Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Funny You Should Ask

"Wear my den chairs!" The caller sounded frantic. 
"Could you repeat that?" I asked. Her voice was mumbled and I could barely make out her words but she was obviously in great distress. My cards indicated something about bedrooms but that made no sense. Finally I figured out the question - it helps to be psychic! - the dear soul wasn't promoting wearing furniture, she was trying to find her lost teeth: "Where are my dentures?" After we got her put back together (the missing teeth had fallen behind the night stand) and enjoyed a good laugh, I got to thinking it might be fun to write out some of the other crazy questions folks have come up with over the years.

One that I think even spooked my spirit guides was the fellow who called wanting to know the winner for that afternoon's dog race. I think I've mentioned before how often my information comes through to me as songs playing in the back of my mind. As soon as the man stated the question I started hearing Danny Boy. "Read me the list of dogs that are running and I'll tell you what I pick up on, " I suggested. He did and sure enough, while there was no dog named Danny in the race that day, entrant number 8 was Wistful Tune. I figured that fit the message so I gave him my answer but I cautioned him that I personally was not a gambler and that I couldn't guarantee my angels knew anything about dog races either. We then said goodbye and I didn't give it anymore thought. Well, guess what? The next day he calls me back and not only had the dog won, but now he has his entire family in the living room waiting for me to just say the word - they were all going to bet their life's savings on the next race based on my advice! Youch! I don't know if it truly was a message from my guides or my own fears talking but I immediately started hearing the song, "Hit The Road, Jack!" and told him I had to get off the phone. I think it was the responsible thing to say but of course now I'm forever wondering what if there was a dog named Jack running that day...?

Sometimes people want to know even before their baby is big enough for an ultra sound if the child is going to be a boy or a girl. I tell them what I see in the cards but I also suggest trying the String and Ring test. This is where you thread your wedding ring on a string and have the baby's father hold it like a pendulum over your tummy. If it moves back and forth in a straight line it's a boy, if it goes in a circle it's a girl. One caller was concerned though because she didn't know who the father was and could I please look at the cards and describe him? As she had introduced herself as being married I wondered silently if she was hinting there had been an unauthorized one night stand... Well, the cards can usually describe a person quite accurately so I laid them out hoping what I saw would point to the husband. This time however I didn't know what to say. The cards were describing a very intelligent, handsome, healthy... stranger! Someone far away whom she'd never even met! As I stuttered and stalled she filled in the blanks. It seems she and her husband had been trying unsuccessfully for years to become pregnant and they had finally decided to go for artificial insemination. She was delighted to hear the it appeared the baby would have very healthy genes. I was pleased to know that once again my cards are always right - even if I didn't always interpret them right! Whew!

Well enough silly stories, back to work:
This week leading up to the full moon the sun is in Cancer the sign of home and family and friends who are like family. The recent eclipses have brought secrets out in the open and Saturn is insisting life be looked at with out any roses colored glasses but Jupiter in harmonious Taurus promises if we do all can be forgiven.

Thanks for asking,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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