saturn that day which should encourage stick-to-it-tivness and the Moon will be trining Neptune - wonderful for seeing a cohesive pattern in a fluid whole. If you would like to be a part of this class please send me an email here at this site or give me a call. Of course you can follow along with us even if you don't care to announce your intention to be part of the group, but I do think there is something powerful that happens when we make a commitment. It's as if when you state your intention you then show up on God's radar screen and the angels clear your path!
The first card we will be focusing on is The Fool. If you are the sort who likes to jump into things a little a head of time - note he is about to step off the edge of the cliff! - The Fool is your avatar. You can start tuning into him right now by pulling him out of your tarot deck and placing him by your bed or on your mirror. We will be discussing him in detail next week.
I am looking forward to it!
New Moon in Leo July 30. It's a particularly positive one for manefesting your creative talents. Seize this day and write out your boldest affirmations ever!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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